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"Why in the depths of depression is it necessary to put on a show. Some pills and drink and go to your bed."

You do realise it's that sort of attitude that make people scared to come out and talk to someone about mental health issues?

Bloody ridiculous.

Fair enough, what Richey said was rather morbid but by christ you seem to be disregarding the different effect medication has on different people.

Chemical imbalances in the brain can make people do truly remarkable/odd/horrible things. And it cannot be accounted for.

It was aimed specifically at that post and poster. If he's thinking like that seriously he shouldn't be on a football website.He has shown insight in to the condition in other posts so should know how irresponsible it is posting crap like that. Maybe next time he could put some links to suicide websites.

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I know it's for the responsibility of not crashing it. Not avoiding dafties on the line. It's not like they can swerve. Station staff are responsible for disposing of the mush not taken away by the ambulance. But richey still fancies it, that's? the main thing. Why in the depths of depression is it necessary to put on a show. Some pills and drink and go to your bed.


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I know it's for the responsibility of not crashing it. Not avoiding dafties on the line. It's not like they can swerve. Station staff are responsible for disposing of the mush not taken away by the ambulance. But richey still fancies it, that's? the main thing. Why in the depths of depression is it necessary to put on a show. Some pills and drink and go to your bed.

Deary me.

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It's true. How would you deal with the aftermath. How would you talk to the driver? What if he tops himself next not being able to cope, having Richey spread on the windscreen. It ain't pretty and there's no open coffin.option.

Agreed. Very self-centred from uni, paranoid android (mental issues) and Richie 'deathsdoor' Edwards.

Hopefully the idiots that took umbrage at your perfectly sensible suggestion will develop into life and that Richie will find god, or a friend to talk to (pm me fella if you want).

Depression isn't a happy topic, but it's not an excuse to commit crime or destroy the lives of others.

Edited by BarryHills
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Agreed. Very self-centred from uni, paranoid android (mental issues) and Richie 'deathsdoor' Edwards.

Hopefully the idiots that took umbrage at your perfectly sensible suggestion will develop into life and that Richie will find god, or a friend to talk to (pm me fella if you want).

Depression isn't a happy topic, but it's not an excuse to commit crime or destroy the lives of others.

A past job of mine was to take emergency calls from the railway. I've had to speak to the people who Richey would involve.

One driver mashed a Richey imitator. Another tran behind it had to stop as the driver couldn't bring himself to go through the bits. They had to send two folk out in another train. One who would drive through the mess and one to reverse back with the now gibbering wreck that was the 2nd driver.

Ones near the station are special as well. It gives more people the chance to watch.........if they want to or not.

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Why in the depths of depression is it necessary to put on a show. Some pills and drink and go to your bed.

You only get one suicide, might as well do it in style.

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Agreed. Very self-centred from uni, paranoid android (mental issues) and Richie 'deathsdoor' Edwards.

Hopefully the idiots that took umbrage at your perfectly sensible suggestion will develop into life and that Richie will find god, or a friend to talk to (pm me fella if you want).

Depression isn't a happy topic, but it's not an excuse to commit crime or destroy the lives of others.

Sorry but because I suffer from depression and understand those who go through really dark stages of their life means I am self-centred? Get tae f**k and never return ya c**t.

Edited by uni
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Sorry but because I suffer from depression and understand those who go through really dark stages of their life means I am self-centred? Get tae f**k and never return ya c**t.

So tell me, how would you deal with the driver? What should he say when his kid asks how work was?

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So tell me, how would you deal with the driver? What should he say when his kid asks how work was?

Sorry to sound so...I don't know, self-centered you may call it?

But if you went through everyday thinking the next day was going to be worse than the current one, where you feel like you have the worries of the world on your shoulders, you felt like you constantly needed to sleep yet couldn't because your mind was racing with all the thoughts of worry, self-doubt, dread of getting up the next day to face the exact same scenario I just listed, and to be told to "Get on with it" by numerous people throughout your life because they haven't had the complete misfortune of having to deal with it themselves,

Could you maybe not see it from the depressed persons perspective that maybe they just can't handle it anymore?

Fair enough, people who commit suicide don't always think of other people, but in reality, do any of us always think of the consequences of our actions even in a stable frame of mind? I'm not sure anyone can claim to think of the consequences of every one of their actions.

A person in a depressed mind set I think has a slight bit of leeway(sp?) when forgetting the consequences of such actions.

But it's all opinion, right?

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So tell me, how would you deal with the driver? What should he say when his kid asks how work was?

There will be a policy for that and I'm sure the drivers induction will cover it. You go into the job knowing it's a possibility.

You're really showing yourself to be either totally ignorant or just a bit of a c**t.

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My wife has been diagnosed bi-polar. She has been in depression for years and it has been very difficult at times.

I am a happy go lucky person and I find it very difficult to understand what she goes through. I find myself constantly being very wary of anything that I say to her. I have to be constantly on guard when I am in a place that could potentially be stressful for her, i.e. anywhere public.

She would kick off at the slightest thing and not think of possible consequences to her or anyone around her.

The doctors are now trying to fine tune her medication to get a balance between sanity and zombie, which seems to be working not too bad.

It is easy to laugh about it when she is feeling good but when she slips into a dark patch then it is time to man the trenches.

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Sorry but because I suffer from depression and understand those who go through really dark stages of their life means I am self-centred? Get tae f**k and never return ya c**t.

I sympathise with your depression, but it doesn't give you carte blanche to be an utter p***k. Destroying the life of others isn't right because your depressed, you might have sympathy with murderers that are depressed, sorry but I don't. If that makes me a 'c**t' well I can deal with this. Do you also have anger issues?

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Sorry to sound so...I don't know, self-centered you may call it?

But if you went through everyday thinking the next day was going to be worse than the current one, where you feel like you have the worries of the world on your shoulders, you felt like you constantly needed to sleep yet couldn't because your mind was racing with all the thoughts of worry, self-doubt, dread of getting up the next day to face the exact same scenario I just listed, and to be told to "Get on with it" by numerous people throughout your life because they haven't had the complete misfortune of having to deal with it themselves,

Could you maybe not see it from the depressed persons perspective that maybe they just can't handle it anymore?

Fair enough, people who commit suicide don't always think of other people, but in reality, do any of us always think of the consequences of our actions even in a stable frame of mind? I'm not sure anyone can claim to think of the consequences of every one of their actions.

A person in a depressed mind set I think has a slight bit of leeway(sp?) when forgetting the consequences of such actions.

But it's all opinion, right?

Why would you transfer all of that to a stranger by involving them in your suicide?

Richey has no intention of chucking himself at a train. His post was for effect and does more harm to people genuinely ill than mine explaining the consequences when peple really do it.

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There will be a policy for that and I'm sure the drivers induction will cover it. You go into the job knowing it's a possibility.

You're really showing yourself to be either totally ignorant or just a bit of a c**t.

Of course they know it might happen doesn't lessen the impact........no pun intended.

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Why would you transfer all of that to a stranger by involving them in your suicide? Richey has no intention of chucking himself at a train. His post was for effect and does more harm to people genuinely ill than mine explaining the consequences when peple really do it.

Because people who cannot think straight do not think of the consequences. It is rather hard to when you can't rationalise things properly.

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But he can just now and decided to post it. Why?

I'm not referring to Richey. I'm referring to what you meant when you said "Why would you transfer all of that on a stranger by involving them in your suicide?".

How do you know he is rational just now anyway? He could be having a bout of Psychosis or Mania?

It's all about perspective.

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I'm not referring to Richey. I'm referring to what you meant when you said "Why would you transfer all of that on a stranger by involving them in your suicide?".

How do you know he is rational just now anyway? He could be having a bout of Psychosis or Mania?

It's all about perspective.

Even if the person that's majorly depressed has these feelings, surely it's sensible to remind them of the possible consequences of their actions? Taking other peoples lives, or mentally scaring another person doesn't become okay, because you have issues.

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