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Anyone else get drastic mood swings? i can go from being in a smashing mood one moment to feeling like shit  a few minutes later. It usually results in me being really dry towards people and just a horrible person to be around. It also makes me want to be alone but I just feel worse as a result.  It seems to have intensified over the last year or so. Not good at all. Is this what bipolar is? Don't like jumping to conclusions however this just isn't normal.

I tend to go a couple of weeks in a state of either a highly elevated mood or a crashing low. These cycles happen about 3/4 times in a year.

Many people can have instant switches of mood though, and I consider myself lucky that my cycles are quite spread out and far apart. I used to have a daily mood change which was just terrible.

It's all relative and you'd need to go to your doctor to get things started in regards to a diagnosis.

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Anyone else get drastic mood swings? i can go from being in a smashing mood one moment to feeling like shit a few minutes later. It usually results in me being really dry towards people and just a horrible person to be around. It seems to have intensified over the last year or so. Not good at all. Is this considered bipolar?

Bipolar tends towards 'episodes' of mania and depression. these episodes can last weeks or months. turning on sixpence from happy to depressed and back again wouldnt necessarily indicate you being bipolar.

It could be anxiety that is causing these attacks of depression.

Whether it is anxiety, depression or a personality disorder it is worth going and looking up coping mechanisms for how you deal with these episodes or attacks. Is there a trigger for any of these feelings of depression?

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Bipolar tends towards 'episodes' of mania and depression. these episodes can last weeks or months. turning on sixpence from happy to depressed and back again wouldnt necessarily indicate you being bipolar.

It could be anxiety that is causing these attacks of depression.

Whether it is anxiety, depression or a personality disorder it is worth going and looking up coping mechanisms for how you deal with these episodes or attacks. Is there a trigger for any of these feelings of depression?

Funnily enough, Usually near the end of the week my mood dips. Saturday nights are the worst. For example, I might plan on going out with frinds but I would cancel at the last moment because I get the feeling that I really can't be bothered but sitting in knowing everybody else is out enjoying themselves while I'm wasting away just makes it worse. It's pretty hard to explain clearly.

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Funnily enough, Usually near the end of the week my mood dips. Saturday nights are the worst. For example, I might plan on going out with frinds but I would cancel at the last moment because I get the feeling that I really can't be bothered but sitting in knowing everybody else is out enjoying themselves while I'm wasting away just makes it worse. It's pretty hard to explain clearly.

That is quite a gutter.

How do you feel when you are in a "good mood"?

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Not enjoying things you used to enjoy, anxiety about facing social situations, shutting yourself off, feelings of guilt and worthlessness could all be symptoms of anxiety and or depression.

It is important to remember that mental health and mental wellbeing are two different things. Some people have poor mental health some don't. Everyone has periods of poor mental wellbeing. People with poor mental health sometimes have a harder time or need to make more steps or controls to have good mental wellbeing.

I cant diagnose you with anything but as sweeper says go to the docs if this is something that has been going on for more than 2 weeks. It really could be anything causing those feelings. It might be something you need to change or it might be something you cant change and you just need to find a different way to cope with it.

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Funnily enough, Usually near the end of the week my mood dips. Saturday nights are the worst. For example, I might plan on going out with frinds but I would cancel at the last moment because I get the feeling that I really can't be bothered but sitting in knowing everybody else is out enjoying themselves while I'm wasting away just makes it worse. It's pretty hard to explain clearly.

I can relate to this. I won't repeat the reasons why I stopped going out on the piss and with friends but it was gradual and I slow, maybe subconscious, awakening to the way they were and coming to terms with how shitty that was.

Basically it was a trust thing and maybe I did it to take myself away from a toxic situation?

I took to drinking heavily in the house then went on a health kick that I'm still on. It was definitely the right choice.

Since then I have become so much more positive at the weekends and although I see people going out enjoying themselves most of the are pissed out of the heads and I think if you genuinely asked them if they would rather stop it if their friends did so they would.

Try to fill your sat night with something positive and don't sit around thinking about things, there's so much more to the weekend than drinking. For me the weekend is my time and I like to spend it without hangovers and doing stuff.

My situation might be totally different though.

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Things seem to be looking up for me lately, I've managed to get myself into a journalism job/course type thing, relationships wise are getting better, I've gotten rid of some 'friends' that were dicks, amongst other things, but it all seems too good to be true, I'm expecting something bad to happen any time soon and I'll be back at square one.

I'm not entirely sure why I'm feeling like this, it's been a while since I had a very depressive episode, I've been mostly positive for the past couple of months.

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Anyone else get drastic mood swings? i can go from being in a smashing mood one moment to feeling like shit a few minutes later. It usually results in me being really dry towards people and just a horrible person to be around. It also makes me want to be alone but I just feel worse as a result. It seems to have intensified over the last year or so. Not good at all. Is this what bipolar is? Don't like jumping to conclusions however this just isn't normal.

Don't worry, it'll be alright. Ya b*****d.

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Fine mate. Starting training again tomorrow night. So hopefully that get's my confidence back up :) and cracking username btw ;)

No really mate but thanks for asking mate :).

Starting tomorrow is a new start for me. Gonna finally get myself sorted :)

Magic- glad to hear it :thumsup2

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Anyone else get drastic mood swings? i can go from being in a smashing mood one moment to feeling like shit a few minutes later. It usually results in me being really dry towards people and just a horrible person to be around. It also makes me want to be alone but I just feel worse as a result. It seems to have intensified over the last year or so. Not good at all. Is this what bipolar is? Don't like jumping to conclusions however this just isn't normal.

What age are you, if you don't mind me asking?

This is pretty much how I feel. I've never bothered checking it out though as I've just assumed it's part of being a teenager/"young adult" but I'm starting to feel like you and feeling quite concerned about it like yourself. My relationships with people are generally fine but I've completely fucked one up with a girl I like, who likes me back, because for no reason one day I'm fine and getting on with her really well and then the next day I don't want anything to do with her and, like you, just being really dry and being quite horrible.

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Fine mate. Starting training again tomorrow night. So hopefully that get's my confidence back up :) and cracking username btw ;)

No really mate but thanks for asking mate :).

Starting tomorrow is a new start for me. Gonna finally get myself sorted :)

I honestly think that eating healthy and training can have a huge impact on someone in a position like yourself. Obviously, in a lot of cases, it is not that simple. However, I reckon you will notice a huge difference in how you feel once you get into a routine of being healthy

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Living with a Black Dog is good too as far as people who are around those with depression goes. Apparently there's another one called Taming the Black Dog, but I haven't encountered it yet. I'd imagine it'll be worth a look though.

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Some pretty helpful stuff in this thread.

I haven't been medically diagnosed with depression, though I spoke to a counsellor today who said there's a pretty high chance that I've got it. Can't say I'm surprised, I've been struggling on and off for the best part of a year. Moved away from home 3 weeks ago for uni which is what has prompted me to go to speak to someone, have had some absolutely brutal low points in that time.

Not really sure what my next move is tbh. Already been to the GP but because of an age-related issue there isn't really anything they can do for me at the moment (because I'm under 18 they'd have to send me to a specialist to be prescribed something but by the time the referral would have come through I'll be 18, negating the need for me to go to see the specialist). Don't especially want to go on any medication anyway. I've heard I Had a Black Dog is a good book so I'll give that a read.

Congratulations on taking the first step. It's the hardest. The first time I was hospitalised was when my whole life had been turned upside down. Moved away from family and friends at a time when I needed them most. I was in a huge hole of isolation and I just carried on digging. If I had spoken to someone then I wouldn't have ended up where I did, but I didn't want to burden anyone with my problems.

I went through three years of counselling/psychology and it helped me immensely. It didn't seem like it at the time, but looking back it was the best thing I have ever done. I'm now at the point where I do things that I enjoy doing, which was never the case in my life.

Everyone's circumstances are different, but everyone should have an outlet to explain how they are feeling.

Your uni should be able to provide you with some sort of counselling service.

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I"ve been really good ever since I got a temp job that has turned into the job till the end of March I have now.

I 'm sti quite lonely. I'll have been single for 3 years ckme a time in December. And it's cos I'm fat. I developed a junk eating habit as a coping mechanism. I also had an addiction to the junk that destroyed me in every way. I'm paying £60 a month for 7 years as a result

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Inexplicably I feel that tonight I'll either have a great night or I'll try to kill myself.

I'm heavily leaning towards 'great night' but the other thing is still there which is really disapointing. I know I should feel more seriously about this but right now I'm a silly mood where I would take either. I'm just so fed up with certain things.

I also almost guarantee that I'll be fine in the morning. I seem like an attentiom seeking prkck amd hate me gor it. I apologise

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