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Still not sleeping well, up at all hours and just can't get myself into a steady pattern. Started counseling and on 40mg of citalophram now.

Don't know if you've already tried but I started a meditation class last week and whilst I'm certainly no expert, I can see it helping with my sleeping in the future. I'm still learning/practising and finding it difficult to concentrate my mind but others at the class have used it effectively in the past to help them get to sleep. Might not be your thing but if medication hasn't worked it might be worth a try.

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Got on to one course already, lads. Still feeling heavy down constantly and shattered but one positive. At least now I've got moving out again into somewhere and having a concrete plan of where I'm going in life as well. Gonna wait and see what the rest of my course applications say first before I settle on one course as I definitely impressed at Edinburgh.

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Still not sleeping well, up at all hours and just can't get myself into a steady pattern. Started counseling and on 40mg of citalophram now.

I was exactly the same up until i changed my hours at work. Now dropped down to 20mg citalophram though after being on 40mg since October.

I work in shift work and could start at a different time every day of the week. Had to sacrifice 14 hours a week wage wise but it is the best thing i have done.

I now get 3 days off in a row and i dont start until 4 on 3 of my days in and one is a half 1 all finishing at 10.

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For the past few days, I've been reduced to a wreck of tears, and I think it's because I feel completely detached and alone at the moment. Whenever I'm with friends, I feel like an observer, just listening and not really contributing much. It's not that I don't want too, I do, it's just I feel like that if I say something, I fear it will be tainted with a tone that is comparable to how I feel just now; which can only really be compared to a painful sense of melancholy. I'm at a complete loss, even though it was only in the middle of last year that I experienced something like this; I can't think of any particular trigger, nor can I think of any particular fix. I want to be around my friends, but I just don't feel like I am of any use to anyone, even myself when I feel like this; I've been sat in my bed since coming back from Uni, curtains drawn and earphones in listening to THE most morose music I've ever heard, crying my eyes out for no other reason than feeling alone. Utterly, utterly dejected. I'm sorry for the mewling but I just wish I didn't have experience this as much as I seem to do.

Edited by DonnieDarko
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Got on to one course already, lads. Still feeling heavy down constantly and shattered but one positive. At least now I've got moving out again into somewhere and having a concrete plan of where I'm going in life as well. Gonna wait and see what the rest of my course applications say first before I settle on one course as I definitely impressed at Edinburgh.

I did my teacher training at Moray House. I absolutely loved it.
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For the past few days, I've been reduced to a wreck of tears, and I think it's because I feel completely detached and alone at the moment. Whenever I'm with friends, I feel like an observer, just listening and not really contributing much. It's not that I don't want too, I do, it's just I feel like that if I say something, I fear it will be tainted with a tone that is comparable to how I feel just now; which can only really be compared to a painful sense of melancholy. I'm at a complete loss, even though it was only in the middle of last year that I experienced something like this; I can't think of any particular trigger, nor can I think of any particular fix. I want to be around my friends, but I just don't feel like I am of any use to anyone, even myself when I feel like this; I've been sat in my bed since coming back from Uni, curtains drawn and earphones in listening to THE most morose music I've ever heard, crying my eyes out for no other reason than feeling alone. Utterly, utterly dejected. I'm sorry for the mewling but I just wish I didn't have experience this as much as I seem to do.

Might be a good idea to speak to someone soon, mate - check some of the links n the first couple of pages of this thread - you could also speak with your GP.

There are probably people among your friends and family who would understand.

Please feel free to message me, if you like.

Definitely speak to someone about this though, mate.


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For the past few days, I've been reduced to a wreck of tears, and I think it's because I feel completely detached and alone at the moment. Whenever I'm with friends, I feel like an observer, just listening and not really contributing much. It's not that I don't want too, I do, it's just I feel like that if I say something, I fear it will be tainted with a tone that is comparable to how I feel just now; which can only really be compared to a painful sense of melancholy. I'm at a complete loss, even though it was only in the middle of last year that I experienced something like this; I can't think of any particular trigger, nor can I think of any particular fix. I want to be around my friends, but I just don't feel like I am of any use to anyone, even myself when I feel like this; I've been sat in my bed since coming back from Uni, curtains drawn and earphones in listening to THE most morose music I've ever heard, crying my eyes out for no other reason than feeling alone. Utterly, utterly dejected. I'm sorry for the mewling but I just wish I didn't have experience this as much as I seem to do.

Put something on to distract yourself from everything, seems like you're thinking about things way to much. Just try get your mind focused on something productive or something you enjoy.

I love being alone and appreciate it if I have something I enjoy doing, if I'm just sitting around with nothing on my mind I start getting like you are, over think things and get upset. I usually read a book or watch a boxset, let's me relax and makes my alone time enjoyable.

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If anyone's in south Glasgow, STEPS are a brilliant resource - they run workshops and can offer one to one counselling. I was referred to them by my GP (well, actually my GPs receptionist) after a traumatic event a couple of years back. Phoned them and the lead guy (consultant psych named Jim White) gave me a callback and a phone consultation /chat to talk a few things thru, and then sent me out some written material. At the time I really just needed to keep to routine, but have revisited some of the written stuff and it's all useful. You can download some of the materials from their site so I dare say it's worth looking at even if you're not in the relevant postcode areas.


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If anyone's in south Glasgow, STEPS are a brilliant resource - they run workshops and can offer one to one counselling. I was referred to them by my GP (well, actually my GPs receptionist) after a traumatic event a couple of years back. Phoned them and the lead guy (consultant psych named Jim White) gave me a callback and a phone consultation /chat to talk a few things thru, and then sent me out some written material. At the time I really just needed to keep to routine, but have revisited some of the written stuff and it's all useful. You can download some of the materials from their site so I dare say it's worth looking at even if you're not in the relevant postcode areas.


You will always find Jim White on his phone at this time in the season.

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Posted a year ago of how I was terrifies of leaving uni as I had no idea what i was going to do.

I went on Sertraline 50mg in July and have been on them since. I feel they have helped a bit, My social anxiety is not nearly as prevalent. The improvement is really subtle and I think I could only really appreciate it if i went off them.

In October I moved to Hanoi to teach English.

it hasnt been easy and there have been very lonley and anxious moments where my depression was at its worst but I have found a job where i dont have to work much and can live a comfortable life. I have never been a fan of work and always avoided it but arsing around with kids for a living can be fun.

I still don't have much direction in my life but i have found contentment and i can say for the first time in a few years that I am happy.

I know I will still have to battle with depression but i made a bold choice and I am really proud of myself for going through with it so right now I am finally able to enjoy life.

For anyone who is leaving uni and does not know what to do I would highly recommend it, it provides time for growth.

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Posted a year ago of how I was terrifies of leaving uni as I had no idea what i was going to do.

I went on Sertraline 50mg in July and have been on them since. I feel they have helped a bit, My social anxiety is not nearly as prevalent. The improvement is really subtle and I think I could only really appreciate it if i went off them.

In October I moved to Hanoi to teach English.

it hasnt been easy and there have been very lonley and anxious moments where my depression was at its worst but I have found a job where i dont have to work much and can live a comfortable life. I have never been a fan of work and always avoided it but arsing around with kids for a living can be fun.

I still don't have much direction in my life but i have found contentment and i can say for the first time in a few years that I am happy.

I know I will still have to battle with depression but i made a bold choice and I am really proud of myself for going through with it so right now I am finally able to enjoy life.

For anyone who is leaving uni and does not know what to do I would highly recommend it, it provides time for growth.

Since i started my with my own issues, i find that time is something i just don't have enough of.

I get up (usually after absolutely no sleep), go to work, come home and go to bed. It's a seemingly neverending cycle.

Time is definitely the most precious commodity in the world.

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Friends and supervisor have been really supportive in the last fortnight. That's been a big help, but I'm still sleeping terribly and my mood is only slightly improved. My doctor's started me on setraline to try to reduce some of my depressive and anxiety symptoms, but still waiting to hear back from the Uni counselling service which is a bit annoying.

Wanted to tell my parents about it when I was in Edinburgh last week but couldn't get a moment alone with them as they were catching up with friends. Finally told my dad today which is a bit of a weight off the shoulders. Feeling like I'm more on top of things, but still nowhere near my best.

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I don't have to be in college til the end of January and have a bit of work that i should be cracking on with but can't find the motivation to do it and the thought of doing the work actually scares me - i sleep like a log but wake up almost always at one point feeling anxious and depressed and can't find the effort to help myself during the day i just want to go on netflix and here and hardly leave the flat :(

I share this thing, basically procrastination. Working 9-5 is easy, you just get up and go in the morning, do what has to be done, and whatever you want after. I get physically sick at the thought of doing anything a minute before it absolutely has to be done, and from delaying doing it. University was a nightmare. I have to sort out my elderly Dad's tax stuff and hand them over to an accountant tomorrow, now planning on setting the alarm for 6am. I've had since April to do it. I realise it's not as serious a thing as many other posters are dealing with, but it's still a bitch.

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Being a student is a nightmare for it, if you get months to do something the entire class leaves it til the very latest no matter how i important it is! It causes so much more stress and anxiety than attempting to do the work will ever cause if you give 100% but i don't think anyone ever does!

It is still serious though if its causing you upset and greater problems could stem from this way of thinking and approach to work!

I managed a couple of weeks at college treating it as a 9-5 job, monday to friday. Up to a lecture, seminar or library, stay in the library apart for a couple of tea breaks and lunch, chill out in the evenings and go ballistic at the weekend. Piece of pish. Didn't last though.

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I've had a really rough few days. I started on sertraline on Thursday and had a really horrible panic attack in front of a lot of people on Friday evening. I've been restless almost non-stop for days and today has been a total write-off, not leaving the flat.

I think this might be partly attributable to the side effects of the medication, or possibly a dosage issue. Anyone got any experience of this? Should I be going back to my doctor urgently or wait until I've been through this fortnight of the stuff?

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I've had a really rough few days. I started on sertraline on Thursday and had a really horrible panic attack in front of a lot of people on Friday evening. I've been restless almost non-stop for days and today has been a total write-off, not leaving the flat.

I think this might be partly attributable to the side effects of the medication, or possibly a dosage issue. Anyone got any experience of this? Should I be going back to my doctor urgently or wait until I've been through this fortnight of the stuff?

Usually you're put on a lower/standard dosage before getting it ramped up letting it settle and getting acclimated with it. With that said, medication and dosage should be examined on an individual case-by-case basis, so your best bet is to go back to your doctor. Might not even be the dose, as it could be the drug. You're based in Glasgow aren't you? Have you ever been referred to one of the psychiatrist over at the Arran Centre in Bridgeton?

Edit: my spelling is all over the shot..

Edited by JogaBonito
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