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Tam, David Gray is in Turkey, will it work with pitta bread?

The c***s a stone's throw from Marmaris. Loads of schemegoblins there ,pissed up tae f**k. Nae bread needed, well at least for normal heterosexual males .

Get yer fuckin arse in gear and get yer hole ya lightweight !

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Couldn't sleep last night with so much on my mind. Head is sore, feel crap and literally can't be bothered with anything. Should be enjoying myself on holiday when I'm not. Heading to marmaris today so will hopefully be able to take my mind off a few things today.

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You must be at it, surely? Stop your bubbling, launch your phone in the sea and away and get your hole off some absolute demon.

God forbid you ever come up against some real hardship, given some pal shitting on you has you sitting greeting into your phone in a hotel room while you're in Turkey in July for fucks sake.

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You must be at it, surely? Stop your bubbling, launch your phone in the sea and away and get your hole off some absolute demon.

God forbid you ever come up against some real hardship, given some pal shitting on you has you sitting greeting into your phone in a hotel room while you're in Turkey in July for fucks sake.

He's the same when he's here to be fair.
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Just been reading through some of the last few pages on this forum.

Like many other social media websites, its difficult to tell whether people are being honest, sincere, trolling, etc,etc.

However, given the nature of this particular thread, there seem to be quite a few folk on here just for entertainment value and mocking at others.

I think you have to take the attitude that the people who do post on here regarding their issues are genuine and this may be the only way they have of discussing them regardless of what you think .

The dangerous and concerning thing is, taking the piss may actually make them worse and result in more serious consequences.

So a bit of advice.

If you just come here to point the finger and laugh at people who may have genuine problems, possibly worsening their situation, why no just f**k off?

Edited by Unleash The Nade
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Just been reading through some of the last few pages on this forum.

Like many other social media websites, its difficult to tell whether people are being honest, sincere, trolling, etc,etc.

However, given the nature of this particular thread, there seem to be quite a few folk on here just for entertainment value and mocking at others.

I think you have to take the attitude that the people who do post on here regarding their issues are genuine and this may be the only way they have of discussing them regardless of what you think .

The dangerous and concerning thing is, taking the piss may actually make them worse and result in more serious consequences.

So a bit of advice.

If you just come here to point the finger and laugh at people who may have genuine problems, possibly worsening their situation, why no just f**k off?

Well said

Should be the one thread free from any piss taking. People should feel comfortable enough to say what they want on here, everybody handles situations differently and has different perspectives on things

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Well said

Should be the one thread free from any piss taking. People should feel comfortable enough to say what they want on here, everybody handles situations differently and has different perspectives on things

Couldn't agree more

I for one wouldn't post on a social media site if I did have any issues regarding depression etc, but it doesn't meant to say that's right.

As you say, people deal with things differently and may find it easier discussing them here anonymously rather than speaking to someone face to face about it.

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Just been reading through some of the last few pages on this forum.

Like many other social media websites, its difficult to tell whether people are being honest, sincere, trolling, etc,etc.

However, given the nature of this particular thread, there seem to be quite a few folk on here just for entertainment value and mocking at others.

I think you have to take the attitude that the people who do post on here regarding their issues are genuine and this may be the only way they have of discussing them regardless of what you think .

The dangerous and concerning thing is, taking the piss may actually make them worse and result in more serious consequences.

So a bit of advice.

If you just come here to point the finger and laugh at people who may have genuine problems, possibly worsening their situation, why no just f**k off?

^^^ :wub:

Edited by welshbairn
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Couldn't agree more

I for one wouldn't post on a social media site if I did have any issues regarding depression etc, but it doesn't meant to say that's right.

As you say, people deal with things differently and may find it easier discussing them here anonymously rather than speaking to someone face to face about it.

Pretty much spot on.

No one here is in any position to question the nature of a persons' current emotional state.

I'm a definite advocate of speaking about feelings, opening up and in general just getting things off your chest if they are getting you down.

Anyone who mocks a person for doing so, and anyone who mocks the reaction to a certain situation a person is in when they are completely oblivious to the circumstances should be ashamed.

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Anyone who mocks a person for doing so, and anyone who mocks the reaction to a certain situation a person is in when they are completely oblivious to the circumstances should be ashamed.

I'm really not.

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Gies a fucking break.

If you have serious problems, do you really think a Scottish football forum is the best place to air them?

Serious business this internet thing, it would seem.

I don't have or have ever had any serious depression problems so I wouldn't know but this thread is here to try and help people struggling with problems, they don't have to be serious ones. Who is to judge what classes as serious for someone else anyway? This forums much more than just football after all and people all use it for different purposes

Fucking hunners of other threads on here full of piss taking etc, surely not too hard to keep it off of here

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