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Your petty obsession is actually getting a bit worrying son I start a post about lack of hygiene,you automatically label me as a "cock-watcher" Sometimes we accuse others in an an attempt to deflect what we've actually become ourselves. If it helps you elevate your own issues,keep trying though

Making 2 posts about you doesn't make you an obsession of mine. But I suppose you'll be in good company with that other weirdo 14mile, so you guys knock yourself out.

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Your petty obsession is actually getting a bit worrying son I start a post about lack of hygiene,you automatically label me as a "cock-watcher" Sometimes we accuse others in an an attempt to deflect what we've actually become ourselves. If it helps you elevate your own issues,keep trying though

It also wouldn't give you the satisfaction it brings to your pitiful existence .

Oi! This thread is supposed to be a space for talking about depression, not instigating it.

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Making 2 posts about you doesn't make you an obsession of mine. But I suppose you'll be in good company with that other weirdo 14mile, so you guys knock yourself out.

Funnily enough you chose to highlight the obsession part but failed to comment on the deflection reference.

Maybe a bit too close to the truth methinks ,

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This used to be such a nice thread, an oasis almost, people honestly sharing misery and trying to help each other.

The idea of the thread is nice but I think the thread title leads to the interpretation that it's for serious mental health which aren't the place for on here. Perhaps a different thread with a more general title would be better suited than the current one

Also Milesy might have just snapped big time.

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Just been up Falkirk town centre where I booted some alki, junkie wasters bottle of cider all over the pavement and along the street the gave the fuckin mess a brief insight into what of I thought of her rancid existence. Then drove home feeling positively proud of my life compared to hers.

ETA: Choose life!

Gave a big loud shout of "Whet the f**k i yoo lookin it?!!" when I walked past. Normally I'd have ignored the scummy cow but my wee girl (who's 4) got a fright and started to cry a wee bit, which was met by glazed eyes and a smirk from junkie-bitch.

I therefore I feel my actions were justified and worth the smack-fuelled tantrum and abuse I got which had half the shoppers stopping and staring as we walked away.

Well he must've been having a day off today.

Dad of the year this guy.

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Oooft! You're trying like f**k to save face now. Being 'the boi' you'll be out doing drugs behind wifey and baby's back anyway so no sure where you're going with that dribbling whimsy. And let's not get into making things up after your lies about two dirties.

So belt up Matty. Let's no wreck this thread (or any other thread) any more if folk have genuine issues they want to talk about.

What in the world do I get out of me lying about 2 girls asking me back to theirs and me saying no? You've never answered that.

Hope your wife and children (as if they exist :lol: ) are safe from you tonight. We all know what you're capable of when it comes to assaulting women.

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I thin anyone using the "word"? "boi" is in serious need of psychiatric help and should be sectioned immediately

well you'd know what it takes

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The idea of the thread is nice but I think the thread title leads to the interpretation that it's for serious mental health which aren't the place for on here. Perhaps a different thread with a more general title would be better suited than the current one

Also Milesy might have just snapped big time.

I think it worked most of the time as a place to share serious concerns about depression, with an occasional bit of teasing to stop it all getting too morbid. Unleash the Nade and 14mile have killed it off though, hopefully temporarily.

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well you'd know what it takes

I wasn't ever sectioned, I was a voluntary in-patient and have never used "boi" "m8", "m9" or any hashtag ever.

You need to take a long hard look at yourself my lad, and seek help, soon.

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