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Every single day mate.

I’m terrified that one day my wife will give up and leave me because I’m such a miserable c**t. Don’t make the same mistakes I have/still do. I shut her out because I think the more I complain the more I push her away by being so annoying. The opposite is true, the more you isolate yourself and close yourself off the more you are pushing them away. I am learning this the hard way. My natural instinct is still to keep everything bottled and I’ve been struggling for years.

I’m also on mirtazipine and I’ve only found it helps me sleep. It increases my appetite so I’ve put on weight which makes me hate the person in the mirror.

I don’t think pills are the answer for me, I just don’t know what the f**k is. Feel free to give me a PM if you want to chat anonymously.

Cheers for that, it's still refreshing to know that theres always people in the same boat, even if it feels like you're on your own in a world of 7 billion folks.

As i said I've been on that medication for years and its not coincidence that since going from 15mg to 30mg to know the max dose of 45mg that i gained about 3 stone, which ive thankfully now got back off (through what i found as a very therapeutic Slimming World class).
I've been to the counciling, the psychologist, I've battled (and beaten) an 8 year prescription drug addiction and as i mentioned before have a very enviable home/work life now but I just don't know WTF is wrong just now. forgot the past 8 years i played bowls (relatively successfully) but this year i chucked it, all of a sudden have no interest in that either. Ive taken on a 2nd job to keep my mind from wandering and that helped for a while but this "darkness" has crept back in and overtaken everything again, and i won't lie, its f*cking terrifying.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday my dad would have been 89. First birthday without him. But we took of to St Andrews it was his university and a place we all spent a lot of happy times in. It was a nice day. The 24th is the 1st anniversary of his death. I'm not sure how i will cope with that.

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My experience of depression is that it's a vicious circle. Negative thinking leads to genuinely believing everything is negative, which leads to more negative thinking. Throw in negative and stressful thinking's effect on sleep patterns and it can turn into a never-ending downward spiral.

The trouble I have is that I genuinely believe pretty much everything is negative. Positive thinking is just an illusion that makes us feel better.

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3 minutes ago, nsr said:

My experience of depression is that it's a vicious circle. Negative thinking leads to genuinely believing everything is negative, which leads to more negative thinking. Throw in negative and stressful thinking's effect on sleep patterns and it can turn into a never-ending downward spiral.

The trouble I have is that I genuinely believe pretty much everything is negative. Positive thinking is just an illusion that makes us feel better.

Positive and negative are both illusions. Life is too complex and variable to label our experiences in such a black or white manner. Our experiences are all learning opportunities and adversity is an opportunity for development.

Experiences we don't like aren't necessarily worthless and they don't define us. We own our experiences and not the other way round.

I suffered horribly from depression until I was encouraged to stop thinking of things as Positive or Negative and to see value in every experience even if I didn't have any good feeling or memories of them. In reality things are what they are and most of them are not permanent. 

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19 hours ago, Raidernation said:

Just had a couple of very big blows and I’m worried I’m gonna slip back into a bad way

Sorry to hear that. Care to share with a bunch of strangers?

You have already identified a trigger so that's a good start

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On ‎25‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 08:55, ++Ammo - Airdrie++ said:

Super struggling at the moment and I have absolutely no reason to be.
Been taking Mirtazipine (45mg) for about 3 years when it was upped from 30mg, before that was on Citalopram for a few years. I absolutely cannot complain about the life I have, 2 cracking kids, a wife who looks after us all, own our own house, absolutely no financial worries but this last 4 months-ish(?) Ive had a massive cloud over my head. Ive been back to the doctors as i started taking serious pains in my chest and felt like I was being crushed, but it was just put down to bad anxiety attacks.
I absolutely hate feeling like this and there is no reason for it, but that's been approx 8 years I've been battling what i can only describe as "demons" in my head and the family has been nothing less than 100% supportive, but i always get the feeling im going to wake up one day and they'll have had enough and ill have pushed them all away!
Anyone else ever had this thought or worse, actually happened to them?


Pretty much in this exact same boat myself.

Went to the doctor yesterday for an unrelated issue and asked how long I had been on 20mg of Citalopram and he said it was coming up for 4 years. I had always thought that I would eventually end up off of them but im starting to think this wont be the case. Had discussed with him possibly upping it to 30mg as lately I've just been an incredibly irritable c**t, as soon as I wake up I just know that im in a bad mood and its really starting to affect things.  However the Doc said that it would appear that I'm still doing ok on the 20mg and to look for things to alleviate stress etc. as I still haven't pinpointed an effective way of releasing stress/anxiety for myself personally.

Got into a slight chat about it with a colleague who I am comfortable with and he jokingly suggested possibly im just a crabbit b*****d but apart from the past few years I've always been a laid back enjoyable person. Still, we crack on.

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Pretty much in this exact same boat myself.
Went to the doctor yesterday for an unrelated issue and asked how long I had been on 20mg of Citalopram and he said it was coming up for 4 years. I had always thought that I would eventually end up off of them but im starting to think this wont be the case. Had discussed with him possibly upping it to 30mg as lately I've just been an incredibly irritable c**t, as soon as I wake up I just know that im in a bad mood and its really starting to affect things.  However the Doc said that it would appear that I'm still doing ok on the 20mg and to look for things to alleviate stress etc. as I still haven't pinpointed an effective way of releasing stress/anxiety for myself personally.
Got into a slight chat about it with a colleague who I am comfortable with and he jokingly suggested possibly im just a crabbit b*****d but apart from the past few years I've always been a laid back enjoyable person. Still, we crack on.

For a start, the fact you've got a colleague you're comfortable enough with to talk about it with us a great start, its the old saying "a problem shared is a problem halved" and that's very true fighting depression. I know from personal experience how it can eat away at you the longer you bottle things up until there comes a point you just have a horrible melt down.
keep the chin up and if you've not found anything that helps in the next few weeks, get back to the docs and see about maybe changing the meds.
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This is very anecdotal, but the biggest (only?) thing that has helped with my anxiety (leading into depression) was totally giving up caffeine. I was diagnosed over ten years ago, got given CBT, still take citalopram etc. but gave up caffeine last summer and never been better. If you have anxiety you know how a small bad thought can just snowball out of proportion - but that doesn’t seem to happen now.

Not saying that is a fix for everyone but had tried more exercise, cutting out booze and that made f’ck all difference. Caffeine isn’t mentioned all that much. Wasn’t even having that much either although coming off it was pretty hard, sore heads and being an angry b’stard for about a week!

Edited by The Holiday Song
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Been told of another suspected suicide today, I didn’t know the guy but my friend did, and with ongoing suspected suicide of Scott Hutchison, just thought I’d take a moment to say anyone that’s struggling and doesn’t feel they have anywhere to turn - feel free to pm me. I can’t promise help, I might not be able to respond immediately but I will reply, I’ll listen and I’ll do my best to help where I can.
Let’s face it, life can be utterly shit, truly horrible stuff, but we’re not alone here and it won’t be shit forever despite how it bleak it seems. [emoji106]

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f**k it! Might as well join the thread.

I've been battling depression and anxiety for the last 10 years or so but only got myself to the doctors about 5 weeks ago. To be honest the illness crept up on me without me even noticing.

Really difficult to explain but it's like a filter in my head that filters out all the good stuff in life. It's not unhappiness as such just an inability to be happy.

Now signed off work for 2 months and currently on 40mg of citalopram. Moods are up and down like a yoyo at the moment but I guess that's an improvement to feeling like shit.

Finally to all those in a relationship. Speak to your partner's, give them a hug, tell them you love them. I didn't and left going to the doctors to late. My wife of 18 years and I are now in the process of separating. I have two wonderful children I will now see only at weekends. And it is all because of this utter c**t of an illness

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f**k it! Might as well join the thread.

I've been battling depression and anxiety for the last 10 years or so but only got myself to the doctors about 5 weeks ago. To be honest the illness crept up on me without me even noticing.

Really difficult to explain but it's like a filter in my head that filters out all the good stuff in life. It's not unhappiness as such just an inability to be happy.

Now signed off work for 2 months and currently on 40mg of citalopram. Moods are up and down like a yoyo at the moment but I guess that's an improvement to feeling like shit.

Finally to all those in a relationship. Speak to your partner's, give them a hug, tell them you love them. I didn't and left going to the doctors to late. My wife of 18 years and I are now in the process of separating. I have two wonderful children I will now see only at weekends. And it is all because of this utter c**t of an illness

It was a relationship breakdown that started off my issues with depression. I suppose thankfully we weren’t married with kids but it still wasn’t exactly ideal.
Well done and getting help and hopefully the kids will, in time, have two happier parents they get to spend time with.
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It was a relationship breakdown that started off my issues with depression. I suppose thankfully we weren’t married with kids but it still wasn’t exactly ideal.
Well done and getting help and hopefully the kids will, in time, have two happier parents they get to spend time with.
Cheers bud.

It's strange but considering all the crap I'm going through I've rarely felt more positive about the future. Guessing the medication is having some affect. I have found though that the bad days are so much worse than they used to be probably due to the fact that I've been feeling better
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Given last week and having a couple of “personal” suicides happening I’ve tried to medicate with alcohol. Couple that with having a very complicated weekend, my mental state is not great. Let me put straight and frankly I am not suicidal but I am not feeling great.
As part of my complicated weekend I told a bird, my friend, whatever she actually is that these complications are all part of the intricacies of life. It was an off the cuff comment but I think it’s very true. Sorry I’m wittering and I don’t feel better for it but, I guess that’s life.

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Nearly a year since my dad died (24th). Now mum is toiling health and really missing dad. It always seems 1 step forward 2 steps back.

That can’t be easy capy. You can’t do anything but be there for her. I am still very sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine it’s getting any easier yet, but it will...honestly, it will.
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Does anyone have experience with stress causing skin conditions. Genuinely unsure if I have any sort of depression or that, but theres a few plates spinning in my life atm and I know myself I am mega stressed out. Stuff hanging over my head with work that I cant really control but may lead to me having to find another job. I really dont want to though. Youngest bairn really not sleeping well so obviously we arent either. Anyway the underside of my right arm has broke out in an eczema looking effort recently.

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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Does anyone have experience with stress causing skin conditions. Genuinely unsure if I have any sort of depression or that, but theres a few plates spinning in my life atm and I know myself I am mega stressed out. Stuff hanging over my head with work that I cant really control but may lead to me having to find another job. I really dont want to though. Youngest bairn really not sleeping well so obviously we arent either. Anyway the underside of my right arm has broke out in an eczema looking effort recently.

Stress can be a massive factor in skin irritation, yes. Psoriasis particularly is triggered by stress, as is acne and even cold sores and other forms of herpes. Your GP or pharmacist will be able to tell you how to treat it. 

Edited by Lisa Cuddy
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That can’t be easy capy. You can’t do anything but be there for her. I am still very sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine it’s getting any easier yet, but it will...honestly, it will.

Sitting in A&E has mum took a turn last night. There are times when you just want to scream.
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