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6 minutes ago, Mr.Blue said:

Handbags between team mates is fair enough and not unusual but if he's intentionally went to catch his already broken nose then that's out of order. Imagine one of them will be leaving the club? Either carswell leaves or Docherty is sacked.

I've no idea if he went for his nose deliberately, or if it was just his natural reaction, but aye, it was unbelievably stupid behaviour from one of our most experienced players. Who knows where we go from here. Carswell has been excellent since he came in, whilst Sparky has been great for us over the past few seasons. I'm hopeful they'll have sorted it out after the game, but that seems idealist. 

Perhaps a wee internal suspension or fine for Sparky along with a Durrant rollicking might be enough, I don't know. Big test for Aitken though, and a situation I'm very glad I'm not in!

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Assaulting a teammate is something that is completely unacceptable at any level of any sport.

IF Docherty is proved to have done it, then he has to go, there is no way he can be allowed to stay. Regardless of how vital he is to us, how well he has played, how passionate he is, he's crossed a line (very publically).

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I didn't actually see the doc v case incident ,don't know why as I was in process of criticising docherty for going off in one pointing blame for the goal. He had already done it on a cople of other occasions .

i accept the passion  bit but really he has crossed the line and my opinion is that it's a step to far . I don't know if carswell has or hasn't crossed the line.

im dispointed that aitken didn't take docherty off at half time as by then I'm sure he was aware of what had happened . His will now be a test of the character of this club

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Haven't seen the Docherty/carswell incident, was sons tv there today? If so hopefully it was caught on camera.
Having had a think about it, Iv 2 possible opinions/explanations on it.
1. Both players were so passionate and angry at conceding that it came to a head (literally), we know doc hates to lose and maybe it was just a build up of frustration (not an excuse)
2. We are back to the days before the Bonnyrigg game, when we looked horrific and nothing seemed to be working. Stevie looked to have lost it and this was an incident waiting to happen.

Regardless it's unacceptable, id hope both have shaken hands and got over it and take whatever punishment is coming their way. You would hope it would galvanise the players to bounce back and put this incident behind them. Maybe even a reaction of Bonnyrigg proportions. It stinks of frustration and stress at a time when the teams below us are picking up some points and putting in some performances. Those 4 points dropped against Ayr and St Mirren may yet come back to haunt us. Let's hope we can hold it together until the end of the season, pick up points against those around us and re-build next season.

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Will docherty not be facing a lengthy ban if this is brought to the compliance officers attention. Seen this happening in amatuer game and boy got a years ban.. know pro game is different and will get 3-6 game ban at most. Hard one for club to deal with but if guilty docherty should be punted no matter how good a servant he has been

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Thank f**k I have today a miss.

Genuinely worried for us the now and hope that the Ayr 2-2 game wasn't the start of a decline.

Docherty - one of my favourites but can't defend that even if carswell did give him a wee shove. A club/manager that took no shite would have him out the door by Monday and to be honest that would probably be the correct decision.

We have been playing well recently without picking up wins and today was the first pumping we have had in ages.

Next week is fucking massive now.

Relax. It's an absolute certainty you'll win next weekend.
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2 hours ago, C'mon_the_Sons said:

Wasn't on the bus but apparently some knobber tried to overtake it near Kincardine and ran out of road. Clipped the bus and spun into a ditch.

There was a car in the ditch halfway between the bridge and the roundabout when I passed at about half past. Was wondering how it got there, I got stuck behind the highway van and the police weren't there yet so must just have happened. 

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I was in my usual seat close to front of bus .car tried to overtake in coned area where the lanes become 1 and clipped bus .spun car around to front where bus spin it again into ditch.

car driver really lucky although he didn't seem too bothered.

fortunately driver did amazing and controlled bus to a stop . Driver badly shaken and amazed he was able to continue.

thinking now of what could have happen and makes you think of the bus down Ayrshire way from last year.

again great credit to our driver and lucky we were all unscathed 


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I think the whole Docherty/Carswell things getting blown out of proportion due to Carswells nose bleeding. If it hadn't recently been broken it probably wouldn't have bled as I don't think the contact was that hard.
Although after it did happen how would people explain that we're suppose to then take Docherty off? We would have had to use 2 subs at the same time and we didn't exactly have the personnel on the bench to bring on 2 defensive midfielders.
A similar incident happened between Fleming and someone (possibly Barr) at the start of last season and that seemed to have been handled pretty well so I assume Stevie will sort it out.

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8 minutes ago, son hawk said:

I think the whole Docherty/Carswell things getting blown out of proportion due to Carswells nose bleeding. If it hadn't recently been broken it probably wouldn't have bled as I don't think the contact was that hard.
Although after it did happen how would people explain that we're suppose to then take Docherty off? We would have had to use 2 subs at the same time and we didn't exactly have the personnel on the bench to bring on 2 defensive midfielders.
A similar incident happened between Fleming and someone (possibly Barr) at the start of last season and that seemed to have been handled pretty well so I assume Stevie will sort it out.

Similar, except Fleming and Barr both both had the levelheadedness not to stick one in the others already broken nose.

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I think the whole Docherty/Carswell things getting blown out of proportion due to Carswells nose bleeding. If it hadn't recently been broken it probably wouldn't have bled as I don't think the contact was that hard.
Although after it did happen how would people explain that we're suppose to then take Docherty off? We would have had to use 2 subs at the same time and we didn't exactly have the personnel on the bench to bring on 2 defensive midfielders.
A similar incident happened between Fleming and someone (possibly Barr) at the start of last season and that seemed to have been handled pretty well so I assume Stevie will sort it out.

Forgot about that. They had an argument then he subbed Fleming off (correct decision) but he stormed off down the tunnel as aitken told him to wisen up (in other words), it was Andy graham that went down the tunnel after him and brought him back out.

Made him captain the following week as we beat hibs 2-1 if I remember correctly?

But, there's a difference between a shouting match and head butting someone. If it was my decision sparky would be gone unfortunately.
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Forgot about that. They had an argument then he subbed Fleming off (correct decision) but he stormed off down the tunnel as aitken told him to wisen up (in other words), it was Andy graham that went down the tunnel after him and brought him back out.

Made him captain the following week as we beat hibs 2-1 if I remember correctly?

But, there's a difference between a shouting match and head butting someone. If it was my decision sparky would be gone unfortunately.

But I personally wouldn't even have called it a headbutt. I said on the match thread that it appeared they just squared up to each other.
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7 hours ago, son hawk said:

I think the whole Docherty/Carswell things getting blown out of proportion due to Carswells nose bleeding. If it hadn't recently been broken it probably wouldn't have bled as I don't think the contact was that hard.
Although after it did happen how would people explain that we're suppose to then take Docherty off? We would have had to use 2 subs at the same time and we didn't exactly have the personnel on the bench to bring on 2 defensive midfielders.
A similar incident happened between Fleming and someone (possibly Barr) at the start of last season and that seemed to have been handled pretty well so I assume Stevie will sort it out.

If (and I emphasise IF until the club investigation comes out) he has assaulted a team-mate with a headbutt, he comes off there and then, doesn't sit on the bench, goes and gets changed, and sits in the stand.  Team tactics and formations don't come into it.  There are no levels of acceptable violence between team-mates here.

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But I personally wouldn't even have called it a headbutt. I said on the match thread that it appeared they just squared up to each other.

You don't burst someone's nose by simply squaring up to them. Even if Carswell has recently broken it it would require some sort of phsyical contact.

Either way the incident is a disgrace and both players should be dealt with. First of all it sounds like they are pointing the finger at each other with some pathetic "he pushed me first" shite being spouted. Stop acting like children, shake hands, accept whatever disciplinary measures are taken (I'd be docking wages), both of you issue an apology to the supporters and move on.

Durrant should also be given 30 mins locked in the New Tinto dressing room with them both to punch their c***s in for embarassing us like that, then behaving like pathetic children and trying to blame each other.

Couple of roasters.
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7 hours ago, son hawk said:

But I personally wouldn't even have called it a headbutt. I said on the match thread that it appeared they just squared up to each other.

I said it on the match thread, and I think Squeezebox did too, that he put his head into Carswell's and then pushed it forward. It wasn't a conventional Glasgow Kiss, so I suppose that would've made it worse, but it's still inexcusable behaviour from such an experienced player. Especially considering he should've been sent off for it. If that had happened then I think the uproar from our supporters would've been even worse I reckon. 


In the above Sparky is Shelvey and Debuchy is Carswell. That's about the most similar incident I can find in a quick Google search

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