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North Korea ...again

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5 hours ago, welshbairn said:

At Nanking?

Amongst other place. Fucking awful attrosities took place there which the Japanese don't acknowledge. There's still bad blood between Japan and China as well as South Korea about things that happened during the war. A lot of Koreans workers were killed in Hiroshima too.

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10 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

My grandad's brother was a POW under the Japanese in Burma, hated them with a vengeance. He thought two atom bombs wasn't enough.

Thankfully military policy that can cause death and suffering on a global scale is not determined by a bitter old man.


Oh, wait...

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I will try and find some of the literature on the Korean War and the devastation the US willingly inflicted on the peninsula. Gives a greater understanding of the hatred felt by Koreans, particularly in the North, towards the United States. They destroyed Korea.

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Turns out Trump's Armada never headed for Korea at all, went south to naval exercises with Australia as arranged. Trump being an idiot as usual or trying to f**k with Kim's head are equally likely. Or both.


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2 hours ago, NotThePars said:

I will try and find some of the literature on the Korean War and the devastation the US willingly inflicted on the peninsula. Gives a greater understanding of the hatred felt by Koreans, particularly in the North, towards the United States. They destroyed Korea.

Don't go to any bother.

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I read about a man who was at Hiroshima train station at the time and went downstairs to take a piss. 
Bit of a surprise when he came back up again.

I never know what's a serious post on here anymore.

Some incredibly interesting posts the last few pages.
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1 hour ago, Grant228 said:



I never know what's a serious post on here anymore.

Some incredibly interesting posts the last few pages.



Fullerene was the piss.  Not the man at the Hiroshima train station.


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On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 00:54, Hillonearth said:

And most of them didn't understand what he was saying - he made the broadcast in archaic court Japanese which virtually no-one spoke. Imagine Churchill making a radio speech in Anglo-Saxon Old English and you're not far off. 

He also at no point used the word "surrender" which was a clue to the country's mindset at the time...thanks to the bushido code, an invasion of the Japanese home islands would have been a complete bloodbath.

The Allied plan was to make a D-day sized landing on southern Kyushu followed up by another on the Tokyo plain - turned out the Japanese had guessed the first one right and were concentrating their remaining military forces there, leaving the rest of the islands virtually undefended apart from the civilian population, who it was planned would resist by any means possible.

Allied casualties were projected at anything up to 4 million - potential Japanese casualties had every man, woman and child offered resistance as was expected they would, would have have been simply staggering.

It sounds completely counter-intuitive to say dropping two nukes on civilian targets was the most humane option available, but compared to the alternatives available at the time - invasion as detailed above or to continue to strategically bomb Japan into total societal collapse - it probably was.

I agree that Hiroshima & Nagasaki ended the war and no doubt saved hundreds of thousands of Allied forces (not to mention Japanese forces) lives but like you allude to, we can't really take any moral high ground when doing so.

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6 hours ago, Grant228 said:



I never know what's a serious post on here anymore.

Some incredibly interesting posts the last few pages.



There was a guy that survived both Nagasaki & Hiroshima bombings!

He's either very lucky or very unlucky whatever way you look at it!

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