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Foxy Knoxy

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  • 8 months later...

A thread about a foxy lass without a pic? Outrageous.



That's a disappointing standard.

If she is re-convicted (which, based on the evidence, I'm not sure will be the case) then here's a shot of her smug face as the Italian Courts realise the Americans will protect her from extradition anyway.

Edit: I'm not condoning the murder of poor Meredith here, before one of the terminally offended accuse me of disrespecting her or something.


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Reading Sky News, who reckon that Rudy Guede, who was originally sentenced to thirty years, reduced to sixteen on appeal, is likely to be freed on parole next year.

If I was part of the Kercher family, I'd be more upset at this than a not guilty verdict for Amanda and Rafaelle.

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Never doubted she was guilty....the whole appeal process was misled by some clown of an 'expert' having absolutely no clue on how statistics work and presenting wrong data as fact to the jury who, without that kind of knowledge themselves, had to respect his crappy view.

Get her sent back for justice...but of course U S A ...U S A ...one of ours she couldn't possibly won't allow it.

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Wrong decision IMO.

All the evidence points to Guede being the murderer, his DNA was all over the body and in the room, yet there was no DNA linked to Knox in the room or on Meredith. The same goes for for Sollecito, apart from one piece of DNA found on the bra clasp, which was discovered over 40 days after the initial forensic investigations, and was deemed inadmissible in the 2011 re-trial.

It would have been almost impossible for Knox or Sollecito to have taken part in the murder, clean up yet leave DNA linked only to Rudy Guede.

I've said all along that Amanda Knox and Raffele Sollecito were probably involved, but their part was probably only letting Guede into the house.

Edited by Adam
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