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Thatcher deid

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As I've said above, it's not that the industries could continue as they had been doing, and plenty of stubborn and stupid men contributed to the issue. Nevertheless, there was a broad spectrum of possibly futures between non profitable, union dominated industries and the overnight destruction of the whole thing. Industires could have kept on going, even in limited forms - some parts were still profitable. A joined up industrial strategy aimed at trying to replace industires as they reached the end of their useful life would've been useful, instead she was the architect of whole communties having the life torn out of them, making it harder for them in the long run to attract new investment.

That's the bit I couldn't understand - the old heavy industries were on the way out, but their demise was accelerated, and there was nothing (or so it seemed) put in place to pick up the pieces. Granted "ways of life" have come and gone since time immemorial and communities have just had to get on with it, but this happened in the 20th century, not the 18th. There were entire communities which relied on coal mining for their reason of being, close the mines, they might as well have bulldozed the villages. Similarly with shipbuilding, although shipbuilding usually took place in bigger locations than a lot of coal mining, so, in theory, there should have been more opportunity for unemployed shipyard workers to find alternative employment - don't think that worked out too well in practice.

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The south English really are seething with the delights of the scots, the north English and welsh. f**k her and the Tories. She's caused the current credit crunch.

Il start digging the grave

My reaction has certainly mystified my colleagues, in fairness, they've never been North of Watford either.

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These industries would have failed with or without Thatcher. Most were already failing anyway.

i dunno, Germany gave their steel and car-making industries limited subsidies during the hard times and managed to keep them alive to this day. The result is that they are still a big exporting nation with healthy heavy and medium industries who make good cars, while we are fucked and struggle even to attract call centres these days.

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Sold everthing off!

Sent the miners down the Swanny!

Created a "hate thy neighbour" selfish and greedy society!

Her son was a arms dealing c**t,who needed Mummys influence to get him out of jail.

Cold War she did a decent job,but the CND should of been supported soon afterwards!

The kids milk!

She sent her men into football and look at the greed in the game now!

Estimated £3,000,000 to be spent on her funeral!


But all that happened today is an elderly lady died.

So,rest in peace Margaret Thatcher.

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I disagree. These industries had such significant labour issues - there was a car factory in England that went on strike something crazy like 177 times in one year. Industry has been declining in many areas of the advanced world, including the US for example. It's hardly a trend unique to the UK.

We have migrated towards a service based economy, and not solely because of Margaret Thatcher.

It still doesn't mean that the whole industry had to die to make the point. In terms of coal mining at least, the Uk is sitting on top of milions of tonnes of good quality hydrocarbon product which could be profitably used, but for the destruciton of the industry, and while I understand the relative delcine in 'heavy' industries as part of a general trend in western society, it does not acocunt for the brutally rapid pace from which whole towns lost their major sources of employment and income.

The industries would have been smaller, but a lto bigger than they are today, and communties left with more to live for if there had been a grown up discussion on both sides about a modern and rationalised industry. Instead what we got was a whole lot of people getting crushed in a grinder thanks to Thatcher's policies.

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I am from that 60's era that put me and my family right in the firing line during the 70's and eighties.

Without going over the sordid details here, I urge anyone who wants to cast opinion to properly research the reign of the woman the Soviets dubbed "The Iron Lady" She was, in effect, a political dominatrix in an era when SOME industries were, in all honesty, taking the pish. However her "solutions" were way too extreme and poorly executed by a disgustingly complicit series of cabinets who didn't do what all cabinets SHOULD do - reign in excessive power mongering.

Her "success" in some of these areas led her to adopt an impervious attitude to all around her and was fed by the self-serving money grabbers in the city who saw the huge opportunity to play Monopoly with communities and damn the consequences.

This, eventually, led to her demise via the Poll Tax (Community Charge in Scotland) which, when finally introduced to England induced the kind of riots that finally got the snivelling Tory politicians off their arses.

By then - the damage had been done.

Just a summary for the younger ones here - the full story is a gruesome read.

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Sold everthing off!

Sent the miners down the Swanny!

Created a "hate thy neighbour" selfish and greedy society!

Her son was a arms dealing c**t,who needed Mummys influence to get him out of jail.

Cold War she did a decent job,but the CND should of been supported soon afterwards!

The kids milk!

She sent her men into football and look at the greed in the game now!

Estimated £3,000,000 to be spent on her funeral!


But all that happened today is an elderly lady died.

So,rest in peace Margaret Thatcher.

You could add "Was mates with Jimmy Savile" to the list too.

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The south English really are seething with the delights of the scots, the north English and welsh. f**k her and the Tories. She's caused the current credit crunch.

Il start digging the grave

Irony being that the Scottish Tories would kill now to have the same level of support in Scotland that they did when Thatcher was in power.

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All this "don't speak ill of the dead" stuff is just guff.

When a powerful political figure dies its downright dangerous to only allow praise. You cannot allow history to be whitewashed because of some ill-founded idea that the dead are immune from criticism. Those people who say we should show respect for Thatcher should maybe try showing a little respect for the people whose communities and lives were destroyed by Thatcher and her policies.

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