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ICW deserves a thread on its own (have I missed it)


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Accents are off limits? Seems like a bit of a daft thing to slag someone for. All for that sort of thing so long as folk can take it back. I get the feeling some folk there won't be able to though.

I guess accents are fair game, and the guy was laughing etc and Drew knows how to handle it so probably ok, it just seemed to be getting pretty personal.

It did cause Red lightning to start chanting TNA!! TNA!! at the bloke.

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Some ICW fans sound like the biggest cretins on the planet. Just enjoy the show without trying to become the show. Attention seeking freaks.

32nd of Janember.

It's really apparent at the FNFC tapings or Garage shows in general, where the individual drunken shouts are clearly audible. You're not that funny pal, shut the f**k up! Some of the chants are cringey enough without individual shouts of (not much) wisdom.

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It's really apparent at the FNFC tapings or Garage shows in general, where the individual drunken shouts are clearly audible. You're not that funny pal, shut the f**k up! Some of the chants are cringey enough without individual shouts of (not much) wisdom.

In my experience the extreme VLs go to every show. They're watered down by normal punters at the Barras, ABC, SECC etc.

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If it was the girl who was trying to fight Jester at the end, then she must have had a few too many drinks/ raging at wrestling. She tried to fight a guy in the crowd before the show even started and her boyfriend had to pull her away.

Did see Drew spit at one point in the crowds direction at the end. Something I'm not a fan of tbh.

Enjoyed last night though, first time I've been to an ICW show that wasn't Fear and Loathing. Not quite the same atmosphere but still a good laugh.

The roaster that writes the snapmare necks blog has went tonto about this on the increasingly unhinged ICW insane fans Facebook page, making out people are mocking other about cancer and all sorts. Utter walloper. Edited by cb_diamond
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There was a point where his blogs were quirky and funny, now it's cliche repeating and crawling up any wrestler who will grant him an interviews arse. I've also made the mistake of looking at his social media content. He's a proper attention seeker.

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It's only people who can't take some shite back I have issue with. Had some back and forth with Scotty Swift fans at the Square Go, but it was all good natured shite.

I've always enjoyed the good natured shite that goes on. Although I rarely go near the front so might miss the more enthusiastic bunch.

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It's only people who can't take some shite back I have issue with. Had some back and forth with Scotty Swift fans at the Square Go, but it was all good natured shite.

I've always enjoyed the good natured shite that goes on. Although I rarely go near the front so might miss the more enthusiastic bunch.

Yeah, I know loads of good folk that enjoy wrestling and ICW. Nothing better than chatting about obscure jobbers and storylines from years ago.

Then you get folk that treat it like it's 100% real and message all the wrestlers like they're mates.

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