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ICW deserves a thread on its own (have I missed it)


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Overall I've found it quite boring since F&L. Apart from Barrowmania I won't see another show till F&L as I'll be abroad for a few months, but even till then, I've no intention at all of going to the Garage shows or anything else. My mate said there was barely a couple of hundred at the last Garage show and I think they've lost a bit of momentum. The Square Go almost sold out early doors off the back of the momentum from F&L. I think perhaps they've been on in Glasgow too much lately and it'll be good for them to go away again for a bit.

I think the ownership angle had potential, but has seriously been dragged to f**k lately. It could get back on the rails, but I'm unconvinced at the moment.

Outwith my dislike of Renfrew as both a person and a talent, I'm not sure who else you put the belt on at the moment though, although I hate how weak they made Grado look. Without him and Drew the next few months could be murder. Hopefully we see Wolfie face turn, but if they continue down the NAK ruling the roost pish then thats a recipe for disaster with pretty much no challengers to them currently.

Not a fan of women and men wrestling each other and don't want to see it again.

Don't see why Polo is still doing tag matches. He should be the top baby face in the company or one of them.

Think they need a shot in the arm so to speak, perhaps a reasonable face import doing a series of shows if at all possible. I see Ken Anderson is doing a show in March which is decent for a one off.

As far as the Hydro goes I think a late push will see them get close.

And the crowd, just get tae f**k ya smelly mosher freaks.

Edited by Snakebite
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I don't think it's lost momentum. It's down to the utterly ludicrous decision to have shows almost weekly in Glasgow. That was always going to see a massive decrease in attendance, especially at the start of the year. I don't get that at all, and it's definitely the one decision they've made that you could say shows that they're beginning to believe their own hype. They surely can't have expected to keep selling so many tickets.

I still don't think they made Grado look weak. He came through an absolute war and lost. Big deal. And the crowd seemed to agree after it. Both guys came out of that match well and I'd assume Grado now moves right onto the Black Label. Grado will be around for quite a bit of the next few months. Galloway doesn't seem to be lined up for as much as Grado is, but I'd assume we'll see some of him during the tour.

What they need to do is stop with this shows almost every week shit. They can't have these and then expect people to spend 20 or more on the bigger shows. It's not feasible and makes no sense.

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Seen this pic on the excellent "snapmare necks" blog from the end of Renfrew v Grado.

These c***s should be gassed.


The guy in the middle holding the hat chats an huge amount of pure sh1te on the ICW fans Facebook page. Just constant verbal diarrhoea and abuse to anyone who questions Renfrew. Edited by cb_diamond
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Hes your champ who had a massive build up to his title run and hes getting beaten clean after one major show. Not much of a run is it for the face of the company? What does it make people think if the company are prepared to take the belt off him so soon (without even throwing the kitchen sink at him)? Drew ran with it despite being there only every other week and wrestling for everyone and their gran. Grado having the belt can take it everywhere and get the name out there. Whats Renfrew going to do? Take it to the the Garage and shows down south at the Basingstoke hot dog tecmo bowl?

Edited by Snakebite
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What are we suggesting here? Have the title only ever on guys that go overseas? Kinda limiting the options there. Also, people won't give an arse about "what about this company?" as a result. Because the reality is that the vast majority of folk don't actually give a f**k.

As for saving the ownership angle, I don't think there's much to be saved at the moment. I don't know how they can carry the thing on for almost a full year though.

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Hes your champ who had a massive build up to his title run and hes getting beaten clean after one major show. Not much of a run is it for the face of the company? What does it make people think if the company are prepared to take the belt off him so soon (without even throwing the kitchen sink at him)? Drew ran with it despite being there only every other week and wrestling for everyone and their gran. Grado having the belt can take it everywhere and get the name out there. Whats Renfrew going to do? Take it to the the Garage and shows down south at the Basingstoke hot dog tecmo bowl?

So he didn't look weak then, cos I didn't see you defend that statement anywhere in there.

Also guys are turning up at TNA, ROH, Evolve etc shows with dozens of lesser belts from other companies to their name. No one at those shows gies a f**k though, same as if LJT turned up at the garage with the SWE title. "Get to f**k mate, no-ones arsed about that belt"

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I don't know if it's just me or not but I wouldn't say Grado was booked as weak I would say Renfrew was booked as ridiculously strong.

Earlier in the night we saw Carmel get smashed senseless before winning with one chair shot. We then see Renfrew take all that punishment and I thought him losing after giving all that would give me so much more respect for him. I watched Grado's monsters ball match with Abyss and after taking the bumps he lost (rightfully so). Thats what should have happened in the title match for me. Big respect to Renfrew for taking the damage he did but coming out on top with a "Stoner" on Grado disappointed me. If it was Grado that took the punishment Renfrew did then I would say the same about Renfrew winning

Like I say just my opinion and I am sure many will disagree.

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How many Stoners did it take though? The commentators sold that well, saying that after everything they hit each other with, that was just one blow too many. It was like when HHH just fell on top of Austin in 2001. They put each other through hell and something just gave in the end.

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How many Stoners did it take though? The commentators sold that well, saying that after everything they hit each other with, that was just one blow too many. It was like when HHH just fell on top of Austin in 2001. They put each other through hell and something just gave in the end.

Like I say mate just my opinion. I like a bit of banter saying I like a huff or a greet and despise the NAK and what not but in all seriousness (for a change) I just felt with the damage Renfrew took he should have been put away for the 3 count.

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Talking about c***s questioning how many ICW events you've been to because you dare to question an appalling angle of a man beating up a woman.

The I've been to mare than you patter is symptomatic of the hardcore who ultimately don't want the company to grow.

Sad b*****ds. You've always struck me as one as well DomDom to be fair.

ha I witnessed a conversation that went along those lines. Are you 5 foot tall with a 3 foot beard? I found it well amusing.
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I can't remember who, but someone said that Dallas didn't like Grado. Not sure how that can be - unless it's something personal. He was the primary focus of the BBC documentaries ... I took 5 workies to one of the ICW nights and they waltzed out with Grado T-shirts very satisfied.

I'm no expert on ICW and wrestling in general. And without wanting to suggest the word "realism"... but imagine if the top two football teams (rated on whatever) got to play each other month for the crown of Best Football Team. Would the title not swap hands quite often?

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I said I don't think he likes him as champ. I stand by that. I think he likes him as the underdog more, and likes the comedy side to be getting used more. Champ Grado was a different character. Personally, I prefer that guy. He's developed into a hell of a wrestler getting more serious.

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Fair enough, but everyone loves to see the underdog win occasionally and if that means him winning at the biggest ever ICW event and sending the crowd home happy, then I think that's good for business.

It would make a bit of a joke of the whole affair if a chubby waster won simply because he was the funniest / most popular, but as you say, he has improved his game as of late and does look a bit more like an athlete.

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I said I don't think he likes him as champ. I stand by that. I think he likes him as the underdog more, and likes the comedy side to be getting used more. Champ Grado was a different character. Personally, I prefer that guy. He's developed into a hell of a wrestler getting more serious.

Seems folk on here just want to argue for the sake of arguing.

Cue the "no we dont"

Edited by diamond_for_life
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Think that's underplaying the damage Grado took in that match as well. He got absolutely smashed with that stick over the head several times and roll and slicing that barbed wire table wasn't exactly softcore.

Which if you are champion you overcome. Rather than lose your first real challenge.

I said I don't think he likes him as champ. I stand by that. I think he likes him as the underdog more, and likes the comedy side to be getting used more. Champ Grado was a different character. Personally, I prefer that guy. He's developed into a hell of a wrestler getting more serious.

Me too. In a way was slightly reminiscent of Kurt Angle maturing from his comedy character to mean streak. The step you have to make from mid-card to the top.

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Which if you are champion you overcome. Rather than lose your first real challenge.

It's not a science! It's an independent wrestling promotion. Let them triumph or fail on their own decisions not how you think wrestling should be booked cos of age-old formula.

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