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ICW deserves a thread on its own (have I missed it)


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The bunnets on the TNA fan page going bananas about Ken Anderson saying "f@ck TNA" is pure entertainmen!


Should have probably kept his mouth shut, decides to have a go at them and then a couple of days later it gets revealed that they actually sacked him because of a failed drugs test and his erratic behaviour at their January tapings, no coincidence in the timing of that I think.

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Didn't even notice. At the start I was definitely unsure on her, but I got sucked into the match a fair bit. Thought it was the best match for that title since Carmel challenged Viper in a one on one match.


EDIT: See what you mean about the nearfalls in the main event. One in particular got my goat. But it was a good match.

Edited by Randy Giles
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Right, Barramania almost has a complete card.


ICW Tag Team Championships

I Quit Towel Match - Losing Manager Quits ICW

The 55 © vs. Polo Promotions


ICW Zero G Championship Scramble Match

Davey Boy © vs. Lionheart vs. Kenny Williams vs. Liam Thomson vs. Joe Hendry vs. Noam Dar


Loser Leaves Town Match

Nikki Storm vs. Sammi Jayne


Grado vs. Red Lightning


The NAK vs. Wolfgang and Stevie Boy


Mikey Whiplash vs. Trent Seven


Massimo vs. Doug Williams


On top of that, Damo has challenged Drew Galloway to a one on one match at the Barras as well. Joe Coffey not on the card is a bit ominous though.

Edited by Randy Giles
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Think Grado/Red has been simmering well, and it's only really part of a larger rivalry right now, so I'd assume they're not done with each other.


Get what you're saying with The 55 and Polo Promotions, but with the "Barnburner" name tagged onto it, I do think this will be a different type of match to what we've seen before. More of a wild brawl. They'd need to go a long way to top their Edinburgh match after FNL though.


REALLY looking forward to Zero G. It'll likely open and have a blistering pace. If they keep it down to a few minutes and just have everyone just burst out big moves in that time, I'll be happy enough.


Don't give a f**k about the Nikki Storm/Sammi Jayne match really, and would have liked to have seen a Women's title match on the card. Carmel has been a pretty decent champ to this point.


NAK vs. Black Label should be a screamer aye. Mikey Whiplash vs. Trent Seven I was damn good I thought, so a rematch should be equally interesting, and hopefully equally mental. Get the feeling they wanted Jimmy Havoc vs. Mikey Whiplash for this show, which is why we've ended up with this one. But they could have done a lot worse and at least there's a history there.


Not seen enough of Massimo but what I have seen has been decent. This is a big step up though. Big match on one of the biggest shows for ICW.


As for the big title, it'll be defended. No doubt about that. And with Drew Galloway vs. Big Damo getting set up, there's now a few matches to sell tickets. There's still some title matches to come before we hit Barramania so once we get past them, we'll probably have Big Damo defending against Drew Galloway.

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