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Rather than move the asteroid off course is there anyway we could move earth slightly? Like create some sort of controlled explosion in the core that would shift us a few hundred metres or whatever was required

Is there something you're trying to tell us? :lol:

Extremely doubtful in theory without fucking the earth in the process in numerous ways or fucking up its and the moon's orbit, and way beyond our current technology regarding depth we can dig and we probably don't have enough controlled energy anyway.

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Have NASA done many 'huge' announcements like this before? Just trying to grasp the actual magnitude (or not) of this.

I'm a big fan of NASA but I've learnt to be sceptical of their big announcements. For example when they declared they'd found organisms that were based on arsenic.


Follow up studies failed to confirm the initial findings - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GFAJ-1

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I'm a big fan of NASA but I've learnt to be sceptical of their big announcements. For example when they declared they'd found organisms that were based on arsenic.


Follow up studies failed to confirm the initial findings - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GFAJ-1

"Today, and thousands of discoveries later, astronomers are on the cusp of finding something people have dreamed about for thousands of years – another Earth," NASA teased in a statement.

That little tidbit is definitely interesting though.

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Pretty incredible stuff. Getting there would be a bit difficult though. One thing discovering these planets, a whole different ball game making these discoveries any use to us.

Stephen Hawking did a few programmes on different theories about how it is technically possible for humans to travel to the outer reaches of space, thoroughly recommend it.

Edited by BuddieInDundee
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"Today, and thousands of discoveries later, astronomers are on the cusp of finding something people have dreamed about for thousands of years – another Earth," NASA teased in a statement.

That little tidbit is definitely interesting though.

That little tidbit is definitely interesting though.

little tidbit is definitely interesting

little tidbit



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It's titbit, folks. The Americans changed it to 'tidbit' so that nobody would think about boobies when saying it (srsly). I'm 100% opposed to people being given the opportunity not to think about lovely, lovely breasts.

BradHorse is forgiven, however, as I don't understand his last post, so I think we're typing in different languages :P

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Question for the scientists on here. If it was discovered that earth would be wiped out completely by an asteroid etc in 25/30 years from now. How would human race survive - would they build big space stations and ship people up there? Would 25 years be long enough to do a program like that?

Take the Chicxulub impact that wiped out the dinosaurs. Other than a few hundred\thousand miles around it there would be little impact on your life from the impact. It is the dust cloud that likely did most of the damage. That reduced sunlight for a few years and caused big dies offs with plants so the animals had little to eat. There is some debate about a fire storm from debris re-entering the Earth but even then you'd have to be unlucky to get hit by a big piece. The way to get the most people to survive would be to build up food reserves for each household so they could last about 8 years on tinned and preserved food, water purification and so on. Somewhere is going to get absolutely plastered (and covered by a load of rock called the ejecta blanket)


But if you do things like ration food, ban using corn and soya for animal feed and instead store it, you can likely get a serious portion of the human race enough stocked food they can survive till agriculture is back up and running again.

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It's titbit, folks. The Americans changed it to 'tidbit' so that nobody would think about boobies when saying it (srsly). I'm 100% opposed to people being given the opportunity not to think about lovely, lovely breasts.

BradHorse is forgiven, however, as I don't understand his last post, so I think we're typing in different languages :P

Y'know, I'm actually really pleased to find out this information. I'd always thought it was 'tidbit' due to our supreme American overlords ruling my life but finding this out adds further to my arsenal of weapons ready to overthrow our awful oppressors.

As for your last point - if I'm posting after about 10:30-11pm then I'm generally a few joints into my evening so my punctuation has been known to slip a little on occasion ;) .

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