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Reasons to be Cheerful

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I'm aware of all the sweeteners and additives etc. Sweeteners just make you crave sugar don't they? I don't get that problem. Also never had a filling in my life, teeth are spotlessly white.

I try cut down but don't really see the point

Sweeteners in diet drinks are supposedly carcinogenic. Maybe try limit it to one glass bottle a weekend man.

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Where did you do that? Me and my friend were looking for a game after enjoying watching it at the Olympics.

We also want to try our hand at Tchoukball

Me and my gym class has to teach a massive group of Japanese exchange students Tchoukball a couple of years ago at my high school. They didn't understand any of the rules at first and just kept attempting to jump on the trampoline :lol: . They ended up beating us in a game of it later on, mental day.

Edited by maplewell
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Just googled that....

Think I will. :o

For what it's worth, aspartame and the like have been linked to the development of cancer and other illnesses however the literature that states as much has been countered by the same amount of literature which says artificial sweeteners are not carcinogenic.

Just use your common sense when it comes to consuming fizzy drinks though; you're young and it may not affect you as much just now but it will later on in life.

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If there was any proof that sweeteners were carcinogenic they wouldn't be in food. It reads like a facebook scare story.

You're probably right. I'm just wary of diet fizzy drinks (and fizzy drinks in general) because of the amount of weight they seem to cause people to pile on.

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