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I've never came back in the first place brah.

It does seem like they've totally collapsed and went from bang average to worse than that since I've left though. Maybe once I'm back next season the lads will respond to my own personal Champerbomb win bonus and bring home the queso.

Fayre. I was steaming last night when I made that comment. I hope to go to NZ one day. It looks incredible. You should go to Canada, its v v dece to say the least.

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Well jel of all you dece bois on that jetsetting tip.

Ah well, sunny day in EdinBro so off to the park with my homies and homebitches for some beer and SPORTS.

#summer #topgun #flyawaytothedecezone

Had to take the afternoon off though. I'm freelance so won't get paid. It's okay, Im Sodj and I can afford it.

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Well jel of all you dece bois on that jetsetting tip.

Ah well, sunny day in EdinBro so off to the park with my homies and homebitches for some beer and SPORTS.

The #Meadows was glorious today. So much talent on show. #Sky'sOutThighsOut

This way my look today (except my calves and quads are more defined and maybe about 40% bigger).


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You should go to Canada, its v v dece to say the least.

I can confirm that Canada is indeed v v dece, my best mate lives in Toronto and I was there twice last year. Twice I hear you say, it's ok though because I'm Monkman and I can afford it.


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When will you be in #LADsterdam, EGB?

June 10th to June 15th bro, you going as well?

Fayre. I was steaming last night when I made that comment. I hope to go to NZ one day. It looks incredible. You should go to Canada, its v v dece to say the least.

NZ it totes qual bro, v. v. dece ITPO.

Canada does appeal, but so does the States. I think I'm going to go home for a year or so and then go to the US on a three month tourist Visa. Obvs they don't do working holidays so I couldn't legally work there or stay long but it's OK, I'm EGB, I can afford it. Then maybe Canada after that if North America appeals.

Hope I don't miss my totes qual football team by then.

ETA: Americans, Canadians etc are absolutely frothing for the Scottish accent. #likefishingwithdynamite

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Btw lads I want to get deep for a second.

Ever since I've started embodying the attitude, image and spirit of dece there's been so many positives, but like all blessings it can sometimes be a curse. For example (and I'm sure all of you boiz can relate here) one problem is how to react when a solid #8orhigher wants a bit when she's steaming and you're just starting your night.

Obviously you fancy a cheeky go, but when you aren't that steaming yourself it feels quite dodgy. Plus going off with a bird an hour in to the night ruins your downtime with the boiz. Sometimes I think life would be much simpler if you were just a dosser, nearly jizzing your pants with excitement and panic whenever you get attention from a bird every 7 years, regardless of what she looks like or what state she's in.

Sometimes being dece can be complicated, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

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#goingtontointoronto is such a qual hashtag. Best one for ages.

Would it be alright if I mention it to my boi Drizzy next time he's pestering me for lyrics Monkman?


Btw lads I want to get deep for a second.

Ever since I've started embodying the attitude, image and spirit of dece there's been so many positives, but like all blessings it can sometimes be a curse. For example (and I'm sure all of you boiz can relate here) one problem is how to react when a solid #8orhigher wants a bit when she's steaming and you're just starting your night.

Obviously you fancy a cheeky go, but when you aren't that steaming yourself it feels quite dodgy. Plus going off with a bird an hour in to the night ruins your downtime with the boiz. Sometimes I think life would be much simpler if you were just a dosser, nearly jizzing your pants with excitement and panic whenever you get attention from a bird every 7 years, regardless of what she looks like or what state she's in.

Sometimes being dece can be complicated, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Wow, I love it when shit gets deep like this. Edited by SodjesSixteenIncher
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As i told my boii tonight

5 + 4 = 9

Reminds me of when me and the boiz were out on the town and I pulled a solid9. I'm feeling like a #topboi, when I look round and see one of the ladz pulling a 5, and then pulling another 5. I didn't want to be outdone in the numbers game so pulled a dwarf in a wheelchair.


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27th-29th. No #dece reunion on the cards then. Just need to see you bois at the annual trip to Marbs.

To be fair mate I'll be Cologne, Germany on those dates. I could get C. Harris, RyGos or Max George from The Wanted to send one of their heli's over to collect you for some lunchtime drinkies if you want?

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