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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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Think the LoL were on the Yes side in the first devolution referendum because they thought it would help bring Stormont back, for what it's worth. Beyond that being opposed to the Roman Catholic church is not enough to fit the definition of a "hate group". Never been a huge fan of them, but it's hard to think of another organisation that so much exaggerated and misinformed nonsense gets written about.

a lot of the reputation gained from the orange order comes from the utter zoomers who follow the walk with their huge union jacks, ulster,king billy and rangers flags in one hand and bottle of tonic in the other. and are basically there to cause bother and fight with any other bams from the next scheme up. ironically in Canada/america the orange walk is actually seen as a day out with all members of the community out watching the parade.

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September looks like a pretty big month with Scotland travelling to Dublin to take on Ireland in a three match ODI series on the 8th, 10th & 12th but aside from that there's no international action till Scotland kick off their ICC World Cup campaign against NZ in Dunedin next year

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I know it shouldn't but the fact they refer to themselves as LoL always amuses me when I see it. Why OO isn't used instead I've no idea. At least it's another nice easy way for the simpletons to identify themselves as supporters.

That's an interesting leap in logic to say the least.

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Well nobody other than those that defend them use LoL unless it's deliberate used to mock.

I don't think when the orange order was founded in the 17th/18th century they realised that the acronym for the names of their separate lodges would one day be text speak for laugh out loud.

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Anybody who has ever actually seen an Orange walk will have seen LOL rather than OO on their banners. The acronym isn't some obscure members only thing. Not sure why so many otherwise apparently rational people appear to take leave of their senses when discussing this particular organisation. They don't like the Roman Catholic church. Their reasons for doing so are dated to say the least, but there's nothing inherently wrong with that. I'm more into the Richard Dawkins secular humanist viewpoint on that sort of thing, personally.

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I don't think when the orange order was founded in the 17th/18th century they realised that the acronym for the names of their separate lodges would one day be text speak for laugh out loud.

Of course they didn't hence I said it shouldn't make me laugh but does.

Anybody who has ever actually seen an Orange walk will have seen LOL rather than OO on their banners. The acronym isn't some obscure members only thing. .

Yes they use LOL, but any rational person would use OO, LOL doesn't even make sense. It isn't a member only thing, but it's just one of those subtle things people do to identify they are/were part of "the loyalist community". It's like referring to northern ireland as ulster.

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That's a bit harsh, all they want is cheese and pineapple on a stick.

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Yes they use LOL, but any rational person would use OO, LOL doesn't even make sense. It isn't a member only thing, but it's just one of those subtle things people do to identify they are/were part of "the loyalist community". It's like referring to northern ireland as ulster.

Referring to Northern Ireland as Ulster was normal even in the mainstream media until relatively recent times in a Scottish context.

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20 or 30 years ago

30 years ago is recent, bloody hell. So Liverpool won the league relatively recently , nice to learn something new.

But yeah I'll continue to take it as a marker that someone is of a certain inclination. An inclination that is shared with many backwards bigots.

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What I originally wrote was "relatively recent times". Lots of people still around who grew up watching television when nobody would have blinked an eyelid at Ulster being used instead of NI. Back before the internet there were no Old Firm orientated websites launching deranged obsessive campaigns against media personalities who said or wrote something that went slightly off message in some way. Zoe Salmon is proud of the red hand of Ulster it's the end of civilisation as we have known it etc etc. A bit like the Derry/Londonderry thing there was a time when people were a lot more easy going on stuff like that.

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As I have always understood it a LOL is an individual Lodge and the OO is the overall organization. Bit like a Klavern and the Klan.

One of our Northern Irishmen who smoked Orangeism once but never inhaled might wish to correct me though.

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Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland is the official name of the overall organisation in Scotland. Something that's a bit mind boggling about them given their posture on constitutional politics is that over 90 years on from partition they are still organised in an All Ireland rather than a "failed statelet" basis. The KKK analogy is a prime example of the exaggerated nonsense that people go in for on this.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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