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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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Take away the sky fairy angle as has happened over the past two generations as Scottish society has secularised and all that's left is a backward ancestral tribalism that revolves around what type of school you went to. The political parties with the exception so far of the Greens don't want to touch this issue because there are still enough older voters that actually believe in the sky fairy stuff to make backing full all out secularism with a complete separation of church and state a potential vote loser for them if there wasn't a broad based consensus across the political elite. So instead what we have got until very recently is politicians (Labour, the SNP and Lib Dems have all been at it in recent times, and the old Unionist party that was the forerunner to the Conservatives was very much defined by it) trying to appeal to voters (mainly but not exclusively on the RC side of the fence, the SNP in the Monklands East by election would be an example of the opposite) on a visceral level by tapping into this tribalism in a hot button sort of way. To paraphrase McDairmid it's time to pit the clathe ower the parrot on this stuff and move on.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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I have never said they weren't open to kids of other back grounds. But they aren't open in their recruitment of teachers. I think when a school has a religious ethos then it must surely compromise the teaching of certain aspects of science and I know for a fact that certain social and ethical subjects are not permitted to be brought up as the subject of discursive/persuasive essays in English in a couple of the RC high schools that I know most about personally. The advice of guidance teachers to vulnerable students is also going to have to conform to the requirements of the faith, first and foremost, rather than what is best for the child- that doesn't sit comfortably with me either.

I think schools should encourage kids to be able to discuss and question absolutely everything in life- that's the basis of education. I think in religious schools that this freedom is compromised by other considerations and sensitivities.

Don't talk fuckin shite , you really are coming across as an ignoramus.

RC schools teach the exact same curriculum as any other State school , they are legally required to.

A teachers religion has no bearing on they way they teach science in a RC school?!! What the fuk are you talking about?

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Video just popped up on my twitter there of a carriage full of men on the Glasgow subway in blue/white and red scarfs and orange blue and white scarfs singing 'we fucking hate Roman Catholics'

In this day and age


Edited by 1320Lichtie
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Video just popped up on my twitter there of a carriage full of men on the Glasgow subway in blue/white and red scarfs and orange blue and white scarfs singing 'we fucking hate Roman Catholics'

In this day and age


I seen that one, obviously not representative of the orcs.
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Video just popped up on my twitter there of a carriage full of men on the Glasgow subway in blue/white and red scarfs and orange blue and white scarfs singing 'we fucking hate Roman Catholics'

In this day and age


Bloody ICT fans in the city for the cup final

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If you are being taught in RE that the world came about through creationism how is this reconciled with being taught in Science about evolution?

I know RC schools where there is absolutely no way a child would be allowed to write a discursive essay on for example the subject of abortion- I don't believe educational establishments should prohibit what a child can and cant write about. I don't claim this is official policy across al schools, but it has been the case in the only 2 where I know teachers.

I don't believe for a moment you've ever set foot in a catholic school to be making such claims.

Some of us have first hand experiences, but for a laugh. Please name the school in question

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Video just popped up on my twitter there of a carriage full of men on the Glasgow subway in blue/white and red scarfs and orange blue and white scarfs singing 'we fucking hate Roman Catholics'

In this day and age


Moronic to say the least and something that is a clear BoTP, but I'm not convinced (but certainly still open to persuasion) that it's really any more noteworthy in the big scheme of things nowadays than equally moronic songs about zoophilia aimed at Aberdonians when all of the people singing it probably never go anywhere near a church and are motivated by dislike of Celtic rather than anything related to differing views over transubstantiation or something like that. Politicians, who exploit the lingering tribalism, pretend there's still a huge rigid polarisation of Scottish society like there was 50 or 60 years ago, but the reality is that Senga has been marrying Declan, and Siobhan has been marrying Derek in recent decades and there is a younger generation growing up now, who can often easily swing both ways on these things.

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I never claimed to have set foot in a RC school or have first hand experiences, but I have actually, and I would bet I was far closer to the delivery of the curriculum than you ever were presumably as a student....

Please. Don't leave us hanging. Do back up this claim

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Video just popped up on my twitter there of a carriage full of men on the Glasgow subway in blue/white and red scarfs and orange blue and white scarfs singing 'we fucking hate Roman Catholics'

In this day and age


Thursday night?

Ten minute sash bash on the train we got on.

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One just marched by. About 20 people in total, including the folk playing the instruments. All the folk in the fancy dress were old white men. Think there were about 5 folk following it. Absolutely no one was giving a f**k. They're such an irrelevance that there were only about 5 police officers (one who was on a bike). It seemed the marchers just do it to provoke a reaction but, at least around here as far as I could see, no one cares.

What a sad, pathetic bunch of bitter irrelevant fools.

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One just marched by. About 20 people in total, including the folk playing the instruments. All the folk in the fancy dress were old white men. Think there were about 5 folk following it. Absolutely no one was giving a f**k. They're such an irrelevance that there were only about 5 police officers (one who was on a bike). It seemed the marchers just do it to provoke a reaction but, at least around here as far as I could see, no one cares.

What a sad, pathetic bunch of bitter irrelevant fools.

It's attention seeking.

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The COS is legally responsible for RE in all Non Dom schools in Scotland. Why do these non elected god botherers have so much say in our schools?

No idea why anyone would even think this. Religious and Moral Education is the responsibility of Education Scotland.

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Think the role of the CoS (there is one that is in the relevant legislation) is to inspect the standard of RE in non-denom schools or something like that. The legislation that is in place is almost a century old and reflects a very different Scotland from today's secular post-Christian society.

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If you are being taught in RE that the world came about through creationism how is this reconciled with being taught in Science about evolution? I know RC schools where there is absolutely no way a child would be allowed to write a discursive essay on for example the subject of abortion- I don't believe educational establishments should prohibit what a child can and cant write about. I don't claim this is official policy across al schools, but it has been the case in the only 2 where I know teachers.
If you are being taught in RE that the world came about through creationism how is this reconciled with being taught in Science about evolution? I know RC schools where there is absolutely no way a child would be allowed to write a discursive essay on for example the subject of abortion- I don't believe educational establishments should prohibit what a child can and cant write about. I don't claim this is official policy across al schools, but it has been the case in the only 2 where I know teachers.
Wit the fuk are u rabbling about?!!!Why would RC school be teaching creationism when Catholics don't believe in it?!!
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