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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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When the SNP hold a parade in Stirling over Bannockburn over some old battle from centuries ago of questionable relevance to the present day is it also absolutely driven by hatred and intolerance?

"The SNP" are holding no such parade. Other than that just a terrific attempt at whataboutery from the forum's resident bigot apologist.

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Am questioning HB's veneer of respectability when someone questions questionable employment practice in Catholic schools when, in reality, he twists it round to an argument about Protestant schools and makes snide remarks about those criticising the said dodgy employment practice, making snide comments describing them as "staunch" or Loyal", and then lambasts 3,000 people he has never met as scum.

He may not like them, and is more than entitled to that opinion, but it is hardly the terminology of a measured and reasoned man.

I can quite easily think of groups of more than 3,000 people who can justifiably be considered scum. Pretty much any neo-Nazi organisation for a start, up to and including their garden racist tag-alongs like 'Britain First'. Quite why you thought a child-like 'but you haven't met all of them!' response would work on an adult forum, who knows.

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Was thinking more of your comment describing 3,000 people you have never met as "scum".

You don't need to meet people to decide where they if there scum or not, some are quite good at hiding it and you don't notice they are scum until you have known them a while, others however make it obvious, and if they are going to march around showing their scumbagery to all then there isn't really any reason to get to know them better before identifying them as scum. Edited by parsforlife
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I thought this was an informative, sensible read until you mentioned Rangers.

I think the only actively "practicing" Orangeman posting in this thread is an Aberdeen supporter, for what it's worth, which shows why stereotypes are best avoided. Not sure how informative the post really was beyond that. The Dan Winter's cottage stuff that revolved around rural paramilitarism didn't have much to do with what led to the growth of Orangeism later on in Ulster, the Scottish coalfields and beyond. Many/most Presbyterians were on the side of the United Irishmen in 1798 because 18th century Ireland wasn't a fun place to be if you weren't Anglican and it was the Presbyterians that had the numbers in Ulster rather than the CoI. What the LOL later provided was a vehicle for Protestants, who were split between several different denominations, to meet socially and organise in the face of an Irish nationalism that moved away from being inspired by the ideals of the French revolution to being driven by ancestral tribalism. Think people also tend to lose sight of the importance of the meeting socially angle on this in a just another excuse to get bevvied sort of way.

You don't need to meet people to decide where they if there scum or not....

But I bet he'll still deny being prejudiced against the aforementioned individuals. :blink:

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No, but some people simply can't stand the sight of a Union Flag and project their own hangups onto it in an exaggerated sort of way & not likely to be mistaken for a MENSA convention but more than just drunken jakey types lining the streets to watch the bands go by

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No, but some people simply can't stand the sight of a Union Flag and project their own hangups onto it in an exaggerated sort of way & not likely to be mistaken for a MENSA convention but more than just drunken jakey types lining the streets to watch the bands go by

^^^ word salad

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Anyone that openly carries a union jack in Scotland has leanings towards racist, extreme right wing brit nat groups like bnp, britain first, sdl, loyalist paramilitaries etc. There's never an "innocent" motive to someone carrying a uj in this country, in Scotland it's used as a flag of hate by these groups. I'm sorry but it's true.

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I'm not a Nat, I'm not a Catholic, I'm an ordinary Scottish guy born and raised. Can I ask a question?

Why, in 2014, are bigoted sectarian halfwits from an Irish political group allowed to parade through the streets of my town celebrating some shitey wee religious scuffle in a foreign country centuries ago?

This is an affront to modern society

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Freedom of assembly is not the same as freedom to traipse along major routes of an urban area with dud 17th Century nonsense.

Though perhaps the OO should exercise their right to assembly in a wider space. The M8, for example.

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No, but some people simply can't stand the sight of a Union Flag and project their own hangups onto it in an exaggerated sort of way & not likely to be mistaken for a MENSA convention but more than just drunken jakey types lining the streets to watch the bands go by

You'll be as quick to condemn the celebrations of the beginning of WW1 as well I take it? Or is that completely different?

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