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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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To illustrate the utter double standards of the Celtic fanbase, let's look at the Celtic Wiki's profile of Paul Elliott...

"During his spell at Celtic he was often on the end of terrible racist abuse at away grounds all over Scotland, including unsurprisingly Ibrox, despite his great friend from Villa Park days, Mark Walters, playing for them."

Yes, that's right. These utter scumbags did have the cheek to complain about Rangers fans' abuse of Elliott, using, yes, Mark Walters in the sentence!


Edited by H_B
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To illustrate the utter double standards of the Celtic fanbase, let's look at their profile of Paul Elliott...

"During his spell at Celtic he was often on the end of terrible racist abuse at away grounds all over Scotland, including unsurprisingly Ibrox, despite his great friend from Villa Park days, Mark Walters, playing for them."

Yes, that's right. These utter scumbags did have the cheek to complain about Rangers fans' abuse of Elliott, using, yes, Mark Walters in the sentence!


surely you are not talking about that anti fascist, socialist , far left wing peacing loving set of fans down gallowgate way ?

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surely you are not talking about that anti fascist, socialist , far left wing peacing loving set of fans down gallowgate way ?


I believe there was a localised mistral on Walters' debut at Celtic Park, which just happened to dislodge from the pocket (and this is very easily done) the bananas the St Pauli loving fanbase were carrying, having just popped into Wm. Low (as it would have been at the time) for some fruit and veg on the way to the game.

Totally different, as the Celtic Wiki states, from the vile racist abuse Paul Elliott had to endur from Rangers fans.

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Agreed, they both have a disproportionately large number of vile bigots, but Half Rice is trying demonise very large numbers of Rangers fans by linking them to fascism and fascist groups, just as he tried to demonise the union flag earlier in this thread.

Agreed, they both have a disproportionately large number of vile bigots, but Half Rice is trying demonise very large numbers of Rangers fans by linking them to fascism and fascist groups, just as he tried to demonise the union flag earlier in this thread.

I wouldn't be shocked to discover that a right wing groups supporters would have a good few Rangers fans in them, but have these right wing groups actually have many supporters in the first place ? Considering the amount of fans Rangers have (good or bad) to label them as right wing facist nutters would surely mean that these groups would have a large membership which they clearly don't .,

I remember there was an investigation by the Sunday World (NI rag) about the influence right wing groups such as C-18 and the NF had over here and the links to loyalism etc.. an undercover reporter spent time with them and discovered that C-18 had meetings up in Scotland mainly in some shitty working mens club which also doubled as a Rangers supporters club, probably about 20-30 locals attended it ,the usual types that would attend these things f**k the pope tatoos on each arm and roughly 6 brain cells between them and so on, but Rangers emblems were used and all the no surrender pish that goes with it, I suppose as Rangers have always sold themselves as very much the British club as opposed to their plastic Paddy rivals then there will always be an association with them to extreme groups,if they had perhaps distanced themselves from such things earlier it may be different but labelling large numbers of them as members just plainly isn't true.

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To illustrate the utter double standards of the Celtic fanbase, let's look at the Celtic Wiki's profile of Paul Elliott...

"During his spell at Celtic he was often on the end of terrible racist abuse at away grounds all over Scotland, including unsurprisingly Ibrox, despite his great friend from Villa Park days, Mark Walters, playing for them."

Yes, that's right. These utter scumbags did have the cheek to complain about Rangers fans' abuse of Elliott, using, yes, Mark Walters in the sentence!


In fairness, and you make a very valid point, not all Celtic fans are as dim or as bigoted as this, and many fans are guilty of double standards when it comes to point scoring. I know a great many reasoned Celtic fans who I am happy to have as friends and acquaintances.

My criticism is with people who seek to portray all OF fans as being like the sizeable bigoted elements in both supports.

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I believe there was a localised mistral on Walters' debut at Celtic Park, which just happened to dislodge from the pocket (and this is very easily done) the bananas the St Pauli loving fanbase were carrying, having just popped into Wm. Low (as it would have been at the time) for some fruit and veg on the way to the game.

Totally different, as the Celtic Wiki states, from the vile racist abuse Paul Elliott had to endur from Rangers fans.

But they are the greatest fans in the world i hear , a jollier bunch of craicsters you will find harder to meet ? :o

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My criticism is with people who seek to portray all OF fans as being like the sizeable bigoted elements in both supports.

My criticism, in relation to Celtic fans, ignoring for a second their glorification of terrorist violence, is their delusionsal, self-righteous pretence to be something they are not. And in being absolutely the first to throw stones, rocks and anything lying to hand, whilst living in a house made of glass framed by balsa wood.

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My criticism, in relation to Celtic fans, ignoring for a second their glorification of terrorist violence, is their delusionsal, self-righteous pretence to be something they are not. And in being absolutely the first to throw stones, rocks and anything lying to hand, whilst living in a house made of glass framed by balsa wood.

tbh i know that rangers fans arent angels and am first to admit that but what gets me is celtic fans who seem to think that every single celtic fan is a walking piece of purity.

Have they forgotten about amsterdam already ? their various banners in support of a terrorist organisation ? their fans history of racial abuse (as recently as 2011 with el hadj diof) ? 50 thousand of them belting out about how walter smith was a sad orange barsteward with a shite football team in the afore mentioned game ? attacking a referee because their biggest rivals were steamrolling their way to the league on their own turf ? their interuptions of rememberance day?

again the list could go on as it could for rangers fans but my point is for every point scoring used by a celtic fan there is one a rangers fan can throw right back , alot of celtic fans fail to undertand and grasp this.

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My criticism, in relation to Celtic fans, ignoring for a second their glorification of terrorist violence, is their delusionsal, self-righteous pretence to be something they are not. And in being absolutely the first to throw stones, rocks and anything lying to hand, whilst living in a house made of glass framed by balsa wood.

Agreed. My latter comment was not aimed at you, but at an earlier poster(s).

I think we can all agree that there is plenty of room for criticism when it comes to OF fans.

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...alot of celtic fans fail to undertand and grasp this.

If you are raised to believe that the Roman Catholic church is the absolute embodiment of truth then a football club that is perceived to be part of that ethos is inevitably going to be seen as having the "moral high ground", while opposing clubs will be viewed as evil and en route to hell etc etc. If it was the Mormons and stuff like magic underpants were involved most people would be able to see that it's dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb to put it in Southpark terms and would have no problem saying so, but mainstream brands of Christianity are something that don't get confronted in Scottish society for strength in numbers reasons so people like Archie McPherson did the appeasement thing and told us they were the greatest fans in the world even when most of us are all too familiar with having to deal with the moron element like the cut your throat guy in the Lisbon clip. Roll on a truly secular society.

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^^^A very Scottish mentality. Portugal has a "red belt" in the south from about Lisbon down to just north of the Algarve where most of the population had strong Communist or Socialist sympathies by the mid-20th century and often very much rejected the RC church. Benfica traditionally draws a lot of its support from people from that sort of background. Italy has something similar north of Rome around about Tuscany in the former Papal States. Hence why clubs like Livorno and Empoli (Ultras are called Rangers funnily enough) are very left leaning. In most of southern Europe the emergence of the modern nation state was due to the emergence of liberal and left wing anti-clerical movements, so people don't equate Roman Catholicism with national identity in the way that happens in the island of Ireland or in countries like Croatia and Poland where there were other national groups like Serbs and Ukrainians that spoke much the same language but traditionally went to a different type of church.

Croatia is further complicated by the fact that it's was generally under the control of the Austro-Hungarian Empire so the Roman Catholic church was generally the church of the imperial establishment while most of Serbia spent more time under Turkish rule so it's Orthodox Christianity sat easier with Nationalist sentiment. This of course depends slightly on where you think the natural borders of different Balkan nations actually are but given the amount of depressing stuff on this thread that's probably best left for another time.

More importantly in Dumfries The shell shocked Reivers are now 33/4.

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Croatia is further complicated by the fact that it's was generally under the control of the Austro-Hungarian Empire so the Roman Catholic church was generally the church of the imperial establishment while most of Serbia spent more time under Turkish rule so it's Orthodox Christianity sat easier with Nationalist sentiment. This of course depends slightly on where you think the natural borders of different Balkan nations actually are but given the amount of depressing stuff on this thread that's probably best left for another time.

More importantly in Dumfries The shell shocked Reivers are now 33/4.

They're going to have to start stealing a few runs, then.

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