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19 year old woman from Lenzie held in Peru over drugs

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Some local lawyer said if they plead guilty and say sorry, they could get 6 years and out in 2 with good behaviour. If they fight it they could spend three years banged up before trial, and then get 8-12 years if found guilty. Hope they've got good lawyers.

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Some local lawyer said if they plead guilty and say sorry, they could get 6 years and out in 2 with good behaviour. If they fight it they could spend three years banged up before trial, and then get 8-12 years if found guilty. Hope they've got good lawyers.

Help is on hand!


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She is a bit Brian Clough for her age.

I'd pump her.

Seriously though, I think they've been naive but think they've been threatened to some extent. Certainly not 100% innocent by looks of it.

I've actually been in those apartments a few timed where she was staying at in Ibiza. Many an after perty in there.

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Did anyone else read that article with the girl who used to live with her and think 'what the f**k were you doing in Ibiza?'?

She'd piss me off if she lived in my flat. The other one was doing Ibiza the right way. Well apart from fucking off to South America, for a spot of trafficking

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Thanks for that. Wasn't doubting you'd seen it somewhere, just wanted to see it for myself.

I don't necessarily think it proves that they particularly wanted to be drug mules, although I'm also not saying they didn't. I see two possible scenarios:

  • They got involved with the wrong crowd in Ibiza and were persuaded to do this with the promise of a big pay-off (so basically out of greed).
  • They got involved with the wrong crowd in Ibiza, got in above their heads and did this to pay off a debt or something along those lines. By the time they realised they were in above their heads it was too late to back out, and the whole laughing and joking thing was them putting a brave face on it.

FWIW I reckon it's probably somewhere in between, but it doesn't really change anything as they'd struggle to defend themselves on the basis of their having been coerced even if it had really happened exactly the way they describe it. It's not really something that'd be easy to prove unless they could get the gangsters to come forward and admit to it. Either way I feel a bit sorry for them as they're basically daft wee lassies who've made a series of bad judgements and are about to get pretty severely punished for them. That's not to say that I think they should be dealt with leniently on that basis - the law's the law and being a daft wee lassie isn't going to cut it as a defence - but I think that it's possible to think that they should be dealt with as is standard whilst still feeling a bit sorry for them.

The other point is once you're in that culture, it becomes the norm. Back in the days of rolling joints with mates, you think everyone is at and it's not illegal. Throw in the 'free' money and the lifestyle in Ibiza and it becomes rock'n'roll. She said to her flatmate in the DR article she didn't have to work, so I suspect she was already lined up for the trip. Feel sorry for her family. She told her dad in prison in Lima she knew nothing of cocaine, and he believes her - he then sees the story in the DR. What must he be thinking?

Edited by bairney
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i agree with the post above. it's very easy when your away on a long holiday or travelling to forget what the real world is like and the girl from lenzie was obviously partying hard for an extended period which will effect your judgement a fair bit.

the grassing flatmate is a disgrace. think of all the poor 18 year olds heading for their first ibiza holiday who now have to convince their parents that they're not going to be lieing in a k hole for a week :(

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Definitely agree with the last two posts. Granted most people who go away manage to avoid flying out to Peru to be drug mules, but you definitely do lose perspective at that age and in that environment.

The Irish one is a 7.5/ 10, maybe 8.5 on a good day. A sad loss.

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Can't post the pic from here but she's put up a photo of an old Motorola phone she'd been using in Ibiza with the hashtag, #wongamaker.

Also, quite a few photos of her on nights out with #tripping, #trippingballs and #neigggghhh.

ETA: A few of her pics have #mightnotcomeback :lol:

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Can't post the pic from here but she's put up a photo of an old Motorola phone she'd been using in Ibiza with the hashtag, #wongamaker.

Also, quite a few photos of her on nights out with #tripping, #trippingballs and #neigggghhh.

ETA: A few of her pics have #mightnotcomeback :lol:

She's clearly a tosser.

Good riddance.

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Can't post the pic from here but she's put up a photo of an old Motorola phone she'd been using in Ibiza with the hashtag, #wongamaker.


Also, quite a few photos of her on nights out with #tripping, #trippingballs and #neigggghhh.


ETA: A few of her pics have #mightnotcomeback :lol:

Her Instagram's now set to private and her facebook's been taken down apparently. My girlfriend has a couple of mutual friends.

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