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Its future mayor, Lauren De Gramont was so enamoured by breville toasties during her time studying at Stirling University in the 1950s that she renamed her hometown in honour on her very first day in office in the late 1970s.


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If you look very closely at the famous "Cranberry Juice, you on your period?" bar scene in the film The Departed, you'll see that one of the background extras is actually Noel Edmonds. Noel was in America helping to sell the Deal or No Deal franchise to the American Network that were leasing their studio to Scorsese for the filming of The Departed at the time, and Noel requested that one of the conditions of the sale of Deal or No Deal be that he appear in the film. NBC agreed and were awarded the rights.

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In Glasgow, a secret labyrinth of subterranean passages totalling almost 1km in length exists within the 'drumlin' hill immediately north of Sauchiehall St. Thought to have been started by the Britons for burial purposes during the 6th Century, it was expanded by Victorian discoverers before being used as a secret fuel store during the Second World War.

Garnethill Park is situated on an area unsuitable for building due to the presence of shallow passages and the original architectural design of Glasgow School of Art's Bourdon Building had to be modified to avoid potential collapse.

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When Glasgow University was founded in 1451 (by a charter from Pope Nicholas V), the papal bull stipulated that each class should include at least one Negro student.

As Glasgow at the time contained no negroes, Bishop William Turnbull arranged for twenty Ewé tribespeople from Togo to be shipped to Scotland and housed in the university premises.

Unfortunately, within six months every tribesperson had either absconded, contracted a fatal disease or been murdered. To resolve this, a pauper from Partick was blacked up and sat in the back row of each class, in case a Papal inspector should turn up.

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The actor Owen Wilson broke his own nose as preparation for what was to be his breakthrough method role, in an independent film as a mentally ill boxer who becomes a hero in World War II. He was convinced the role was so good that if he nailed it he was guaranteed the Oscar, but the production was cancelled due to lack of funding and this caused Wilson to lose his passion for serious acting. He has dedicated his life to comedy ever since.

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Retired wrestler Billy Two Rivers now runs a B&B on the outskirts of Kelso. Although generally acknowledged to be a welcoming and gracious host, it is alleged that BTR once evicted a gentleman from his premises by delivering an Atomic Knee Drop after the guest called into question the validity of a bout between Two Rivers and Mr Moto during the 1974 Stampede North American Heavyweight Championship.

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Aiden McGeady qualifies for The Republic of Ireland as he played for Celtic Football Club. This little known eligibilty rule was also the basis for Tony Cascarino and twin brothers Roy and Robbie Keane getting to don the Emerald Green shirt.

Edited by jagfox(Pt)
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Michael Stypes is the real name of REM's Michael Stipe.

He was also the first US Citisen to conract HIV, luckily for him this never developed into "full blown" AIDS thanks to a rigorous exercise regime and drinking smoothies made of green leaved, seasonal vegetables.

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When TV series M*A*S*H premiered in 1972, one of the characters (an anaesthesist) was called Dr w****r. When the series was syndicated to the UK and Australia in 1974, NBC changed the character's name to Dr Djerkov.

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In 2007, a group of researchers at Imperial College London studied the effect of surnames on choice of career.

By examining every UK passport application from 1948 to 2001, they proved that if your name is Cook, you're fourteen time more likely (than the average Joe) to actually become a cook. If your name is Crook, you're more likely to work at FIFA.

The study group was working under the supervision of Professor Laszlo Boffin.

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Ex Ranger,Hearts,Southampton,Fulham and Finnish International goalkeeper Antti Niemmi was in fact born female.

After a sex change in 1987, he decided to keep his original family pet name , as he thought changing it to Uncle Nemmi would upset his much loved nieces and nephews and also sounded a bit silly

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In 1942, teenage tearaway Desmond Tutu and his best friend Cedrick Kalombo stole a chocolate easter egg from a shop. On leaving the shop Kalombo was immediately struck and killed by lightning.

Interpreting the lightning strike as a message from God, Tutu gave up his petty pilfering and joined the church. He was ordained as a priest in 1960.

At said ordination Tutu said "I came to the church to seek forgiveness for knocking an chocolate egg out a shop. And I came to the church to offer my forgiveness to our Almighty Lord who took my best friend with a burst of electricity that blew his eyeballs from his own face. To the those of you who are gathered here today, my message to you is this. Without forgiveness there is no hope. And I definitely paid for this Curly Wurly that's sticking out my inside pocket."

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