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Interesting but ultimately nothing more than speculation and supposition - the deaths of Mike Smith, Jill Dando, Peaches Geldof, Mark Speight and (no, please God NO!) Rik Mayall were murders carried out by the establishment in an attempt to cover up the BBC paedophile ring.

I read that early last year (before Rik died)

Worth noting he made a quip about Cliff "liking the boys" in an interview he did about the Young ones that went out last year.....

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well alot of conspricies are certainy interesting but are clearly fantasy. i 'm not a believer of the david icke space lizzard shit or anything like that.

On the other hand tho theres nae chance what the government and media tell us is 100% gospel, certaily not all of the time anyway.

we are now starting to hear about westminster peadophile rings and its becomig clear that plenty people at the bbc knew about saville for long enough but did fcuk all. there was the whole iraq war thing aswell.

Finaly there is the eu,.love it or hate it you cant deny its undemocratic. and expansionist. the federal constitution was voted down twice before being scrapped and redrawn as basicaly the same thing in the lisbon treaty 2 years later. when ireland voted no they were told- sorry wong answer , try again now its hard to draw any other conclusion that a decision was taken some time ago that tis federal european state simply must come about by hook or by crook regardless of what its citizens may think

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  • 2 weeks later...


Interesting but ultimately nothing more than speculation and supposition - the deaths of Mike Smith, Jill Dando, Peaches Geldof, Mark Speight and (no, please God NO!) Rik Mayall were murders carried out by the establishment in an attempt to cover up the BBC paedophile ring.

My favourite bit is where they implicate the Israeli government too...because none of these stories are complete without a healthy dose of antisemitism.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The independence referendum was rigged by the SNP so they could get into the position to take over the UK using a puppet Labour government.

Sadly not true but wouldn't we all laugh? Middle-England is already close to foment at the idea of Wee Eck holding the balance of power.

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Sadly not true but wouldn't we all laugh? Middle-England is already close to foment at the idea of Wee Eck holding the balance of power.

The Election results in Scotland will only become relevant if there is a hung Parliament again........if that happens, like 2010 for the Lib Dems it's likely to be a poison chalace for the (as we suspect to be the main seat winners) SNP.

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The Election results in Scotland will only become relevant if there is a hung Parliament again

Well that isn't true.

The Election results in Scotland will only become relevant if there is a hung Parliament again........if that happens, like 2010 for the Lib Dems it's likely to be a poison chalace for the (as we suspect to be the main seat winners) SNP.

I am not sure what point you are trying to make. If Wee Eck holds the blance of power (as is possible) then I would do nothing but laugh.

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Well that isn't true.

I am not sure what point you are trying to make. If Wee Eck holds the blance of power (as is possible) then I would do nothing but laugh.

In terms of Westminster our entire "block" of seat ate likely to be a minority but could in a hung Parliament but "King makers" by means of forming a Coalition akin to the Lib Dems in 2010.

I think the Referendum told us that even some No voters want to see a more localised Government. I also think the Tories played a blinder in using Labour to front the Better Together campaign thus alienating a lot of their core support in Scotland just as the Lib Dems support has been erroded by "dealing with the Devil" i the Coalition.

Don't you think the SNP would form a Coalition in order to try pushing through new Constitutional powers for Holyrood as opposed to sitting on the Westminster sidelines?

Edited by sjc
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Don't you think the SNP would form a Coalition in order to try pushing through new Constitutional powers for Holyrood as opposed to sitting on the Westminster sidelines?

I firmly believe that "the 4 nations" need to look at the current constitutional set-up. The only people who are sort-of happy with it are from TFS but then they are a. overpaid and b. have their own fish to fry.

Now I do think that The SNP COULD have, " form(ed) a Coalition in order to try pushing through new Constitutional powers" and in that role they'd have been welcome.

What was pathetic and what ripped my knitting was Wee Nicola's "Tories oot" bollocks. No doubt that was a vote-grabber but what an opportunity missed to be statesman-like. Puerile, parochial, LCD stuff to pacify the bottom-feeders in the electorate.

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Nope, comepletely wrong. She has set her stall out and will stick to it, when was the last time you heard a politician stick to his or her word?

People trust her.

Her approval ratings would agree with this.

Edited by Mr Rational
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Care to play the ball?

Sure, although why anyone has a problem with ad hominem is beyond me.

Wee Nicola's stance that, to paraphrase, "we'll do anything to keep the Tories out" was ignorant and ill-judged. If The SNP want to hold the balance of power (quite possible) she'd have been much better saying, "We will work with whichever party is committed to assessing and improving Britain's constitutional arrangement and making sure the current anomalies and grievences are fairly addressed".

That's not only a sensible approach but one that doesn't make her (and The SNP) a single-issue fuckwit.

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Sure, although why anyone has a problem with ad hominem is beyond me.

Wee Nicola's stance that, to paraphrase, "we'll do anything to keep the Tories out" was ignorant and ill-judged. If The SNP want to hold the balance of power (quite possible) she'd have been much better saying, "We will work with whichever party is committed to assessing and improving Britain's constitutional arrangement and making sure the current anomalies and grievences are fairly addressed".

That's not only a sensible approach but one that doesn't make her (and The SNP) a single-issue fuckwit.

Single issue? Do you mean opposing cuts that will affect the poor the most? That's a pretty massive issue.

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Mr Rational, on 02 Apr 2015 - 00:22, said:

Anyhoo, in terms of conspiracies, I reckon the Yanks definitely knew about Pearl Harbour being the target for the attack. Sending the carriers out before is a wee bit too cute IMO.

Britain and Churchill certainly knew pre-hand about Pearl Harbour so it's not a massive conspiracy theory to suggest that America didn't know too.

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