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I was referring to Sturgeon's "Tories oot" gaff. That was nothing but brain-dead tub-thumping.

It's straightforward politics, they're primarily targeting ex Labour voters. And it undermines Labour's "Vote SNP, Get Cameron" spiel.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not massive on conspiracy theories but some are true. The CIA did traffic drugs that's not a theory, and JFK was a definite conspiracy.

And as you say Pearl Harbour may well be true too, they wanted to get into the war and needed a reason to do that.

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  • 2 months later...

Now this could go in a few threads, politics, things on, music, etc etc



Something from my yoof brought back with music from my yoof, a Nat murdered for the files he held. Possibly on the tartan troos peado.

Anyone in the Central Belt should give it a swatch...

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  • 1 year later...

So, 15 years on, have  any P&Bers found out what really happened on 9/11?  Have the shape-shifting lizardfolk got away with one, or have the recently-released pages from the US Congress investigation proven that it was the Saudis wot dunnit all along?

Loads of documentaries on throughout today, most of which I've seen but I still find the footage morbidly fascinating.

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12 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

So, 15 years on, have  any P&Bers found out what really happened on 9/11?  Have the shape-shifting lizardfolk got away with one, or have the recently-released pages from the US Congress investigation proven that it was the Saudis wot dunnit all along?

Loads of documentaries on throughout today, most of which I've seen but I still find the footage morbidly fascinating.

It was just a ploy to get rid of a shit load of asbestos.

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So, dollar bills have been turning up all over America with messages on them. There's also s website that only has a timer counting down to midnight tonight, 4pm US.

Quite interested to see what this will be about. Film/Game/Show hype has supposedly been ruled out and the most common theory is some sort of huge data dump. 


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The whole Pearl Harbour thing is really unlikely. For a start in 1941 most senior naval officers thought the battleship was still the queen of the seas and battleships took a damn site longer and more money to build. Looking backwards it looks like getting Japan to attack was a great way to get America to war with Germany but thats because Germany declared war on the US, the public mood could have been that America's war was with Japan and helping the British a distraction. The Germans had already sunk a US ship, the Reuben James, keeping up the pressure in the Atlantic and getting the Germans to sink more US shipping was a proven way to get the US into a war with Germany. 

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Some people prefer to think that someone or some group is in ultimate control of everything important to the alternative possibility that seismic events in world history can unfold thanks to the actions of a few random nutters and will do intellectual contortions to force the facts to fit their preferred world view in that regard. Having said that though, if you are an American that was sent to Vietnam after the Gulf of Tonkin incident that now appears to have probably been falsified, who later watched Iran-Contra unfold in the 80s and watched aghast as no WMDs showed up in Iraq under Dubya, it's maybe understandable if you wind up like Jesse Ventura.

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15 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:

At the risk of coming across as a fruit loop, I am leaning towards the "inside job" camp when it comes to 9/11. I've seen some videos and pictures recently which certainly make me question how it really happened.

Link us up.

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