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Relatives who have junior football....do you have any.


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My grandfather played into his late thirties for Bathgate ( boooo) and then became one off the founders off Livingston United .a great big non swearing presbiterian man until a Saturday afternoon when suddenly the parentage off every referee in the east region was called into question .allas the great man died in the early seventies ,but to this day I remember the hundreds off mourners from every club in the east off Scotland and beyond ..think that's how I love our junior game south ...RIP GEORGE (GUTTY) MC CUTCHEON ..A LEGEND

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  • 7 years later...
On 24/09/2013 at 20:56, ScottR96 said:

My Grandfather played Junior and won the Scottish Cup with Johnstone Burgh in the mid-60s. He played for a host of other clubs as well but I can't remember them off the top off my head. His name was Frank Russell if that's of any use to anybody.

Aye he was ma Da 🤣 

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