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The 50 Best Posters in P&B History


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My top 10.

Nearly got the placepot up.......

1- Reynard
2- Monster
3- L M
4- Zen Archer
5- Itzdrk
6- Sargent Wilson
7- The Phoenix
8- Liam
9- Granny Danger
10- Bullywee

Edit to add:

Everyone I voted for has made me laugh out loud. Barry has too, but he is gie near professional noo.

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Well deserved win for Barry who not only is hillarious, he seems like a decent lad as well who is into the finer things in life like hallicinogenic drugs and The Beastie Boys.

Also top marks to Marshmallow for putting the effort in and keeping this list on course. It's been emotional.

As for my top 10,

1.) Sergeant Wilson
2.) Dundeebarry
3.) SweetPete
4.) Smurph
5.) Mattydfc
6.) Mozzamozza
7.) Jimmy85
8.) Zen Archer
9.) Patrick Bateman
10.) Mrs M
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Here's my good lads. Like a total numpty, I didn't realise that it was supposed to be ranked so my number 1 might not have actually been my number 1... so here they are in alphabetical order instead.

1= Bert Raccoon


1= DundeeBarry

1= Hedgecutter

1= LiamDFC

1= Knightswood Bear
1= Marshmallo
1= MozzaMozza
1= Sergeant Wilson
1= Zen Archer

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You're not a zero pointer.

Apologies. I thought you'd mentioned everyone who had been voted for by now.

Glad that this news is just being let out now, as i would have hated to overshadow the death of Nelson Mandela.

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Think I voted

1. Davis Love III

2. The Collector

3. Swampy

4. Marshy

5. Mattydfc

6. Stuart Dickson

7. Jamaldo

8. Sergeant Wilson

9. Zen Archer

10. The Reem poster

The Reem Poster
Joined on Dec 14 2013 15:13
Banned · 13 posts


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After unsuccessfully trying to steal Barry's limelight I'm sure xbl will have at least one more go before it gets moved.

The bookies wouldn't waste time coming up with odds on that.

What are you on about? Why does your life revolve around me?

A brilliant thread from Marshmallow and he kept the standard up right to the end.

Definitely deserving of Gold status.

A thread with many high points and laugh out loud bits but also xbl's 'shat it' bits and his contribution to the hundreds of low points.

Despite being banned for a huge chunk of the thread he still managed 87 more posts than the next on the list and 300 more than the first of the top ten posters, Swampy, with170. After that comes VT with 102, Jimmy 85 with 98 and Sergeant Wilson with 96 from the top tenners which should tell xbl something.

The masses ( aka 'The Beigers') do like quality over quantity.

xbl, putting the 'tit' in quantity thinking he was giving a 'million mammeries.'


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