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Even if true, he did compare Salmond with the North Korea regime.... This is what the UN said about North Korea recently


North Korea's leadership is committing systematic and appalling human rights abuses against its own citizens on a scale unparalleled in the modern world, crimes against humanity with strong resemblances to those committed by the Nazis, a United Nations inquiry has concluded

It's pathetic from Darling, especially since he was part of a government who has caused countless numbers of lives to be lost in Iraq

Why are the UN and NATO forsakeing us by not deploying troops on the ground to save us all from this nasty dictator?

How can we have a fair and democratic referendum whilst being oppressed like this?

Darling do something.


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Nazi comparisons demean the debate. There's really no need at all.

Dont worry Libby. By tomorrow no one will be talking about it.

Good indicator into Darlings mental well being tho.

He knows he wont get to be Lord Darling now.

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Would have been front page news had Salmond said it.

It was certainly big news two years ago when salmind made the gaulieters comment.

The defence then was that the phrase had slipped into common usage in the same way as quisling has, without any overt Nazi connotations, although I wouldn't know about that as I had never heard the term gaulieters in my life previously .

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It was certainly big news two years ago when salmind made the gaulieters comment.

The defence then was that the phrase had slipped into common usage in the same way as quisling has, without any overt Nazi connotations, although I wouldn't know about that as I had never heard the term gaulieters in my life previously .

Salmond would not have said it in most circumstances , it was fuelled by his mis-trust and downright dislike of the BBC, did Salmond issue a apology at the time?

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Nazi comparisons demean the debate. There's really no need at all.

By continually nay-saying the side to which you purport to vote and systematically failuing to critique the side you are voting against, as do you, my friend, as do you.

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can you imagine the reaction if Salmond said something similar. Darling says it is a bit of fun.

The sad thing is I doubt it will sway many people away if anything.

Nazi comparisons demean the debate. There's really no need at all.

I know people that genuinely believe they are making coherent points when using this in an argument. It's pathetic.

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What's going on with Alistair Darling? In his TV interviews he looks like Chief Inspector Dreyfus on speed and now he's comparing Salmond and the SNP to Kim Jong Il and Nazi's.

This guy leads the organisation that's 20 points ahead in the polls, he shouldn't be this incoherent mess.

In my own personal opinion, I can only assume that private polling is showing something very different. I don't see any other feasible explanation for his bizarre behaviour!

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Why are the UN and NATO forsakeing us by not deploying troops on the ground to save us all from this nasty dictator?

I don't want to frighten you or anything but there has been a fair few Tornados and Hercules flying around Prestwick Airport this week.

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What's going on with Alistair Darling? In his TV interviews he looks like Chief Inspector Dreyfus on speed and now he's comparing Salmond and the SNP to Kim Jong Il and Nazi's.

This guy leads the organisation that's 20 points ahead in the polls, he shouldn't be this incoherent mess.

In my own personal opinion, I can only assume that private polling is showing something very different. I don't see any other feasible explanation for his bizarre behaviour!

On the flip side of that, there tends to be a calmness and rational interviews from the prominent independence campaigners. Perhaps their private polling is telling them the same story.

Have they just wheeled Darling out again to show us all he is still alive?

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If he wanted to endear him to the sporting world, a simple 'f**k the Pars' would probably have sufficed.

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