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Scottish Independence


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As well as lacking integrity it looks like the nats are struggling with a key concept; forming a government does not mean who can spend money on your party political ends.

Or maybe it does in the potential new Scotland, it looks like Scottish sleaze seems far more acceptable and perhaps even desirable for some.

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As well as lacking integrity it looks like the nats are struggling with a key concept; forming a government does not mean who can spend money on your party political ends.

Or maybe it does in the potential new Scotland, it looks like Scottish sleaze seems far more acceptable and perhaps even desirable for some.

Lacking integrity? Like Alistair Darling's nazi comment (which was recently proved).

Or Johann Lamont calling nationalism a virus, or saying we aren't programmed to make decisions?

That kind of lack of integrity?

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Exactly my point, politicians are politicians not the honest upright people playing with a straight bat; yet the yes camp either believe or are prepared to appear to accept that the yes camp are any different.

I am not on here saying lets take a huge risk and leap of faith based on lying chancers. We know what a no vote means, it has a record and is there to be picked at by the yes camp; yet when decent speculation about a post yes vote is mentioned the pre set answer of 'fear' comes out.

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Exactly my point, politicians are politicians not the honest upright people playing with a straight bat; yet the yes camp either believe or are prepared to appear to accept that the yes camp are any different.

I am not on here saying lets take a huge risk and leap of faith based on lying chancers. We know what a no vote means, it has a record and is there to be picked at by the yes camp; yet when decent speculation about a post yes vote is mentioned the pre set answer of 'fear' comes out.

Ok, then, give me some genuine and real speculation about a post yes vote situation and I will not use the word fear.

But please make it tangible and genuine.

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What was cowardly? The accurate facts or the familial mistake that has been apologised for?

if he had not done it there would have been no need for an apology, cowardly was how it made its way into the public domain, surely you must agree with that

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Lacking integrity? Like Alistair Darling's nazi comment (which was recently proved).

Or Johann Lamont calling nationalism a virus, or saying we aren't programmed to make decisions?

That kind of lack of integrity?

There was nothing wrong with the bit in bold, it was taken out of context by people.

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No it really wasn't, 'Scottish people aren't genetically modified to make political decisions' is a truly shocking statement.

She phrased it badly, but her point was there's nothing intrinsic about Scots that means Holyrood would automatically get things right where Westminster have made mistakes.

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She phrased it badly, but her point was there's nothing intrinsic about Scots that means Holyrood would automatically get things right where Westminster have made mistakes.

Wow. That sounds exactly the same. Only completely different.

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She phrased it badly, but her point was there's nothing intrinsic about Scots that means Holyrood would automatically get things right where Westminster have made mistakes.

No, it was basically her saying that we can't make decisions for ourself and need English people to make them seeing as they are genetically modified to be able to do so.

This was discussed at my work with fellow Yessers, No voters and undecided voters and every single one said it was a ridiculous thing to say, old witch.

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No, it was basically her saying that we can't make decisions for ourself and need English people to make them seeing as they are genetically modified to be able to do so.

This was discussed at my work with fellow Yessers, No voters and undecided voters and every single one said it was a ridiculous thing to say, old witch.

No it wasn't. It was in response to the idea that an independent Scottish Government would never introduce something like the bedroom tax. Her point was that you can't guarantee that Holyrood wouldn't make the same errors at Westminster.

She phrased it in a terrible way, which is why everyone has apparently misinterpreted it.

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No, it was basically her saying that we can't make decisions for ourself and need English people to make them seeing as they are genetically modified to be able to do so.

This was discussed at my work with fellow Yessers, No voters and undecided voters and every single one said it was a ridiculous thing to say, old witch.

Absolute bullshit.

If you listen to the quote in context, it's clear that what she was saying was that Scotland and Scottish people are not inherently "better" at making political decisions nor that they are inherently more likely to make good, nice social democratic decisions, and that we weren't genetically programmed towards that.

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No it wasn't. It was in response to the idea that an independent Scottish Government would never introduce something like the bedroom tax. Her point was that you can't guarantee that Holyrood wouldn't make the same errors at Westminster.

She phrased it in a terrible way, which is why everyone has apparently misinterpreted it.

You must be the only person no matter what way they are voting to actually think that.

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Absolute bullshit.

If you listen to the quote in context, it's clear that what she was saying was that Scotland and Scottish people are not inherently "better" at making political decisions nor that they are inherently more likely to make good, nice social democratic decisions, and that we weren't genetically programmed towards that.

I think your opinion is absolute bullshit.

I'm with this guy


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What's the big deal over the Claire Lally aswell, on the news just now, bit of a big deal made over nothing, Gunn got something wrong but never abused her in any way, simply commented on her performance at a BT rally? Not his fault some idiots have started saying stuff to her on Twitter?

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