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Scotland's Oil

Hey! Ho! Jambo!

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I think that's exactly what most YES voters are hoping for.

It is quite literally all I'm asking for in this current political climate. If I genuinely believed there was a better chance of getting that with a No vote, I'd do it in a heartbeat, and I doubt that I am alone.

It's the main reason I hope Scotland votes yes. Anything that moves politics closer to the voting public is a good move. Under the current set up it seems that mainstream politicians and the political system is moving further away from the general public.

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It is quite literally all I'm asking for in this current political climate. If I genuinely believed there was a better chance of getting that with a No vote, I'd do it in a heartbeat, and I doubt that I am alone.

You'll be in the majority of YES voters, we've large swathes of this country that have been left to wither now that they're no longer powering the empire, my very own village has to fight and beg just to keep what little it has, the David Camerons and Ed Millibands of this world really don't give a fcuk about anything outside their own little bubble, I want to decide what's in the best interests of my immediate community not some nomarks from Brussels,Westminster, Holyrood, Ayr County Buildings.

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It's the main reason I hope Scotland votes yes. Anything that moves politics closer to the voting public is a good move. Under the current set up it seems that mainstream politicians and the political system is moving further away from the general public.

It does. I'd argue it seems to be more and more like American Politics all the time. Moving more and more to the image of the people leading the campaigns and not about what the parties stand for (Salmond is fat and smug, Miliband is weird etc).

Not only that, it harrows me how little people know about politics in their area. I would say on the basis of what I've seen, very few people could, off the bat, tell me who their local councillor, MSP and MP are. That, in my opinion is madness.

You'll be in the majority of YES voters, we've large swathes of this country that have been left to wither now that they're no longer powering the empire, my very own village has to fight and beg just to keep what little it has, the David Camerons and Ed Millibands of this world really don't give a fcuk about anything outside their own little bubble, I want to decide what's in the best interests of my immediate community not some nomarks from Brussels,Westminster, Holyrood, Ayr County Buildings.

Now don't get me wrong, politics can be quite cringeworthy to get into conversation with, and especially over a few beers, but that is absolutely no excuse to play the apathy card and accept things for what they are because it would actually mean confronting it. IMO, the incumbent government is happy for it to continue this way and why wouldn't they when it quite frankly means a Labour or Conservative involved government, not to mention a House of Lords that seriously needs to be downsized to choose between.

I'm not even saying that there will be more local accountability and awareness should there be a yes vote, but I absolutely believe that there is at least a better chance of it happening with a yes.

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Funny, I actually think Scotland is a pretty decent country. Not perfect, but far from a shitehole.

Disappointing when people have to be so negative about Scotland.

It's the Union that's broken, not Scotland. Scotland can be fucking fantastic on it's own. It's being tied to Westminster that's killing us. Record amounts of kids and families in poverty, zero hours contracts, foodbanks, benefit sanctions, massive wealth gap, an aircraft carrier with no aircraft, HS1/2, Trident..

I'd hate to see what you don't think is decent.

Plenty of fcuking roasters on the NO side!"" That's the pish that those trusted representatives of NO have spouted, not quite the same as a naebody on here linking to an article written by a naebody.

How fucking dare you. I am someone!!!


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It's the Union that's broken, not Scotland. Scotland can be fucking fantastic on it's own. It's being tied to Westminster that's killing us. Record amounts of kids and families in poverty, zero hours contracts, foodbanks, benefit sanctions, massive wealth gap, an aircraft carrier with no aircraft, HS1/2, Trident..

I'd hate to see what you don't think is decent.

How fucking dare you. I am someone!!!


You post this about 654000 times a day, but have yet to specifically tell me what is wrong with zero hour contracts.

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It does. I'd argue it seems to be more and more like American Politics all the time. Moving more and more to the image of the people leading the campaigns and not about what the parties stand for (Salmond is fat and smug, Miliband is weird etc).

Not only that, it harrows me how little people know about politics in their area. I would say on the basis of what I've seen, very few people could, off the bat, tell me who their local councillor, MSP and MP are. That, in my opinion is madness.

My rep decided he'd move back to Wales without giving up his position.

Now don't get me wrong, politics can be quite cringeworthy to get into conversation with, and especially over a few beers, but that is absolutely no excuse to play the apathy card and accept things for what they are because it would actually mean confronting it. IMO, the incumbent government is happy for it to continue this way and why wouldn't they when it quite frankly means a Labour or Conservative involved government, not to mention a House of Lords that seriously needs to be downsized to choose between.

I'm not even saying that there will be more local accountability and awareness should there be a yes vote, but I absolutely believe that there is at least a better chance of it happening with a yes.

It has no chance of happening under the status quo, too many happy fat troughers for it to change, after a YES vote, hopefully.

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You'll be in the majority of YES voters, we've large swathes of this country that have been left to wither now that they're no longer powering the empire, my very own village has to fight and beg just to keep what little it has, the David Camerons and Ed Millibands of this world really don't give a fcuk about anything outside their own little bubble, I want to decide what's in the best interests of my immediate community not some nomarks from Brussels,Westminster, Holyrood, Ayr County Buildings.

Why aren't you fighting for independence for your village? Or, even better for self-determination, independence for your house and garden. That would be the ultimate democratic state where every citizen gets the government they vote for. Unless of course you're a hen-pecked fairy ;)

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Why aren't you fighting for independence for your village? Or, even better for self-determination, independence for your house and garden. That would be the ultimate democratic state where every citizen gets the government they vote for. Unless of course you're a hen-pecked fairy ;)

You don't really understand the whole nation state thing do you? We're not just starting from now - year zero.

Scotland is a country, full stop.

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Why aren't you fighting for independence for your village? Or, even better for self-determination, independence for your house and garden. That would be the ultimate democratic state where every citizen gets the government they vote for. Unless of course you're a hen-pecked fairy ;)

My community councilors did attempt to move from South Ayrshire to East Ayrshire, you're posting that as an attempt to ridicule while I believe that a street or a close running it's own affairs might actually make dramatic improvements to their immediate locality.

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You don't really understand the whole nation state thing do you? We're not just starting from now - year zero.

Scotland is a country, full stop.

I understand fully. But could you explain why some man made borders are more valid than others?

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Its exploitation of vulnerable and sometimes desperate folk looking for a job.

Is it, though? I'm on a ZHC and I wouldn't have it any other way. Many of my mates are in the exact same boat as I am. Granted we're students and thus it suits our situation well (for example, we can easily take a whole summer off just because we feel like it) but they definitely serve their purpose.

My flatmate is an example. He's from Coventry, and has to ZHC jobs, one in Leith where we live and one back home in Coventry. He isn't contracted to work any hours, so he can go home from May-September and see his family and work in Coventry. Then, when he comes back up for the new academic year he can work in Leith. Suits him perfectly.

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Is it, though? I'm on a ZHC and I wouldn't have it any other way. Many of my mates are in the exact same boat as I am. Granted we're students and thus it suits our situation well (for example, we can easily take a whole summer off just because we feel like it) but they definitely serve their purpose.

My flatmate is an example. He's from Coventry, and has to ZHC jobs, one in Leith where we live and one back home in Coventry. He isn't contracted to work any hours, so he can go home from May-September and see his family and work in Coventry. Then, when he comes back up for the new academic year he can work in Leith. Suits him perfectly.

And what did students do b4 zero hours contracts ffs.

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My community councilors did attempt to move from South Ayrshire to East Ayrshire, you're posting that as an attempt to ridicule while I believe that a street or a close running it's own affairs might actually make dramatic improvements to their immediate locality.

I'm posting it firstly as a bit of fun and secondly, it shows up the nonsense spouted by those who think getting the government you vote for is a reason for independence. to take that argument as far as it goes you get a situation like I jokingly described.

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Is it, though? I'm on a ZHC and I wouldn't have it any other way. Many of my mates are in the exact same boat as I am. Granted we're students and thus it suits our situation well (for example, we can easily take a whole summer off just because we feel like it) but they definitely serve their purpose.

My flatmate is an example. He's from Coventry, and has to ZHC jobs, one in Leith where we live and one back home in Coventry. He isn't contracted to work any hours, so he can go home from May-September and see his family and work in Coventry. Then, when he comes back up for the new academic year he can work in Leith. Suits him perfectly.

Just because it exploits some people less than others (and maybe some people not at all) doesn't mean its not exploitative.

You seem to think that before ZHC students were somehow tied into long and complex contracts with no flexibility? I worked all my student years and had the same benefits as you seem to describe with your situation. Contracts hold bosses and companies accountable (not by much - but its at least something).

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I'm posting it firstly as a bit of fun and secondly, it shows up the nonsense spouted by those who think getting the government you vote for is a reason for independence. to take that argument as far as it goes you get a situation like I jokingly described.

You jokingly decribed nowt worth talking about, plenty are voting for independence in the hope that they get a proper say about things that affect them directly.

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You jokingly decribed nowt worth talking about, plenty are voting for independence in the hope that they get a proper say about things that affect them directly.

They already have a say.

The point many keep bringing up is that Scotland doesn't get the government it votes for, although I suspect the combined Conservative and Lib Dem vote at the last election won't be much different from the SNP's vote in the last Holyrood election.

If Soctland were to become independent then what? For example, Shetland returns a Lib Dem MSP, Ayr returns a Conservative MSP but the government is Scottish Labour. Do Shetland and Ayr seek independence because they aren't getting the government they voted for? And so on sub-dividing again and again.

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And what did students do b4 zero hours contracts ffs.

ZHC's would have been around for years. Had I been on contracted hours I'd have had to work the day before my most important exam.

Just because it exploits some people less than others (and maybe some people not at all) doesn't mean its not exploitative.

You seem to think that before ZHC students were somehow tied into long and complex contracts with no flexibility? I worked all my student years and had the same benefits as you seem to describe with your situation. Contracts hold bosses and companies accountable (not by much - but its at least something).

Had my flatmate been on contracted hours at his company in Leith he'd have been forced to either stay here and not spend summer with his family, or quit his job because he wouldn't have been able to fulfil his contract.

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