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4 minutes ago, JS_FFC said:

A windfall tax to stop the energy giants profiteering from our misery, clamping down on tax avoidance to raise an extra £5BN per year, targeted borrowing where the analysis shows that it can benefit long term economic growth prospects. 

Lol. They don't have the balls to do all of that. They have cosied so much  up to businesses, that they have Starmer and co, in their back pockets.

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7 minutes ago, JS_FFC said:

A windfall tax to stop the energy giants profiteering from our misery, clamping down on tax avoidance to raise an extra £5BN per year, targeted borrowing where the analysis shows that it can benefit long term economic growth prospects. 

I take it you also, in your wide-eyed believerism, accept Brexit and think Starmer will, as he promised, 'make Brexit work'?

Oh, and unicorns. Them too.

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15 minutes ago, KirkieRR said:

I take it you also, in your wide-eyed believerism, accept Brexit and think Starmer will, as he promised, 'make Brexit work'?

Oh, and unicorns. Them too.

No, Brexit is a disaster and will need to be reversed at some point. Preferably in full, but a single market + customs union agreement would be a start.


Having said that, it’s quite clear that coming out as a rejoiner would be a big vote loser in the marginal constituencies. It’s a plague of our voting system that a vote in the red wall is far more valuable than one in woke places like Peckham.

I think Labour in government will quietly pursue a more collaborative relationship with Europe. First it starts with just friendlier rhetoric, then we move to edge things like Veterinary agreement. Only after that sort of collaboration is in place can Labour start selling the benefits of such collaboration. And then they will probably enter the 2029 election with an SM and CU type offering on the manifesto and if that goes well we can look at rejoining.


I don’t think the red wall will want to rejoin until they realise how much of a failure Brexit has been. 


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3 hours ago, JS_FFC said:



I don’t think the red wall will want to rejoin until they realise how much of a failure Brexit has been. 


The Red wall is full of clowns who will be wanting rid of those Arab and African looking chappies first then demand no more Poles/Romanians to steal the jobs that they would never do anyways. The only way for Scotland to reverse brexit is independence. The European Union already rejects UK cakeism.

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11 hours ago, Highlandmagar said:

Lol. They don't have the balls to do all of that. They have cosied so much  up to businesses, that they have Starmer and co, in their back pockets.

it's a non starter, be it tax or strict environmental legislation, these companies will threaten to ( and carry out) withdraw or close down operations altogether.  Basically , if the government change the goalposts so that somethings no longer in their favour then they'll just pull the plug on it.  There are some ageing assets in the north sea that would have been due to come out of service in the last few years but have been kept going due to the current high prices, those would end up getting binned as many of these companies have minimum net profit thresholds. 

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47 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:



Reform neck and neck with the Tories.


Wee Rishi will need to increase his security detail against possible attacks from his own MPs.


The ones who are not standing down voluntarily of course.

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51 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:



Reform neck and neck with the Tories.



On 04/06/2024 at 20:00, ICTChris said:


When it gets to this level of arse-kicking I wonder if a few of the big hitters are hoping they lose their own seat so they not heading a rump of 75-100 MPs being bullied by Farage to merge with Reform and make him their leader to form a sizeable opposition. Got to be a few privately thinking by now I hope I don't have to deal with any of this after the 4th.

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1 hour ago, Suspect Device said:



Reform neck and neck with the Tories.


Despite it being funny that it’s Reform on the receiving end of it, it’s pathetic that two parties could have a similar vote share and one ends up with 100-odd more seats.

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57 minutes ago, MEADOWXI said:


When it gets to this level of arse-kicking I wonder if a few of the big hitters are hoping they lose their own seat so they not heading a rump of 75-100 MPs being bullied by Farage to merge with Reform and make him their leader to form a sizeable opposition.

Sunak will be one of them.  He’d be of to the US on the first flight.

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If you read thay you give article within that Britain Elects poël, you will read that under a new way of doing çolls YouGuv have Labour on 40% ( down 6) Tories on 19% and Reform on 17%.

Maybe these new polls wil start to show how soft Labour's vote is and their lead will shrink.

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The Labour proposed British Energy office based in Glasgow is a joke.

It was all done before and called Britoil with an office in Glasgow, total money pit which had two jets flying between Glasgow and Aberdeen daily, the money wasted was unbelievable, Britoil contracted a rig to drill in Morecombe Bay in the early eighties, choppers were routinely sent out on errands to the rig with milk or newspapers costing thousands an hour, any snake oil company could sell them shite, they even had a company in Wales, that oil laden country, producing drill bits which lasted about 30 minutes.

An absolute waste of public money which will be repeated with this British Energy cowboy outfit.

And watch out for the top salaries they will be offering!

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17 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

The Red wall is full of clowns who will be wanting rid of those Arab and African looking chappies first then demand no more Poles/Romanians to steal the jobs that they would never do anyways. The only way for Scotland to reverse brexit is independence. The European Union already rejects UK cakeism.

As they complain that the EU is stopping them from spending more than 90 days at their shity caravan on the outskirts of Benidorm. 

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4 hours ago, Highlandmagar said:

If you read thay you give article within that Britain Elects poël, you will read that under a new way of doing çolls YouGuv have Labour on 40% ( down 6) Tories on 19% and Reform on 17%.

Maybe these new polls wil start to show how soft Labour's vote is and their lead will shrink.

Once again (and I'm 68) almost all of these polls don't reflect the silent Tory vote which almost supernaturally appears at every GE.  And as I've posted here recently, despite everything, England remains a fundamentally conservative (both upper and lower case) country and probably always will.

Sure, Blair swept to power in 1997 but Starmer doesn't have a tenth of his powers of self promotion, added to which Labour 2024 is a complete policy and morality vacuum.  This contest will go the full fifteen rounds.

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3 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Once again (and I'm 68) almost all of these polls don't reflect the silent Tory vote which almost supernaturally appears at every GE.  And as I've posted here recently, despite everything, England remains a fundamentally conservative (both upper and lower case) country and probably always will.

Sure, Blair swept to power in 1997 but Starmer doesn't have a tenth of his powers of self promotion, added to which Labour 2024 is a complete policy and morality vacuum.  This contest will go the full fifteen rounds.

The Tories have pissed off their own voter base again, so they're taking a paddlin' this time out. There's nothing they can do to change that now, and possibly not since The Truss Experiment. I'm thinking that a lot of the REFUK crew would likely not vote at all this time out if they didn't have Our Nigel to register a protest with.

Another inevitability; in order to get the lost voters back on side, the Tories will definitely be going even further right in response, and will amalgamate with REFUK. That would be absolutely hilarious were it not for the fact that the UK isn't going to be in a better position five years from now, so the likelihood is that "socialism" gets the blame again and there's no other credible alternative party in England. We're absolutely sleepwalking into fascism, and the worry is that desperate people are starting to see it as actively worth consideration.

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8 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Once again (and I'm 68) almost all of these polls don't reflect the silent Tory vote which almost supernaturally appears at every GE.  And as I've posted here recently, despite everything, England remains a fundamentally conservative (both upper and lower case) country and probably always will.

Sure, Blair swept to power in 1997 but Starmer doesn't have a tenth of his powers of self promotion, added to which Labour 2024 is a complete policy and morality vacuum.  This contest will go the full fifteen rounds.

It is FPTP that makes England seem more right wing than it really is.  Without it, there would have been no majority government in the last fifty years (let along a whopping one).

(Obviously this assumes everyone votes the same even if the system was changed.)

I take your point that there are lots of people who are too embarrassed to admit they vote Tory.  That is equally true for Reform.

Historically FPTP has allowed the Tories in while the other parties split the vote.  In this election with both Tories and Reform chasing the same voters, the situation will be reversed.

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15 hours ago, Highlandmagar said:

If you read thay you give article within that Britain Elects poël, you will read that under a new way of doing çolls YouGuv have Labour on 40% ( down 6) Tories on 19% and Reform on 17%.

Maybe these new polls wil start to show how soft Labour's vote is and their lead will shrink.

Someones on holiday in turkey….

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