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Well if you believe he has stated a fact then you will be under no illusion as to whether he's lying or not.

Quite why you're asking me when you have already formed an opinion is beyond me.

I say he's a bitter ex employee with an axe to grind whom the Herald (who you quoted) described as having a "tantrum".

You say he's stating facts.

Shall we agree to disagree?

Sorry - I'm saying he's making a statement of fact, an assertion, it isn't an opinion, he is saying something to be true. You seem to think it isn't, I'm asking if you think he's a liar.

And again, i don't see why this is such an issue. The SNP should be calling the shots at Yes, there is no credible way the Greens or SSP are on the same level. This is a good thing for the Yes campaign.

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Leaflets and posters that explcitly endorse the SNPs policies. This is simple stuff.

Child care, which yes championed, has nothing to do with the transistion to independence.

This would be simple stuff if that was the discussion we were actually having. But its not is it?

Of course the ability to fund a childcare policy which cannot be funded at the moment without cutting other services is a fundamental aspect of Independence. The fact that the YES campaign endorse this is not evidence that the SNP "call all the shots". Quite clearly they do not.

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Fancy asking the question HB ? Yet another embarrassing day for you my friend.

Sigh. The idiot role has already been filled on this thread by Confidemus.

I've already provided the evidence. The Yes Executive member has told us this is what happened. He would know.

Is he lying - Yes or No?

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Sorry - I'm saying he's making a statement of fact, an assertion, it isn't an opinion, he is saying something to be true. You seem to think it isn't, I'm asking if you think he's a liar.

And again, i don't see why this is such an issue. The SNP should be calling the shots at Yes, there is no credible way the Greens or SSP are on the same level. This is a good thing for the Yes campaign.

It's really not an issue. In fact, I've tried to put it to bed several times now, but as usual, you keep raking the non issues up then claim they're not an issue?

If it's not an issue, you'll clearly be ok with us agreeing to disagree?

Unless you view it as an actual issue?

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This would be simple stuff if that was the discussion we were actually having. But its not is it?

Of course the ability to fund a childcare policy which cannot be funded at the moment without cutting other services is a fundamental aspect of Independence. The fact that the YES campaign endorse this is not evidence that the SNP "call all the shots". Quite clearly they do not.

So, which non-SNP policies does the Yes campaign promote?

Do they promote Fox and the SSP's views on NATO? Canavan's views on the Currency? Harvie and the Greens' views on the Monarchy?

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Neither has Canavan.

But the Yes official website parrots the SNP views on things like the currency, European membership etc. It doesn't say what Colin Fox thinks.

Colin Fox is out every night spouting his thoughts, this vote will not be won or lost by anything on the YES website.

I've hardly heard a single thing from naefear that agrees with the SNP or YES, he's stillout their changing minds, NO don't have the level of flexibilty that YES does, NO are all parroting the same old same old on every platform, YES activists have many hats and they use whatever one suits the situation they find themselves in.

Will you come out tonight and deliver leaflets that contain stuff you don't agree with man a stall for a group you don't agree with etc etc etc, aye nae bother is the response.

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This would be simple stuff if that was the discussion we were actually having. But its not is it?


Yes, it is. the Yes newspaper Blackley talks about had a huge print run and was delivered across scotland. What went into that was a top level decision.

It's really not an issue. In fact, I've tried to put it to bed several times now, but as usual, you keep raking the non issues up then claim they're not an issue?

You've tried to put it to bed by calling a statement of fact an opinion, for some bizzare reason.

If i say Gary Linekar is a presenter on the BBC, is that a statement of fact or an opinion?

Again, I have no idea why people have felt the need to play down his comments, or paint him as bitter. My reaction would have been "Good. these poeple know what they're doing"

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If i say Gary Linekar is a presenter on the BBC, is that a statement of fact or an opinion?

Again, I have no idea why people have felt the need to play down his comments, or paint him as bitter. My reaction would have been "Good. these poeple know what they're doing"

Stating Gary Lineker is on the BBC is in no way comparable to what you're crying about.

Let it go, Bants.

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Stating Gary Lineker is on the BBC is in no way comparable to what you're crying about.

They are both assertions of fact. Not opinions, they aren't even close to being opinions. You;ve dragged this out rather than simply say 2good, the SNP won in 07 and 11 for a reason, they know what they're doing"

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So, which non-SNP policies does the Yes campaign promote?

Do they promote Fox and the SSP's views on NATO? Canavan's views on the Currency? Harvie and the Greens' views on the Monarchy?

A quick scan at the YES website seems to utterly contradict your view.

"On NATO - The current Scottish Government supports continued membership of NATO, albeit with the significant caveat that membership should not require retention of nuclear weapons in Scotland.

It appears that the Scottish Labour Party would also support Scottish membership of NATO.

However, other parties including the Greens, for example are opposed to NATO membership."

"Currency - Other political parties, for example the Green Party, believe that Scotland should move to a new currency in due course, and voters in Scotland could make this choice in the future by electing a Green government. "

" Monarchy - In future Scottish elections voters can elect a party or parties that wish Scotland to become a republic, just as today we could elect politicians to Westminster who want the UK to become a republic."

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They are both assertions of fact. Not opinions, they aren't even close to being opinions. You;ve dragged this out rather than simply say 2good, the SNP won in 07 and 11 for a reason, they know what they're doing"

Lineker is on the television. That's visual evidence as seen by millions of people. So not the same.

And YOU have dragged this out. Twice now I've offered to agree to diagree. But doing your best dog with a bone act, you just can't let go.

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Conclusion :-

The Fiscal Commission – of eminent independent economists – has published a blueprint for currency arrangements after independence. Its proposals are designed to secure the right conditions for trade, commerce, job creation and efforts to tackle inequality. To that end, the arrangements seek to secure low and stable inflation, currency stability, a strong balance of payments position, sound public finances, and financial stability.

Retaining the pound as part of a formal monetary union will best promote continued trade to and from the rest of the UK and beyond. The group of experts expressly designed their proposals so that they would be as attractive as possible not only for Scotland but for key partners including the UK and the EU. In particular, the proposals would be in the economic interests – in terms of trade, competition and financial stability – of the UK post-independence.

Is this Green policy? SSP? Canavan's?

It sounds very very familiar.

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NHS for YES. Africans for YES. Sport for YES. Women for Independence. Labour for Independence. Radical Independence. National Collective. Lawyers for YES. Business for Scotland. Common Weal are all part of the YES campaign. Are they controlled by the SNP as banterman and HB claim? Or is that ludicrous?

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Sigh. The idiot role has already been filled on this thread by Confidemus.

I've already provided the evidence. The Yes Executive member has told us this is what happened. He would know.

Is he lying - Yes or No?

So no proof then.

Is he telling the truth ?

You don't know, do you ?

Cringing for you.

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Is he telling the truth ?

He has made the assertion.

He was in a position to know this.

No one has challenged his assertion. (well, apart from the clueless Clown Collective types like you - I mean no real people)

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Is this Green policy? SSP? Canavan's?

It sounds very very familiar.

Does the YES website also state the policy of the Green party and "other political parties" who wish to start a new currency. Yes or No? Edited by Burma
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