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It's impossible for you to have posted anything less relevant.

Voting No in September on the basis that Cameron will be gone is a HUGE gamble and based on sheer stupidity and no logic whatsoever.

Is the idea supposed to be that we'll never ever have another Tory government?

We WILL get a Tory government again at some point. Only a fool would suggest otherwise and only a fool would vote No thinking that.

The point is that the currently electoral system is heavily skewed in favour of Labour. That bias, from my understanding, has gotten worse over the last 20 years. Ashcroft's own data seems to back this up. The Tories don't just need a few points lead to win a majority but something like a 10 point lead.

I know things are not set in stone but they do have an uphill battle to win a majority at the next GE.

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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I've no idea where you got that from.

Apparently the fact that the overwhelming majority of English, Welsh and Northern Irish resident people don't get ruled by those they vote for means that they should just vote for a party willing to change the electoral system, but Scotland is a special case and needs independence rather than just a better system of electing legislators.

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Apparently the fact that the overwhelming majority of English, Welsh and Northern Irish resident people don't get ruled by those they vote for means that they should just vote for a party willing to change the electoral system, but Scotland is a special case and needs independence rather than just a better system of electing legislators.

They can do whatever they like about it - though they of course overwhelmingly rejected your busted flush party's pathetic alternative, and enjoy absolutely zero public momentum for further devolution or some form of constitutional debate.

Given Scotland isn't in the above position, I couldn't really give a toss. Thanks for trying to smuggle more of your British nationalist concerns into discussion anyway.

Edited by vikingTON
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It's funny reading back and seeing Ad Lib use the exact same "and we're told the Conservatives will be the next government?!!" patter with polling results, some of which showing a healthy Labour lead in the popular vote.

People aren't predicting another Tory government (sorry, we've not had one in 17 years LOL) because they have enough votes right this second. By 2015 they will.

Not that it matters a f**k to me which conservative party end up in power but apparently a great deal of people care about such things.

Edited by SodjesSixteenIncher
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In that case, if the English aren't bothered, perhaps most of those voting yesterday were indeed Scots, the result is therefore even more pleasantly surprising!!

Nah, read up on its a local community thing, doubt many Scots would travel down to Derby for a Highland games show tbh....

Just cause they arent bothered I dont see how that would stop ya taking 2 seconds to tick a box. :1eye

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So we will never get a Conservative government again?

There hasn't been a tory government elected in the UK for 22 years. The tories arent going to win this next one, although I hope they do.

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There hasn't been a tory government elected in the UK for 22 years. The tories arent going to win this next one, although I hope they do.

You really have captured the mood of the RUK with your musings.

Tories arent going to win. :lol::lol::lol:

Ed going to see to that. :lol::lol::lol:

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Just caught the end of the news this morning before heading out, BBC breakfast reporting latest poll showing a 14 point lead for NO.

anyone know which poll they were referring to?

Don't think there are any new polls, and the only poll that shows that kind of No lead recently was the last YouGov poll.

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You really have captured the mood of the RUK with your musings.

Tories arent going to win. :lol::lol: :lol:

Ed going to see to that. :lol::lol: :lol:

Do you really think the Tories will win next year? Every poll since Ed became leader has Labour as the largest party, this lead is even more pronounced in Labour's target seats, the Tories are starting to split over Europe (again) and can't figure out whether to keep down the modernising path or whether to chase UKIP votes. They've managed to oversee positives in the economy and yet somehow not get any credit for it. Whilst Ed may not be the most inspiring leader, and his PMQ performances have largely been woeful, he has essentially set the Agenda for the past eight months and scored key victories over the Government in Westminster.

Ed doesn't need to win the election, the Tories are on course to lose it.

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Do you really think the Tories will win next year? Every poll since Ed became leader has Labour as the largest party, this lead is even more pronounced in Labour's target seats, the Tories are starting to split over Europe (again) and can't figure out whether to keep down the modernising path or whether to chase UKIP votes. They've managed to oversee positives in the economy and yet somehow not get any credit for it. Whilst Ed may not be the most inspiring leader, and his PMQ performances have largely been woeful, he has essentially set the Agenda for the past eight months and scored key victories over the Government in Westminster.

Ed doesn't need to win the election, the Tories are on course to lose it.

Tell me, how do pillar boxes look with those rose tinted specs on? Must be a proper bright red, no?

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Voting No in the hope that Labour will win in 2015 is short sighted. Labour might win but The Tories will be back at some point.

What are you hoping for with Labour in power? They will continue on with austerity anyway. They have said so.

Apart from a few policies there's not much between the 2 parties.

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The Lib Dem cock sucks may well have a say in the next parliament so regardless of whether Tory or Labourtory "win" the next election, The LibDems will be all too happy to do a rim job to be the government beatch again.

Yoinks, Scoob!!!!!, someone a little "cranky" today?

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