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Aye, Yes supporters a few months back were like fans whose football team were real contenders to win the championship. Plenty of arrogance from them at that point. Now they don't like the fact opposing fans are laughing at their team dropping points left right and centre.

At least we didn't declare victory prematurely. That would have been really embarrassing.

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Yes supporters are classy. We're just better human beings.

There's one house in Kirkton that not only has a flag pole but is bedecked in SNP flags etc.

I said to my wife that if I lived next door to that display I'd set fire to it - not because of what was on the flags but the ott nature of the display. Swap UJs for saltires/labour flags and my reaction would be the same.

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There's one house in Kirkton that not only has a flag pole but is bedecked in SNP flags etc.

I said to my wife that if I lived next door to that display I'd set fire to it - not because of what was on the flags but the ott nature of the display. Swap UJs for saltires/labour flags and my reaction would be the same.

There's a house just before the Dutch House Roundabout on the A77 coming down from Glasgow to Ayr that has recently erected a massive No Thanks sign on the grass verge next to the bypass. It must be about 10' x 6' at least. Nice to see them spending their clear affluence wisely.

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There's one house in Kirkton that not only has a flag pole but is bedecked in SNP flags etc.

I said to my wife that if I lived next door to that display I'd set fire to it - not because of what was on the flags but the ott nature of the display. Swap UJs for saltires/labour flags and my reaction would be the same.

Steady on there Paul Chambers.

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Yes of course I am joking - but who really wants to live next to any gaudy display - be it flags or 10'x6' advertising boards?

It's that Christmas crap I couldn't stand.

Where I live I have union jacks. The vomit inducer. With a flute band march a few times a year.

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Yes I have. I have a healthy level of self awareness, thanks. I'm aware of my own shortcomings and am perfectly OK with the fact that some people on here find my approach, or me in generally, well, "cunty".

However, No voters have acted with absolutely zero decorum or dignity this past couple of weeks. And yes, I daresay Yes supporters would gloat a little if we showed a healthy lead in the polls, but having seen who represents Yes and No on here, I have no doubt in saying that No voters, as their voting intentions show, are shallow, selfish, pompous arseholes.

Hope that clarifies things a little.

Thanks for that Confusedalot.com If you knew your own limitations you wouldn't embarrass yourself on here. So what if we are gloating at you. It is a distinct and intensely pleasurable experience. I know you don't get the chance to experience it, but who cares? :lol:

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As you all know, I'm a yes voter.

I always hear 'there's only one poll that matters...' and variations of that.

Are we to believe that it is possible that every pollster could have got this spectacularly wrong and yes has a chance?

I keep hearing that, but surely 70 or so polls can't be wrong.

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As you all know, I'm a yes voter.

I always hear 'there's only one poll that matters...' and variations of that.

Are we to believe that it is possible that every pollster could have got this spectacularly wrong and yes has a chance?

I keep hearing that, but surely 70 or so polls can't be wrong.

As a no voter, yes do have a chance. Looking at the odds, it's probably around a 14% chance at the moment, but it's still a chance.


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As you all know, I'm a yes voter.

I always hear 'there's only one poll that matters...' and variations of that.

Are we to believe that it is possible that every pollster could have got this spectacularly wrong and yes has a chance?

I keep hearing that, but surely 70 or so polls can't be wrong.

Didn't you know that all the pollsters are working hand in hand with London Tories / UKIP / MI5 / a Celeb Peado Ring / Dick Cheney to cook the referendum poll books, and that actually, as indicated by the far more scientific "car bumber sticker and doorstep in Dundee index", Yes is on course win by a street?


As a No Voter I think Yes still has a chance, but a small one only.

If the First Minister has Mr Darling on the ropes and damages him substantially during the BBC debate, I can imagine that the polls will narrow significantly.

You never know what's around the corner.

I still think that it would take some major scandal or event to turn it around, though.

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Didn't you know that all the pollsters are working hand in hand with London Tories / UKIP / MI5 / a Celeb Peado Ring / Dick Cheney to cook the referendum poll books, and that actually, as indicated by the far more scientific "car bumber sticker and doorstep in Dundee index", Yes is on course win by a street?


Out of the horses mouth.

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I have read Jim Sillars quoting a couple of examples of elections where the grassroots campaign really took hold, and the pollsters got it wrong.

Could this genuine change be happening 'under the radar'?


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I have read Jim Sillars quoting a couple of examples of elections where the grassroots campaign really took hold, and the pollsters got it wrong.

Could this genuine change be happening 'under the radar'?

It could happen. But the difference is big, keep convincing folk.

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