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A vote for the SNP in 2011 - Not a vote for independence

A vote against independence in 2014 - A vote against the SNP

Great logic. Do you ever get anything right?

No he doesn't.

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Just because No voters may be less "rabid" than many of the "Yessrs" does mean they do not care, you can be passionate about something without "foaming at the mouth"

Hopefully Salmond will stay on stubbornly after the no vote. Watching him endure two years of sniping from his own party and pointing and laughing from everyone else would be a fitting end to the fat c***s career.

I think he will f**k off sharpish after 18thSept though. Or be forced to f**k off by Acrylic heid or one of the other incompetents waiting in the wings.

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you pair are quality :blink:

Surely you can see the excitement that this debate has caused? People are talking about politics like never before, because on the 18th we hold all of the power in our hands.

If we vote yes we keep the power. Every election counts because our representatives will absolutely be shaping our country.

If it's a no vote we go back to blaming someone else for all our ills, taking no responsibility and generally having a voice that doesn't matter.

Who would get excited about that? As far as keeping the engagement in politics going goes, that can only be achieved with a yes vote. If it's a no vote we go back to a system where nobody cares.

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A life of shroud waving awaits them.


I predict you will disappear to Twitterland in the near future. But I'm confident our paths will meet post Yes vote ;) tick..tock...

Edited by Colkitto
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Whatever the outcome, the post-vote seethe from the losing campaign's fanboys is going to be utterly glorious.

This is Mr Bairn-level chat and utterly, pathetically immature, whatever the outcome.

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You're going to give yourself a heart attack, man. Calm down :lol:

I'm hyperventilating and everything. You've totally got me on the ropes. Why did I ever think I could take on someone as witty as you?


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I'm hyperventilating and everything. You've totally got me on the ropes. Why did I ever think I could take on someone as witty as you?


'Taking on'? What the hell are you talking about? Seriously, chill out :huh:

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'Taking on'? What the hell are you talking about? Seriously, chill out :huh:

"Taking on" as in "taking on" you. On here. It's not that difficult a concept. You used the tired line about how "hilarious" it would be at the levels of seethe on the losing side on September 19th. I called you out on your infantile banter.

You then used a series of P&B cliches to make yourself look less of a fanny. It didn't work.

However, not to worry, I expect you'll reply with more witty insights as to how utterly furious I am and that I should really calm down. If you think this is confrontational or aggressive, I'd advise you to never get involved in conversation with anyone ever.

Now, I'm going to go and lie down and try to bring my blood pressure down while you think up a suitably cliched response.

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"Taking on" as in "taking on" you. On here. It's not that difficult a concept. You used the tired line about how "hilarious" it would be at the levels of seethe on the losing side on September 19th. I called you out on your infantile banter.

You then used a series of P&B cliches to make yourself look less of a fanny. It didn't work.

However, not to worry, I expect you'll reply with more witty insights as to how utterly furious I am and that I should really calm down. If you think this is confrontational or aggressive, I'd advise you to never get involved in conversation with anyone ever.

Now, I'm going to go and lie down and try to bring my blood pressure down while you think up a suitably cliched response.

Calm doon ya nutter. :lol:

Banana are you not voting I take it?

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I would thank you for your opinion and inform you nothing is beyond me. I am omnipotent, omnipresent and pretty fucking excellent.


ETA: In before anyone tries an omnipotent/ impotent gag.

All together now. To the tune of Nice one Cyril

Ya think yer Yahweh, ya pompous bum , ya must be stupid, as well as bleeding dumb.

Yer never right, yer always wrong, yer mouth needs a wash-out, and yer bleeding dumb

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