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Might not need another ref.

Labour beg SNP for a coalition. SNP get their devo-max - Ed gets to play PM - a win, win for us as he makes a fool of himself and even most no-voters finally realise that being ruled by one cheek, then another of the London arse is a loser's game.

Polls show support for UDI.

We do it.

Conjecture, aye, but very possible.

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Might not need another ref.

Labour beg SNP for a coalition. SNP get their devo-max - Ed gets to play PM - a win, win for us as he makes a fool of himself and even most no-voters finally realise that being ruled by one cheek, then another of the London arse is a loser's game.

Polls show support for UDI.

We do it.

Conjecture, aye, but very possible.

Labour will likely climb into bed with the lib dems, who will have enough seats to tip the balance. There's no chance they'll go into bed with a Nationalist Party that represent such a small percentage of the UK population and will rabble rouse from within.

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Labour will likely climb into bed with the lib dems, who will have enough seats to tip the balance. There's no chance they'll go into bed with a Nationalist Party that represent such a small percentage of the UK population and will rabble rouse from within.

Yeah, though that depends on the Lib Dems having enough seats to make a coalition viable in the end.

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Yeah, though that depends on the Lib Dems having enough seats to make a coalition viable in the end.

Even if the SNP do have more seats than the Lib Dems (which'd take a fantastic SNP result and an even bigger disaster than expected for the Lib Dems) if Labour are the largest party but don't have a majority I can't see them being more seats away from the majority than the Lib Dems can provide. Shite wording but you know what I mean.

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Even if the SNP do have more seats than the Lib Dems (which'd take a fantastic SNP result and an even bigger disaster than expected for the Lib Dems) if Labour are the largest party but don't have a majority I can't see them being more seats away from the majority than the Lib Dems can provide. Shite wording but you know what I mean.

Yeah, of course. It's a very exact set of circumstances that are required to allow the SNP to be able to hold the government to task over Smith.

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Did they? In what way?

The campaign was fought from a left wing angle. it was all about fairer scotland more equality less ppoverty removal off nuclare weapons. faireraxes etc et etc. all good policies of course but all very much left wing socialist ones. then there was the scotland will always get the government it votes for. considering scotland will get the goverment the CENTRAL BELT voted for. we are not so different from england you know, our population is concentrated in a small strip of land in the south. it gets billions spent on trams nobody wants along with other shitey projects whilst people in the north are regularly killed on a road that should have been duelled years ago. for yes to win by this method they would havee to sweep the board in the central belt - not fcuking likely when theres a significant number of labour diehards and football loyalists.

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The campaign was fought from a left wing angle. it was all about fairer scotland more equality less ppoverty removal off nuclare weapons. faireraxes etc et etc. all good policies of course but all very much left wing socialist ones. then there was the scotland will always get the government it votes for. considering scotland will get the goverment the CENTRAL BELT voted for. we are not so different from england you know, our population is concentrated in a small strip of land in the south. it gets billions spent on trams nobody wants along with other shitey projects whilst people in the north are regularly killed on a road that should have been duelled years ago. for yes to win by this method they would havee to sweep the board in the central belt - not fcuking likely when theres a significant number of labour diehards and football loyalists.

A big error of judgement.

The SNP had to scour the schemes to get their numbers up all the same, so it's probably understandable. Now they have lumbered themselves with a new influx of total morons that they stirred up during their unsuccessful attempt to create their fiefdom. And it's these imbeciles that will destroy the party from the inside. It might take a few years, but will certainly happen. <_<

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A big error of judgement.

The SNP had to scour the schemes to get their numbers up all the same, so it's probably understandable. Now they have lumbered themselves with a new influx of total morons that they stirred up during their unsuccessful attempt to create their fiefdom. And it's these imbeciles that will destroy the party from the inside. It might take a few years, but will certainly happen. <_<

While i dont agree with most conservitive policys i havent been calling their supporters eton toffs fat cats or any other semi dergitory tearm for torrys you want. folk can vote no or yes for whatever reason they want, why;d you need to look down youre nose at those you dont agree with?

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A big error of judgement.

The SNP had to scour the schemes to get their numbers up all the same, so it's probably understandable. Now they have lumbered themselves with a new influx of total morons that they stirred up during their unsuccessful attempt to create their fiefdom. And it's these imbeciles that will destroy the party from the inside. It might take a few years, but will certainly happen. <_<

See: the Euro, Mitt Romney.

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While i dont agree with most conservitive policys i havent been calling their supporters eton toffs fat cats or any other semi dergitory tearm for torrys you want. folk can vote no or yes for whatever reason they want, why;d you need to look down youre nose at those you dont agree with?

don't waste your time arguing with the troll, he just says anything to get a bite so just ignore him and his wee pal/alter ego hb

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In statistical terms, the HIghlands and Islands are less relevant than the Central Belt.

If Yes had won the entire central belt no other areas would have mattered in terms of the final result.

In statistical terms, Scotland is less relevant than England.

Two can play at this game.

Might not need another ref.

Labour beg SNP for a coalition. SNP get their devo-max - Ed gets to play PM - a win, win for us as he makes a fool of himself and even most no-voters finally realise that being ruled by one cheek, then another of the London arse is a loser's game.

Polls show support for UDI.

We do it.

Conjecture, aye, but very possible.

If "polls showed support for UDI" then surely you would be able to win a referendum?

Thing is, only WM can legally declare Scotland independent, so if the Scottish government tried to UDI Westminster would most likely tell them to f**k off, or at least refuse to grant independence until the fact that it's the will of the people had been proven by way of referendum. If Scotland just tried to illegally UDI we'd end up being like Transnistria or North Cyprus being a non-recognised nation.

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