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You've stated previously that you are an SNP voter.

Nothing to be ashamed about - plenty of people favour the SNP's more right wing agenda economically than Labour's more progressive one.

You look after yourself - that's the main thing!

Yep,poor people requiring food banks and vilifying those on benefits is so progressive.

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Yep,poor people requiring food banks and vilifying those on benefits is so progressive.

What does that have to do with Labour's economic policies?

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What does that have to do with Labour's economic policies?

What doesn't it have to do with Labour's economic policies, or are we just talking about the ones that are just words rather than the ones that were actions.

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What does that have to do with Labour's economic policies?

1) They are at least partly responsible for these turn of events

2) Any future Labour government - going by the utterings of the party to date - would continue with the same welfare policies as the current coalition.

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You've stated previously that you are an SNP voter.

Nothing to be ashamed about - plenty of people favour the SNP's more right wing agenda economically than Labour's more progressive one.

You look after yourself - that's the main thing!

You're an SNP voter as well. Labour want to be harder on austerity than the Tories and you are championing them :lol:

Kidding on they're left wing in Scotland and saying the opposite down South.... Insidious New Labour.

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1) They are at least partly responsible for these turn of events

2) Any future Labour government - going by the utterings of the party to date - would continue with the same welfare policies as the current coalition.

And with economic policies much to the left of the SNP.

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So who do you suggest people vote for in a General Election, SNP, LibDems, UKIP.

I'm kinda banking on us not being allowed to vote in the next GE, as all the Westminster MP's have been crying about, should we get independence.

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SNP's more right wing agenda economically

Labour's economic policies?

economic policies

economic policies.

You seem to be apeing Banterman here with the whole "economic policies" schtick.

What luck then, that most people look at overall policies.

When Labour return to their roots and pledge to do something about food banks, austerity, child poverty and the olympian gap between the rich and poor in this country, then I may consider a Labour vote. Oh, as long as Johann Lamont has been booted, that's another caveat I have.

The only way we'll tackle these problems imo is in an independent Scotland.

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And with economic policies much to the left of the SNP.

No, they have one macro-economic fiscal policy to the left of the SNP - namely a higher level of corporation tax. That does not consititute having economic policies (collective) "much to the left".

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No, they have one macro-economic fiscal policy to the left of the SNP - namely a higher level of corporation tax. That does not consititute having economic policies (collective) "much to the left".

Ignoring Labour's economics I would have to describe the SNP's economic policies as centre right. On social policy they are much more centre left.

Reconciling the two is a difficult balancing act.

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All this individual party posturing is meaningless. In an independent Scotland, you would hope that each party would develop a fresh approach best suited to a progressive, socially just country.

I wish people would think beyond the SNP in this referendum. Ideally, in an iScotland, I'd like to see a Scottish Labour in power, akin to these lads:


Edited by Confidemus
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Ignoring Labour's economics I would have to describe the SNP's economic policies as centre right. On social policy they are much more centre left.

Reconciling the two is a difficult balancing act.

Yeah, but you'd be har dpushed to describe Labour's economic policies as anything other than centre right as well - not cutting corporation tax as much as the next guy does not a socialist make.

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Interesting piece by YouGov's Peter Kellner on the discrepancy between pollsters on the levels of support for the respective campaigns: http://yougov.co.uk/news/2014/07/01/why-do-polls-scotland-vary-so-much/

Very interesting indeed, i will be discounting survation polls in future, they're clearly badly flawed. For me, the most insightful part of the article was his conclusion:

However, my conclusion is simple. A number of recent polls have produced widely-reported stories that the contest is close. They are wrong. It isn’t. The No campaign is well ahead. Its lead has held up for some months. Unless things change markedly in the next eleven weeks, Scotland will vote to remain in the United Kingdom, and by a decisive enough margin to settle the matter for many years to come.

Ouch, a scathing dose of reality for the yes campaign, but it reinforces many peoples beliefs. Not only is this race not close, it's looking like the Union is going to win at a decisive canter.

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Very interesting indeed, i will be discounting survation polls in future, they're clearly badly flawed. For me, the most insightful part of the article was his conclusion:

Ouch, a scathing dose of reality for the yes campaign, but it reinforces many peoples beliefs. Not only is this race not close, it's looking like the Union is going to win at a decisive canter.

Yep, I'll swallow every word the husband of Baroness Ashton prints.

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No, they have one macro-economic fiscal policy to the left of the SNP - namely a higher level of corporation tax. That does not consititute having economic policies (collective) "much to the left".

I take it you are just glossing over the 50% tax rate?

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