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If you believe the MSM I will lose my job over this (i work in the Financial Services sector)

Yet I walk home from work in Glasgow with my Yes badge and wristband on display.

Of course I may be out of pocket slightly, who knows.

I have morals.

Illegal wars, phone hacking, media manipulation, the demise of industry, expense scandals, mp pay rises, multi national tax avoidances,

Not to mention a Boris/Farage coming to you soon.

I am proud of a country that accepts anyone, no matter colour, nationality or class.

I hope the selfish No voters are proud of themselves supporting an immoral government for short term financial gain, because at the end of it all that is the only argument they have.

Worst case scenario

Forget a few extra quid in your monthly wage

Forget a few extra quid in your pension

Sleep well, there are so many others in the world who are a hell of a lot worse off than ourselves.

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The extended STV news had a 'panel' of three doubtfuls in Dundee who were all veering towards NO. Everything else we are hearing and experiencing suggests this is bullshit. How do they pick these folk?

I'm beyond sick of this muck from these b*****ds. It's just been a constant drip drip drip of manipulative, orchestrated shite.

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The boy further up the thread is right, forget the polls. Vote Yes (Or No) with you fully believing that you're not just doing the best for yourself, but the best for future generations. Even if I disagree with your views, as long as you've not been swamped by the mass media campaign and essentially doing what they seem to be instructing you to do then you have my goodwill. Except Rangers fans, as we all know they have differing reasons in the main for voting No.

TL;DR I'm absolutely bricking it.

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Faisal Aslam - Sky News Political Editor on twitter -

important No campaigner was "bereft" at internal polling, said it was already getting tighter before 2nd debate..


Dundee lost, and Glasgow looking likely too... Difficult reception amongst labour voters on the doorstep.

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I'm surprised that so many have declared for YES.


The full force of the British State (BS) was felt today and it will persist.

Yesterday's promise of lovely devo has given way to fear fear fear.

I hope our resolve is not so fragile as to be compromised.

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So the momentum is swinging towards No again. Think there will be a few swings back and forward though.

Of the 6 Scots in my office it's now all 6 in the No camp after the undecided person voted No. Hardly surprising though when it's 6 people from the borders all working in England.

Edited by BerwickMad
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Classic example here :


Scroll to 27 mins and listen to Ian from Burnley.

"It's a democracy: we don't like them, we can get rid of them."

What a sensible and erudite man. I am basing this on the fact I think I had a stroke while he was speaking prior to this.

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Watching anything classified as 'news' over the last two days about this referendum - jaw dropping. As of yesterday, the politics of fear is really in full flow from the establishment. Every untruth, manipulation, exaggeration, disaster scenario and orchestration all designed to question every aspect of your logical and emotional thought processes are all going to be thrown at you over the next eight days.

It's exactly what they want: don't buy it, and get them telt on the 18th.

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it's got nothing to do with "The British State". It's about taking a gamble that could either work out well or have disastrous consequences. I would err on the side of caution and that's got nothing to do with supporting any political parties. It's a No for economic stability in the short to mid term and see how things improve. If they don't I'll rethink it.

When in the name of fvck are you going to re-think it? Cameron made the point that this isn't a general election. There won't be a re-think. Vote No by all means but be ready to suck up the shite that will flow for generations to come.

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See when people start using evidence and facts? Does my heid in so it does! :angry:

Evidence and facts have gone right out the window as far as today was concerned from the No camp. I'm sounding like I need a tin foil hat here but it wasn't about facts today. It was about a propaganda machine at work.

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Watching anything classified as 'news' over the last two days about this referendum - jaw dropping. As of yesterday, the politics of fear is really in full flow from the establishment. Every untruth, manipulation, exaggeration, disaster scenario and orchestration all designed to question every aspect of your logical and emotional thought processes are all going to be thrown at you over the next eight days.

It's exactly what they want: don't buy it, and get them telt on the 18th.

Ran out of greenies, but a brilliant, succinct post.

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