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If it was tossed 10 times, there might be 10 heads. Or 10 tails.

Or some number of heads and tails adding up to 10.


If you toss 10 coins or 100 coins or 1000 coins, it will always settle around 50/50.

I think that's regression to the mean (I hope it is, I bloody love that phrase)

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If you toss 10 coins or 100 coins or 1000 coins, it will always settle around 50/50.

I think that's regression to the mean (I hope it is, I bloody love that phrase)

Not always. The more coins you toss the more likely, though.

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I cannot believe how many people seem to be conceding defeat before the main vote actually starts.

This is what the NO campaign want ,they want to make you think that YES have no chance so you will not go out and cast a vote.

Keep the faith and believe and make damned sure every yes voter you know gets out and casts their vote :-)

When people see the flood of YES voters heading to the polls, they will join in. Don't worry about that.

We are going to be independent come Friday morning.

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Looking at data tables for Ipsos: IN terms of age groups, yes tanking No up to 55+ age bracket. In terms of employment status: +6 full time working, +3 part time working, +11 not working and -17 retired. In terms of working sector +2 in private sector and +14 in public sector. In terms of nat id Scot/more scot than brit/equal/more brit than scot/ brit it goes:+70/+28/-43/-51/-78. Ipsos also confirms that lower income households more likely to vote yes and that while Yes has a 1 point lead in urban areas it gets slaughtered in rural areas by a good 14 points. Folk renting, either private or council much more likely to vote yes than home owners, though one thing that did surprise me is that folk with children in their households are more likely to vote yes than those without.

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Looking at data tables for Ipsos: IN terms of age groups, yes tanking No up to 55+ age bracket. In terms of employment status: +6 full time working, +3 part time working, +11 not working and -17 retired. In terms of working sector +2 in private sector and +14 in public sector. In terms of nat id Scot/more scot than brit/equal/more brit than scot/ brit it goes:+70/+28/-43/-51/-78. Ipsos also confirms that lower income households more likely to vote yes and that while Yes has a 1 point lead in urban areas it gets slaughtered in rural areas by a good 14 points. Folk renting, either private or council much more likely to vote yes than home owners, though one thing that did surprise me is that folk with children in their households are more likely to vote yes than those without.

So its the selfish oldies that could ruin it for the future

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