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I'm hoping the yougov poll isn't something dramatically different. Not that it's likely to affect many people at this late stage.

Yeah, hoping it stays in the same ball park. have heard only the sketchiest of rumours about it.

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So its the selfish oldies that could ruin it for the future

To be fair, a lot of them will worry about their private pensions I'd think, and while yes does make a strong case for those remaining intact, oldies don't have the luxury of time to get over it, if there are setbacks.

Take me for example, I'm demographically the prototype No voter: Both me and my fiance work in reaosnably well paid jobs, have a mortgage but no kids. I'm voting yes for a whole host of reasons but accepting of the fact that I personally may take a kicking financially in the short term - thing is, barring accidents or my superb diet, I've got time on my side. Old folk don't.

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Was chatting to couple of labour mates of mine, both voting yes, one of them is quite active in trade union. He said that some labour members he know are telling polling companies that they are voting no, but are really voting yes. Reason being is that they dont want preference on polling database if it all goes wrong. Polling companies stating c. 40% labour voting aye.. I think its much higher

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To be fair, a lot of them will worry about their private pensions I'd think, and while yes does make a strong case for those remaining intact, oldies don't have the luxury of time to get over it, if there are setbacks.

Take me for example, I'm demographically the prototype No voter: Both me and my fiance work in reaosnably well paid jobs, have a mortgage but no kids. I'm voting yes for a whole host of reasons but accepting of the fact that I personally may take a kicking financially in the short term - thing is, barring accidents or my superb diet, I've got time on my side. Old folk don't.

What I don't get about these selfish old folk is they're putting their own interests above those of their grandkids. I can't get with that level of selfishness.

Personally, I'm similar to Renton. I have a job, a pension, a mortgage, a wife and 2 kids. I don't stand to gain personally from a Yes vote, but I'm not voting for me.

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What I don't get about these selfish old folk is they're putting their own interests above those of their grandkids. I can't get with that level of selfishness.

Personally, I'm similar to Renton. I have a job, a pension, a mortgage, a wife and 2 kids. I don't stand to gain personally from a Yes vote, but I'm not voting for me.

Not much use to their grandkids if they're broke.

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What I don't get about these selfish old folk is they're putting their own interests above those of their grandkids. I can't get with that level of selfishness.

Personally, I'm similar to Renton. I have a job, a pension, a mortgage, a wife and 2 kids. I don't stand to gain personally from a Yes vote, but I'm not voting for me.

They'd no doubt argue that they're stopping their children and grandchildren making a huge mistake.

I massively disagree with them - but its a fair point.

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The economic consequences either way are going to be marginal, even on the worst forecasts of Yes and No campaigners. I think my biggest reason for voting Yes is just the adventure of trying to create a new nation that works.

This. I reckon the economic issues are greatly overstated.

At worst we'll be marginally worse off, at best we'll be marginally better off.

But at least we'll have a more democratic and representative government and a country with a huge potential for the future.

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Near 100% of yes will vote. Not sure that is the same for No..

But heh, im just hopeful

I hope you're right about the Yes vote. I do have some concerns regarding the 'wobble' that's been mentioned on a few occasions. I think of myself as a solid Yes voter but I would be lying if I said that I haven't had my doubts at times when considering the monumental decision that we are all about to take.

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Same as you both renton/confi. Mortgage, car, pension, shares and savings. And a seven month wee boy. Loads to lose if the prophets of doom are right. Archetypal lower middle class Tory in many ways. But I'm not.

This chance we have is far, far too important to Chuck away. Labour have been disgraceful. Utterly without merit. I'm preparing for a few hard times for a while post yes. Maybe higher taxes, maybe not. But five or ten years down the line i think we'll see it was the best thing we ever did. Keep the faith lads.

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This. I reckon the economic issues are greatly overstated.

At worst we'll be marginally worse off, at best we'll be marginally better off.

But at least we'll have a more democratic and representative government and a country with a huge potential for the future.

"the early days of a better nation"

once all of the water and fat is boiled away, its about positivity.

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