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Headline from this YOUGOV poll... ' No thanks won every age group apart from 25-39 '


Guess that's YOUGOV back on the naughty step?


Bbbut pensioners. Yes won all the working age groups.

Im looking forward to 'well i always trusted that Ashcroft chap throughout... he s the gold standard of pollsters'.

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Headline from this YOUGOV poll... ' No thanks won every age group apart from 25-39 '


Guess that's YOUGOV back on the naughty step?

It would be interesting to know which one of all these final predictions was correct, in terms of voting of demographics.

I mean, can we blame the pensioners, and hope for more cold winters, or can't we?

I'm so confused.

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Bbbut pensioners. Yes won all the working age groups.

Im looking forward to 'well i always trusted that Ashcroft chap throughout... he s the gold standard of pollsters'.

That Professor Curtice, darling of the media, also had the key factors as OAPs, English people who have made Scotland their home, and the middle classes. Although, surely the middle classes encompasses some of the OAPs and English in Scotland?

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The aschroft poll broke the age groups down differently, having six age groups vs the four in YouGov, which makes it harder to compare the two. It's also a wee bit difficult to cross reference the pre and post voting intention given the lack of response factor in YouGov.

Looking at the way the age groups break down, Ashcroft shows a small lead in yes for 45-54 and a huge No lead in 55-65. YouGov's 41-59 straddles both of those, so it's not inconsistent that it gives the overall backing to No in that age group, as the small ashcroft yes lead in 45-54 is more than balanced out by the No lead in 55-65.

Same goes for the bottom two age groups. The 18-25 group showed a No lead in ashcroft (all those Labour activist students!) with 16-17s (a small subsample as well) showed a massive lead for Yes. Again, it's not inconsistent with YouGov when they combine those two age groups that there is a slim No lead.

I don't think either poll is saying anything radically different. There is no doubt that Yes was in contention across all age groups up to the baby boomer mob, at which point they got absolutely creamed. If you break the age groups down differnelty the position looks more positive for yes than not, but it's pretty much the same picture - what opened up the big gap was reluctance amongst older people, middle class homeowners and folk reisdent in scotland from other parts of the UK.

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Excluding over 65s gives yes 51%

No it doesnt.

51% Yes matches my calculation for the weighted average from the Voting Intentions Sept 15-17

The problem with that number is that it was intentions as opposed to actual votes.

H_B is presumably looking at the Combined totals for postal voters and people that answered the recontact survey on Friday asking how they voted.

That comes out as 49.4% Yes for under 65s and 49.9% for under 60s.

The problem with that number is that the follow up poll was missing responses from 22% of the original sample so this subset will be incomplete at best and have a systematic bias at worst. The number of nonrespondants is clearly skewed by age so in terms of analysis of results by age we should be very wary of it.

Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone know if there's any post referendum polling planned? After a month or so...?

Will be interesting to see the figures. My gut feeling is that support for independence has dropped since the 19th.

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Anyone know if there's any post referendum polling planned? After a month or so...?

Will be interesting to see the figures. My gut feeling is that support for independence has dropped since the 19th.

Nothing as far as I can see. The closest we got was a Panelbase poll asking about what powers Scotland would want to see devolved.

Think it'll be a while before we see one, might not see one until Curtice's SSAS 2015.

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Nothing as far as I can see. The closest we got was a Panelbase poll asking about what powers Scotland would want to see devolved.

Think it'll be a while before we see one, might not see one until Curtice's SSAS 2015.

Ahh well it will be back down to 23% if that's the case :lol:

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Anyone know if there's any post referendum polling planned? After a month or so...?

Will be interesting to see the figures. My gut feeling is that support for independence has dropped since the 19th.

My gut feeling is that it's risen.

About as pointless as your gut feeling.

I don't know anyone in real life that's changed their mind on the issue but it's not even a month later tbf.

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My gut feeling is that it's risen.

About as pointless as your gut feeling.

I don't know anyone in real life that's changed their mind on the issue but it's not even a month later tbf.

What was your gut feeling about the referendum? Just checking whether your innards are a decent barometer on such things.

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My gut feeling is that it's risen.

About as pointless as your gut feeling.

I don't know anyone in real life that's changed their mind on the issue but it's not even a month later tbf.

Aren't you the guy who said before the vote....

' I honestly think there will be about 10.000 votes in it either way '

Just 370,000 odd out then, we can safely assume you don't know what you're talking about.

Edited by Lex
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Aren't you the guy who said before the vote....

' I honestly think there will be about 10.000 votes in it either way '

Just 370,000 odd out then, we can safely assume you don't know what you're talking about.

Just reading his signature there, I wonder if he now holds Glasgow in higher esteem than his home city who rejected independence very comfortably indeed?

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My gut feeling was that Yes would lose as I posted numerous times on here. I had brief moments of hope but I knew deep down No would win.

I was indeed wrong about the margin that Lex mentioned.I refer back to my brief moments of hope.

I'm sure you both had brief moments of hope that St Mirren would beat Celtic the other week. Was never going to happen obviously but there's nothing wrong with hope ;)

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