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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Right. A bit like Russel Crowe in A Beautiful Mind, I've got hunners of browser tabs open to try and sort out last week's league. Thanks again to Deej for his heroic efforts. And I would like to officially retract my thanks to Kincardine - who didn't have time to update any of the scores, but did find the time to change the colour scheme, especially in the Beazer Homes League! 

Anyway, I believe it's our first ever tie-break, as both WRK and Alang1993 have equal scores throughout the week. More on that in a minute. Downstairs, Jagfox and Leeds Saint, both decorated teams - are dropping down, and The_Kincardine goes into the play-offs. 

Position Team Trophy Cabinet Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
1 WhiteRoseKillie 8x© 3x② 9 7 8 9 8 41
2 Alang1993 4x© 2x② 1xBZ 9 8 7 9 8 41
3 Deej 3x② 6 7 9 9 8 39
4 Tynieness   9 7 6 9 5 36
5 Frankie S 1x© 1x② 7 7 6 6 8 34
6 WILLIEA 1x© 7 5 7 6 7 32
7 Welshbairn   4 4 6 9 6 29
8 Scotfree   7 5 5 4 7 28
9 Peasy23   4 8 3 7 5 27
10 Eckthearab 5x② 7 5 4 4 5 25
11 Arabdownunder 3x© 1x② 5 5 3 6 6 25
12 The_Kincardine   6 6 4 8 7 31
13 Leeds Saint 1x© 2x② 4 5 4 7 6 26
14 Jagfox99 4x② 1xBZ 4 3 3 5 5 20

In the BHL, a big congratulations to ... ME! Die Hard Doonhamer has a terrific run of form and finishes 2nd. Edmund goes into the play-off.

Position Team Trophy Cabinet Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
1 Cardinal Richelieu 1x© 8 6 6 6 5 31
2 Die Hard Doonhamer   8 6 3 7 6 30
3 Edmund 4x② 1xBZ 8 7 2 5 7 29
4 Blackislekillie 1xBZ 5 7 4 5 6 27
5 Marr1   3 7 5 5 5 25
6 Bully Wee Villa 1x© 7 4 2 7 4 24
7 BigBo10   5 5 5 4 3 22
8 Jacksgranda   5 4 4 5 4 22
9 Swarley   5 6 5 1 4 21
10 Supermik   6 4 3 2 4 19
11 Ross.   2 3 5 3 5 18
12 Livi Lion   4 6 5 3   18
13 SlipperyP   3 6 3 2 3 17
14 Dee Man   2 5 5 4 1 17
15 Dee_62   2 6 2 2 4 16

So we need a tie-break question to decide the Premiership title and to decide who's getting promoted...

So can @WhiteRoseKillie, @alang1993, @The_Kincardine and @Eednud PM the answer to this tiebreaker.

* The Netherlands is renowned as being a flat country. But what height above sea-level is its highest point? Answers in metres please!

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1 minute ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

I think I won the replay? Something like the journey time from Wycombe to London.

Forgot about that, b*****ds. Just sent a pm with a nearly spot on answer for the new tie break. (googled the answer afterwards).

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6 minutes ago, Leeds Saint said:

Err Cardi I think the league needs to be re-sorted. I've got 26 and Kinki 31. He goes to mid table mediocrity and I struggle manfully out of the relegation zone. Just to top off their weekend that drops a couple of Arabs into the mire.

f**k. Sorry. Okay, so @The_Kincardine avoids the play-offs, and it's Arabdownunder who goes down under, with your good self in the play off. So you can answer the Dutch hill / mountain questino instead :)

Position Team Trophy Cabinet Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
1 WhiteRoseKillie 8x© 3x② 9 7 8 9 8 41
2 Alang1993 4x© 2x② 1xBZ 9 8 7 9 8 41
3 Deej 3x② 6 7 9 9 8 39
4 Tynieness   9 7 6 9 5 36
5 Frankie S 1x© 1x② 7 7 6 6 8 34
6 WILLIEA 1x© 7 5 7 6 7 32
7 The_Kincardine   6 6 4 8 7 31
8 Welshbairn   4 4 6 9 6 29
9 Scotfree   7 5 5 4 7 28
10 Peasy23   4 8 3 7 5 27
11 Leeds Saint 1x© 2x② 4 5 4 7 6 26
12 Arabdownunder 3x© 1x② 5 5 3 6 6 25
13 Eckthearab 5x② 7 5 4 4 5 25
14 Jagfox99 4x② 1xBZ 4 3 3 5 5 20
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5 minutes ago, eckthearab said:

Sorry Cardy but looks like myself and arabdownunder both finished on 25 emoji20.png with myself having a 7 in the week putting me above him on goal difference and jagfox finishing bottom. You on the sauce cardy? emoji23.png

I wish I was. Sorry, trying to apply for jobs, arrange a birthday party AND sort out the league! 

To clarify ... Jagfox and Arabdownunder are down. Leeds Saint is face. You (i.e. Eckthearab) need to PM about the Dutch hillock, and I'm a pillock.

Position Team Trophy Cabinet Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
1 WhiteRoseKillie 8x© 3x② 9 7 8 9 8 41
2 Alang1993 4x© 2x② 1xBZ 9 8 7 9 8 41
3 Deej 3x② 6 7 9 9 8 39
4 Tynieness   9 7 6 9 5 36
5 Frankie S 1x© 1x② 7 7 6 6 8 34
6 WILLIEA 1x© 7 5 7 6 7 32
7 The_Kincardine   6 6 4 8 7 31
8 Welshbairn   4 4 6 9 6 29
9 Scotfree   7 5 5 4 7 28
10 Peasy23   4 8 3 7 5 27
11 Leeds Saint 1x© 2x② 4 5 4 7 6 26
12 Eckthearab 5x② 7 5 4 4 5 25
13 Arabdownunder 3x© 1x② 5 5 3 6 6 25
14 Jagfox99 4x② 1xBZ 4 3 3 5 5 20
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Damn - 2nd bottom when the initial results came out - only for me to drop to the East Stirlingshire position with the new league tables!!!  Right, serious re-think on guessing tactics.  May resort to pinning the tail on the donkey approach. (although, on reflection, that's pretty much my guessing technique at the moment).


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