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I will third the love for the Noam Dar interview. Some real fun stuff in there, and he's a pretty funny guy which helps the whole thing go well.

Chris Renfrew's interview should be fun as well. He is a pretty insightful guy when it comes to wrestling. Guy knows his shit.

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Any idea why WWE continue to shit on JR by not allowing any currently employed members of their company appear on his podcast?

Pettiness, would be my guess. Guys like Jericho and Austin will be allowed them because they're still part of the company in their respective ways but JR obviously isn't so they don't want to give him the business.

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Austin's podcast is clear number one, Jericho number 2 and for me Lionheart's has slotted in at number 3. The problem with JR's is that he has too many guests I haven't heard of/don't care about. Plus the opening 20 minutes of every episode is the exact same every week.

Jericho has a fair few I don't care about. That's not a slant on him, some of his music guests are cool like Vinnie Paul and whatnot, but there's a fair few I don't care about as well.

I'd probably rate is Austin >>>Jericho=JR.

The thing I dislike about Jericho is the "guests" like his kid and the fake people he does and whatnot. I was so pumped when I saw he had Wyatt on, only to be told by my friend that it wasn't actually Bray. I'm assuming my friend wasn't taking the piss since I didn't even download it to find out what it was.

I haven't even tried Goldberg or Piper's, neither of them really interest me on their own.

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Shuggie_Murray7, on 07 Sept 2014 - 10:06, said:

Austin's podcast is clear number one, Jericho number 2 and for me Lionheart's has slotted in at number 3. The problem with JR's is that he has too many guests I haven't heard of/don't care about. Plus the opening 20 minutes of every episode is the exact same every week.

I think that limits him quite a bit considering he's not allowed any WWE employees on his show whereas Austin/Jericho are. JR's is better quality than Jericho's for me but that's purely because I'm not interested in any of Jericho's musical guests whereas I am interested in the non-wrestling personalities JR has had on such as Ronda Rousey. His wrestling guests in general are second to none, for example, he's had Sting, Tony Schiavone (Who obviously has history with JR and WWE) mixed in with big stars as well.

Austin's is obviously the most entertaining because he's so outspoken and doesn't hold back though.

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