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The role of the media in #indyref


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which brings us back to the press - do you think these papers are So unthinking, so Gung Ho in their support for the union that they will print things without evidence?

In some cases yes. And if the evidence is there then why arent they printing it?

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So why are you unequivocally believing this one?

Because of the context. Whilst Nicola Sturgeon is a confirmed liar politically, if she were to claim she'd received a threatening phone call, I would be inclined to believe her.

Likewise, given that the threats were made against her children, I do not believe Hilton would invent that.

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From what little I know, one of her campaign promises was to save a local school.

Then she voted for it's closure.

Could be wrong, tbf.

Incidentally, to bring us back a little.

You are wrong.

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Except, pictures were taken


I think that story was a bit OTT, but to say it was reported ithout any evidence isn't true.


If thats what counts as vandalism in South Edinburgh they need to venture further from their doorstep and see proper vandalism. I was expecting spray paint, windows smashed and all sorts.

Some fucking stickers!!!!

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Except, pictures were taken


I think that story was a bit OTT, but to say it was reported ithout any evidence isn't true.

A perfect example thankyou.

Rather than saying

"Edinburgh MP decried for calling one sticker on his window 'vandalism'"

we have

"Scottish Independence Campaigners 'Vandalise' Labour MP's Office"

Blatant bullshit. And while you may and probably will say that's skew-whiffing of the facts rather than making stuff up, potentially how damaging is that headline to the Yes campaign over one small, random sticker?

Who even knows when the sticker was stuck?

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If thats what counts as vandalism in South Edinburgh they need to venture further from their doorstep and see proper vandalism. I was expecting spray paint, windows smashed and all sorts.

Some fucking stickers!!!!

As I said - that story was OTT. But to say it was reported unthinkingly without any evidence isn;t the case.

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As I said - that story was OTT. But to say it was reported unthinkingly without any evidence isn;t the case.

It was absolutely reported unthinkingly. No thought went into it whatsoever.

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Blatant bullshit. And while you may and probably will say that's skew-whiffing of the facts rather than making stuff up, potentially how damaging is that headline to the Yes campaign over one small, random sticker?

I may and will say that because it's true. You said that story was reported without any evidence of photos, despite the article containing a photo!

Is the story OTT? yeah (I'd be tempted to point out the subtle use of quotation marks in vandalism tho) but it wasn't made up.

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It was absolutely reported unthinkingly. No thought went into it whatsoever.

I suspect "unthinking" is goping to be one of those subjective things.

What we can say is it wasn't made up.

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I may and will say that because it's true. You said that story was reported without any evidence of photos, despite the article containing a photo!

Is the story OTT? yeah (I'd be tempted to point out the subtle use of quotation marks in vandalism tho) but it wasn't made up.

I'm about to start the long commute home, so dont have time to look it up just now, but there was a very recent quote attributed to Lord Trimble, I believe, reported on the BBC, which was blatantly made up.

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I'm about to start the long commute home, so dont have time to look it up just now, but there was a very recent quote attributed to Lord Trimble, I believe, reported on the BBC, which was blatantly made up.

And of course the "there will be a Currency Union" and Russia stories... right?

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I'm about to start the long commute home, so dont have time to look it up just now, but there was a very recent quote attributed to Lord Trimble, I believe, reported on the BBC, which was blatantly made up.

This story?


It clearly wasn't made up, given the Beeb are quoting him from their own show.

Again, disagreeing with something being reported doesn't mean it was made up.

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Because of the context. Whilst Nicola Sturgeon is a confirmed liar politically, if she were to claim she'd received a threatening phone call, I would be inclined to believe her.

Likewise, given that the threats were made against her children, I do not believe Hilton would invent that.

If it's true why didn't she go to the police instead of a journalist?

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If it's true why didn't she go to the police instead of a journalist?

That could be for a variety of reasons.

People have been threatened on P&B for example, and didn't involve the police.

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Likewise, given that the threats were made against her children, I do not believe Hilton would invent that.

As you say all.politicians are liars. Cara has previous for telling incredible lies and seemed to have little morality in her election campaign. With this in mind I would require more evidence

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IIRC the door of the office was vandalised, however it was by a group of local neds who are notorious for it.

And it was years previously.

What made it worse was that he made a big song and dance about the "vandalism", but then quickly shut his mouth when it was proved to be nonsense by Campbell etc.

I think he said something along the lines of, "I can take personal abuse but this is getting out of control". So he lied.

We've also had a situation where Anas Sarwar accused a "cybernat" of racial abuse. IIRC the tweet was racist but there was no proof or context in the message that the account holder was a supporter of independence.

It's simply more attempts to portray us as an evil band of nutjobs marching around with skinheads and flags with white swastikas on a blue background on them.

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That could be for a variety of reasons.

People have been threatened on P&B for example, and didn't involve the police.

Didn't go to a journalist either. Presumably, if she's saying that she is in distress and fears for her children she must go to the police, yes? And if she's not in distress, why not?

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