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People who have changed from undecided/no to yes


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Somebody else I know has just said to me that she is now voting YES. Can I just emphasise how utterly flabbergasted I am by this, she was an absolute nailed on 100 percent NO voter, she just told me that she's done some research into it and thinks she is going to vote YES. Holy shit. That's a fair few I know like that now. The tides a turning?

Unless the BPC pollsters are missing something pretty fundamental, then it may just be that you are particularly persuasive in your local area and that's not being replicated elsewhere.

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I think I'll start up a wee business selling "I voted YES" t-shirts after the referendum. :)

If anybody steals my idea you'll have my lawyers to deal with (and I mean REAL lawyers, not just wee pretendy ones like HP and Sad Lib).

That's actually a good idea for a backup plan, "don't blame me, I'm from <area that voted Yes>" bumper stickers.

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Unless the BPC pollsters are missing something pretty fundamental, then it may just be that you are particularly persuasive in your local area and that's not being replicated elsewhere.

I didn't even bother trying with her, I spoke to her about it ages ago and she wasn't listening or having any of it, think she thought that because I was so into my Scotland stuff that I was purely saying what I was because of that and wasn't having any of it. Never mentioned it once and randomly a few month later she brings it up and says she is voting YES. Was shocked, it's gone from just me voting YES in my house to my whole family aswell. Like I said I'm no going to look to much into my personal experiences or the polls. Never look to much into a poll.

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Unless the BPC pollsters are missing something pretty fundamental, then it may just be that you are particularly persuasive in your local area and that's not being replicated elsewhere.

A common sense post!

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I didn't even bother trying with her, I spoke to her about it ages ago and she wasn't listening or having any of it, think she thought that because I was so into my Scotland stuff that I was purely saying what I was because of that and wasn't having any of it. Never mentioned it once and randomly a few month later she brings it up and says she is voting YES. Was shocked, it's gone from just me voting YES in my house to my whole family aswell. Like I said I'm no going to look to much into my personal experiences or the polls. Never look to much into a poll.

Yeah, well I keep hearing about new folk coming over to yes even as the polls stubbornly don't move. Polling can be innacurate if the methodology is off, if the weighting is incorrect but over the 6 BPC polls we are seeing nothing but stagnation. Which with their different methodologies would suggest that they are pretty much stagnant.

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Yeah, well I keep hearing about new folk coming over to yes even as the polls stubbornly don't move. Polling can be innacurate if the methodology is off, if the weighting is incorrect but over the 6 BPC polls we are seeing nothing but stagnation. Which with their different methodologies would suggest that they are pretty much stagnant.

I notice Salmond recognised this as well the other day, whilst still claiming there is plenty of time.

He talked about a 6 per cent swing required, which is fair enough.

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I notice Salmond recognised this as well the other day, whilst still claiming there is plenty of time.

He talked about a 6 per cent swing required, which is fair enough.

Yeah, that would seem to be the average swing required - but then it depends on which pollster is right. If, for example, Ipsos are bang on the money then it's still about 10-12% swing required. If it's PB then it's about 3.5%. It can't be ICM becuase the 'gold standard' of British pollsters keep changing their fucking methodology so making it impossible to track correctly (they've got another one out at the weekend and have changed the ordering of the questions, again)

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Spoke to a colleague today who 12 months ago was a certain No voter. Today during a discussion about something completely unrelated he told me he was now a Yes voter as a result of the No campaigns negativity and their stance on a joint currency.


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What happened that made you switch?

I started to question why I was voting No and why we can't survive on our own. I think I was mostly voting No because of the seven years I done in the Royal Navy and that their was too many unanswered questions but after the Euro elections I started to look into the Yes campaign and found answers to some of the questions and then realised that we can thrive without the rest of the UK. Fair enough it'll not be all rainbows and lollipops straight away but in years to come it'll be worth it. Some of the scaremongering I believed was unreal.
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I started to question why I was voting No and why we can't survive on our own. I think I was mostly voting No because of the seven years I done in the Royal Navy and that their was too many unanswered questions but after the Euro elections I started to look into the Yes campaign and found answers to some of the questions and then realised that we can thrive without the rest of the UK. Fair enough it'll not be all rainbows and lollipops straight away but in years to come it'll be worth it. Some of the scaremongering I believed was unreal.

Excellent. Have a Charles.

This is what we need. A few more unsures to read up the facts and realise that we CAN do it.

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I was torn for a while; I wanted to vote Yes but wasn't sure about the repercussions a Yes vote would have for a relative's job. A while ago I decided f**k it, when am I going to have a chance like this again? It's a Yes from me.

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I was torn for a while; I wanted to vote Yes but wasn't sure about the repercussions a Yes vote would have for a relative's job. A while ago I decided f**k it, when am I going to have a chance like this again? It's a Yes from me.

Good job.

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I started to question why I was voting No and why we can't survive on our own. I think I was mostly voting No because of the seven years I done in the Royal Navy and that their was too many unanswered questions but after the Euro elections I started to look into the Yes campaign and found answers to some of the questions and then realised that we can thrive without the rest of the UK. Fair enough it'll not be all rainbows and lollipops straight away but in years to come it'll be worth it. Some of the scaremongering I believed was unreal.

^^^ top man

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For the first time I'd say I'm leaning towards yes now, my parents are all about protecting jobs and shit, but thinking critically about the situation I've always been more in to social issues than jobs. Plus the economy of a young Scotland might be quite a fun place to work.

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For the first time I'd say I'm leaning towards yes now, my parents are all about protecting jobs and shit, but thinking critically about the situation I've always been more in to social issues than jobs. Plus the economy of a young Scotland might be quite a fun place to work.

Before anyone takes the piss. I would just like to say, well done Mr Bairn. Well done.

All it takes is to open your mind.

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Before anyone takes the piss. I would just like to say, well done Mr Bairn. Well done.

All it takes is to open your mind.

If this turns out to be a troll for him, I shall personally boot him up and down Falkirk High Street.

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