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Should FIFA take the World Cup out of Qatar?


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Smug twat extraordinaire Richard Keys has waded into the debate and The Grauniad have got wind of it...


I'm sure a female writer for the Guardian is going to treat anything Keys says rationally. The headline and sub para said there was no point in reading further.

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I'm sure a female writer for the Guardian is going to treat anything Keys says rationally. The headline and sub para said there was no point in reading further.

She was actually quite gentle with him:

Posted by admin on Monday, 02 June 2014

I write looking at a becalmed Indian Ocean - heading back to Qatar, where I understand things are very different!
First things first. Many thanks to everybody, Julian Moore and all his team, at the Park Hyatt Maldives @hadahaa for looking after Julia and me so well these past 6 days. You have a wonderful place here. It really has been a privilege, in every respect.
And so to the furore that's raging around the World Cup bid 2022. It's not a debate I wanted to get involved in but I've had so many of you either sniping or being downright rude I thought Id tell it from my point of view - largely for those of you who've been enquiring respectfully. Thank you for that.
I have no idea how the decision was reached when Qatar both bid - and won 2022. If somebody has questions to answer about 'dodgy dealing' and 'backhanders' I'm sure he will, in time, in the correct manner, to those charged with the right to ask.
None of us wants our sport tainted with wrong doings. But come on. Let's be realistic here - are we truly to believe that if rules have been 'bent' or 'circumvented' here that it would be the first time this had happened? I think not. And I'm not pre-empting any inquiry as to whether that happened. It's only right and proper there should be one.
What I don't understand is the deep animosity, bordering on hysteria and racism, that goes with every mention of Qatar.
Let me give you my experience of the country. I first worked for the Qatari's in 2008. Our relationship has grown each year to the point that I moved to work in the Middle East July 8 2013.
I'm not pretending everything in the country is as 'we' in the West would want it to be. There's much work to be done on workers' rights and various freedoms. But no one denies that It's being undertaken as I write. And what better way to 'change' customs than to shine the spotlight on the trouble. The WC bid and win is doing that.
But why not a WC in the Middle East? These guys are serious about everything they do. And personally I've found them a delight to do business with. The Middle East is football mad. It's never had a WC. It drives many Western economies. Why not for goodness sake?
I've seen the bid presentation. It's stunning. If they can deliver what they've promised the tournament would be an unprecedented success. A 'micro' WC, where no game is more than an hour from Doha, the capital City. If you wanted, you could watch three games in a day. After all the travel around Brazil and Russia I suspect some might find that an appealing option!
One last thing. I laugh at the hypocrisy of The Times and the Murdoch press in general. What is their agenda? Is it that Fox have the rights to 2018 and 2022 in America and want the tournament elsewhere? Perhaps. Is it that were Qatar to lose 2022 Murdoch believes they would also lose their appetite to grow their broadcast businesses? Who knows. But demanding 'fair play'? Come on. Let's not forget the 'most humbling day of my life' as Murdoch sat with his son James in front of a House of Commons Committee in the UK. And why they were there.
In the middle of the forest fire that engulfed Andy and me (over what?) here's a word for word exchange between me and a former high profile Editor of one of Murdoch's tabloids in the UK. And I made notes, so here it is, after a couple of minutes enquiring as to how I was getting on as everything around me quite literally burnt to the ground.
X Editor. 'How long. Have you been married?'
Me '28 years' (as it was then).
X Editor. 'Ok. You could survive this, but tell your Missus that it's going to get rough'
Me 'Why? What the hell has any of this got to do with her. We both know what they're doing and why'
X Editor. 'Thats as maybe. But it doesn't matter. Look. Let me put it like this and it gives me no great pride to admit it, but I invented this form of journalism. Right now they'll be out looking for anything they can to nail you with. If they can't find it - they'll make it up'.
Me 'Make it up? What do you mean?'
X Editor 'I mean there's an army of girls out there that they'll give 10 grand a time to, to get them to say anything they want if it does you harm. By the time you get your chance in Court two years from now to clear your name it is too late'
At the time I thought he was trying to help me. Mark my card as it were. When relating this conversation to a former senior employee of his he just laughed and said 'he was threatening you'. Was I the only person to have been confronted by this sort of outrageous bullying? As I've always known, and more of you are finding out, the UK press have made a healthy living out of it.
The individual still works very closely with the Murdoch's. And they want 'fair play'. Don't make me laugh.


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There was something on the BBC News about Sony saying similar things yesterday. But this is FIFA we're talking about. They will tough it out until it kicks-off on Thursday, and then anything about Qatar 2022 and corruption that's less than absolute dynamite will be barely noticed by most people.

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Fifa sponsor Adidas says "negative tenor" of 2022 Qatar World Cup bribery claims is not good for "football nor for Fifa and its partners"

The start of something or just a warning that'll see FIFA up their PR game? Let's guess...

I see Sony have also waded in. FIFA don't give a f**k what anyone says until sponsors start to get upset.

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The SFA forced to make a statement on Quatar.

Statement: Newspaper comments on Qatar 2022
Sunday, 08 June 2014

The Scottish FA has noted the comments from Jim Murphy MP in today's Sunday Mail in relation to a number of issues involving FIFA, the Qatar 2022 World Cup bid and worker's conditions in Qatar.

Stewart Regan, Scottish FA Chief Executive said: "It seems that Jim Murphy is content to deliver soundbites in the media, but he has not made any effort to contact me on the matters raised by the Sunday Mail, either formally or informally.

"As explained to the newspaper, I expect these matters to be discussed in detail over the next few days at the FIFA Congress, after which time we will be better placed to comment.

"With the greatest respect to the journalist and photographer who approached me outside my home, it is hardly appropriate to discuss such matters in the middle of the street.

"If Mr Murphy had made contact I could have told him that I have had discussions with Shona Robison, Cabinet Secretary for the Commonwealth Games, Sport, Equalities and Pensioners' Rights, and this culminated in a letter to the Qatar authorities offering practical support in areas like major event management, given Scotland's expertise in this area.

"The Qatar FA have already issued a statement acknowledging they have challenges in improving the conditions for workers in the country. They are facing a number of cultural issues, but they are trying to address them, which is why we offer practical support, not public soundbites.

"With respect to the allegations of corruption relating to the FIFA World Cup 2022 bid process we have made our feelings known on this matter - if any wrongdoing in the awarding of the World Cup to Qatar is proven then there must be a re-draw.

"However, it is important to consider all the evidence and the results of FIFA's own review by their Ethics Committee before this matter can be concluded. I would hope more information will be made available this week at which point we might be in a better place to make more informed comments."


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Where exactly did this information come from? Could this be FIFA finally realising how stupid they were at giving the World Cup to Qatar and trying to manufacture some excuse to take it off them without losing face?

100% correct IMO. I believe this could be of Fifa's doing and it's their get out clause. I honestly can't believe this corrupt organisation can astound me anymore, well maybe if they appointed Neil Doncaster!

Can you imagine the seethe?

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I'm willing to bet that if they keep the World Cup, lots of players will pull out of it citing the Human rights abuses and bribery. You just know we will qualify for this and our best players will pull out. Also it's the middle east and they'd all be ginger and hence die anyway.

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I'm willing to bet that if they keep the World Cup, lots of players will pull out of it citing the Human rights abuses and bribery. You just know we will qualify for this and our best players will pull out. Also it's the middle east and they'd all be ginger and hence die anyway.

Either that or there agents will tell them to go because "there stock will go up"

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Having read the Sunday Times today it's hard not to have a bit of admiration for Hammam. He played a blinder, even getting billionaires on side like the guy who owns Hyundai while South Korea were going for 2022. Can't wait for the film.

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It's because they're based out of Switzerland, and being a world organisation don't have any real government authority or laws to answer to. That leaves it to their membership, which is where the problem lies. It's not a very democratic organisation and is the epitome of cronyism... There's also a clear problem with corruption among officials in some of the confederations and national FAs, and in some cases has been for a long time.

There is also this thing about "politics shouldn't interfere in sport". There's plenty corruption in politics, of course, but this sense that politicians must steer clear of sport makes it even worse: by and large they just get left to do their own thing. Infact FIFA sometimes tell governments what to do, e.g. hosts laws.

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I often wonder how much Blatter actually knows. I sometimes think hes an incredibly corrupt fat cat with no idea about how football should be run. Other times I start thinking he's just the bumbling fool coerced into going for the Presidency years ago by those behind the scenes, and hes fairly oblivious to most of the "darker" goings on at FIFA, yet when the shit eventually does hit the fan he'll be the first to tumble

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Blatter's up to his neck in it.

I read FOUL: The secret world of FIFA, a few years ago and this vote rigging scandal is just the tip of the iceberg of a shady organisation built on money and patronage. FIFA has been built in Blatter's image, a corrupt monster.

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Blatter's up to his neck in it.

I read FOUL: The secret world of FIFA, a few years ago and this vote rigging scandal is just the tip of the iceberg of a shady organisation built on money and patronage. FIFA has been built in Blatter's image, a corrupt monster.

To be fair it was like that before Blatter. I just have it pop into my head sometimes hes a Boris Johnson type figure

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