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Show us your pussy..!


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Here is the first cat we had (I was about 4). My parents got her because the flat had mice. Never saw mice after that.

She was an amazing hunter - we moved to a house next to a railway line and she killed loads of things - even brought us a weasel once.

This TV was her "out of reach of the wee kids" sleeping perch.


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This is Patch who was alive between 2002 and 2014. Suspect she got hit by a car and then wandered off to die before the downstairs neighbour chapped the door and gave us the bad news


After she lost her eye due to wee fuds arsing about with an air gun she also answered to the name of Dean. Wee attention seeking shite that she was she chose Remembrance Day as her final one. Bruce, the cat from over the fence now likes to guard her resting place in the back garden.

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Update on the two mogs I posted on page 2.

Female is now around 22 and is tone deaf. Back legs knackered so she sits like Jabba the Hutt. Walks into corners of rooms and yowls, very loudly. Suspect she's not going be here much longer but resisting the trip to the vet as she can still eat, sleep etc and is generally content otherwise.

Male is about half her age and is still frightened of his own shadow.

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Young Muffy just fell out our living room (1st floor) window. Big old tall buildings - about an 18ft drop. Could see him trying to work out how to jump around the bay window and he cocked it up. Heard a big thump. Missus expected him to be dead but he was back upstairs totally fine a few seconds later. 

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Resilient. Did it end up looking like Hope Solo's?

He could fall out of a plane and not look at grim as that. Might not be as lucky if he falls off the roof - he goes out on it but gets harassed by crows etc.


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Right, breeks to one side for a moment, anybody have pet insurance for their pussy?  Does it need insured, really?  


We do. Never used it, though, so probably a bit of a waste of money unless you're one of the very rare people to end up with a kitten that requires expensive medication from an early age.


Cat's Protection insisted we take it out from Pet Plan at £2.72 a week. The only bit of good news is that it apparently stays at that price for the lifetime of the cat; most insurers seem happy to take your money until the cat's seven years old (ie, when it starts becoming likely it'll need the vet), at which point you're on your own. There's usually a list of excluded treatments too; I don't think they'll pay for the cat's shots, for example.


I'd just take the money and stick it in a savings account. Cats live on average for about 15 years, so that's more than two grand. You'll never run through all of that during its lifetime, so you'll have a lump sum waiting for a party once the thing finally dies   :thumsup2

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Haven't seen Steve for four days now. His record is 6.

I fully expect someone to post his picture up here as "their cat"

Once every few months, my old cat Bob (RIP) used to f**k off for days on end also. He'd wander back in the house with not a care in the world, and sleep on the couch for about a week. He was never hungry when he came back, so I assume he was parked on someone else couch and eating their food.

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