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Business / corporate speak nonsense

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15 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

WTF is a timebox?

It's the period of time you've got to do stuff in. If you have X amount of time and Y amount of activity scheduled, you need to prioritise the stuff that will otherwise kill you so that you get that done rather than spending time on stuff that's nice to have. 

It's all about the stuff!

Edited by HTG
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37 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

WTF is a timebox?

To put it simply, it's the production of project deliverables in circumstances where time and resources, including funding, are fixed and the requirements are prioritised and vary depending on what can be achieved within this.

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To put it simply, it's the production of project deliverables in circumstances where time and resources, including funding, are fixed and the requirements are prioritised and vary depending on what can be achieved within this.

Put it simpler please.
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2 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

There's no wrong answers, let's just go with the flow...

This usually heralds the unveiling of any number of wrong answers before a desperate facilitator pleads for people to "stick to the fucking point and get to the right answers". 

It's a cover phrase to enable idiots without the faintest idea to make their useless contributions. 

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A load of folk from my work are going to an 'away day' tomorrow.

This means they're all going to spend a day in a building on the main campus attending various 'workshops'. It begins with a 'plenary'.

I was invited. I declined.

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12 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:


Likewise. I also declined as I have too many products to complete within my timebox.


You'd be more productive studying the Romans rather than slagging off your colleagues and family.


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52 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:


Birthday caird pish from Utah. Modern concrete is fine (and mostly made with fly ash or similar these days as well). It's steel rebar that's the problem.


Did smell like shite tbf. The Romans did seem to over engineer things to last a bit though, not sure how long our stuff will be around.

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11 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:


Let's just say the Romans didn't really give a shit about the bottom line.

See also magnificent (but hugely over-engineered) structures like the Forth Bridge. Most concrete that is shite today is from the 60s / 70s when nobody (sub contractors) knew how to handle the stuff hence they chucked it into form work without proper compaction etc and also, nobody realised the effects of things like chlorides on steel (even though anything steel corrodes as soon as you even talk about sea/salt within a 50m radius). All sorted now though so well designed and placed concrete should be good for the next few hundred years or so.


^^^His wife uses him to clear the house after parties.

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A load of folk from my work are going to an 'away day' tomorrow.
This means they're all going to spend a day in a building on the main campus attending various 'workshops'. It begins with a 'plenary'.
I was invited. I declined.

You should've turned up in stone island gear talking like Danny Dyer.
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  • 1 month later...

Currently sitting on a conference call where our new company president is trying to spin the fact that a bunch of people got laid off last week.

"Good companies create internal growth opportunities for their employees but they also create external growth opportunities."

Losing your job is an "External growth opportunity."

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