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Who is the worst manager your club have ever had?

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Stephen Kenny got us to 2 cup finals and gave us some brilliant games/moments (1-3 at Inverness, semi final replay, THAT night at Paisley) and even though he gave us some laughable shite (the infamous run of 0-5, 3-0 and 0-4 being an astonishing level of crap that hadn't been seen for decades), the good outweighed the bad. Hay gave us no such moments. Hay was fucked after the European exit.

To be fair one of those finals was the challenge cup, something he only achieved by taking the competition seriously, a sackable offence on its own.

There might have been some good moments with kenny, the Scottish cup run particularly but they didn't outweigh the bad, the away defeat to Clyde still angers me, I've seen games where the team is not motivated, I've seen games where a couple players go beyond that and don't care at all, but that's the only game I can remember where the majority didn't care, not even for their own pride.

There will always be debate over who was at fault for what went on at the club, and the dreadful performances that resulted during the kenny rein, but no competent manager would have allowed that situation to occur, particularly when you consider he signed, or re-signed the majority of the squad.

I won't comment on hay given I was living in England at the time. So kenny is by far the worst I've seen, that first season in the 1st is the only time I've known for season ticket holders to regularly not turn up.

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Darren Henderson was a good player in his day, especially in his correct position at left-midfield. It was the same player that was at Forfar.

He was quite popular at Ayr and won a league with us. I think his time at Stenhousemuir certainly says more about the manager's decision to play him in that position at that age, as opposed to his general ability throughout his career.

Edited by Cliche Guevara
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Darren Henderson was a good player in his day, especially in his correct position at left-midfield. He was quite popular at Ayr and won a league with us. I think his time at Stenhousemuir certainly says more about the manager's decision to play him in that position at that age, as opposed to his general ability throughout his career.

Seems very strange - sounds like he was well-liked by Campbell Money and that the pair had worked together in the past. It was fairly evident he wasn't much of a left-back. He really wasn't much of anything by the time he pitched up with us.

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Moved to post for 1st time by this. Paul Hegarty worse than any other Forfar manager in my lifetime (going since 1967/68). He inherited a good team & ruined it. Alienated supporters & fell oot with Stewart Kennedy - no way back after that.

I'm not a Loons fan (Meadowbank back in the day) so I can't quite remember if Hegarty directed followed Henry Hall but I do remember Hall's team was quite decent and good to watch whereas Hegarty turned Forfar into a bunch of dirty, cheating cloggers. I've never liked the sod since.

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Supported Airdrie since I was a wee boy but can barely remember Gary McKay, although I do know we were garbage under him. I would say the worst in my time would be a tie between Kenny Black and Jimmy Boyle. Both utter dross.

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I'm not a Loons fan (Meadowbank back in the day) so I can't quite remember if Hegarty directed followed Henry Hall but I do remember Hall's team was quite decent and good to watch whereas Hegarty turned Forfar into a bunch of dirty, cheating cloggers. I've never liked the sod since.

We had Bobby Glennie for one season between Hall and Hegarty.

Co-incidentally, given the Arbroath fans choice above, we then got Tommy Campbell in who led us to the title a couple of years later with a team including Bobby Mann, David Bingham and Alan Morgan that was just one of the best Forfar teams to watch I have seen.

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I'm not a Loons fan (Meadowbank back in the day) so I can't quite remember if Hegarty directed followed Henry Hall but I do remember Hall's team was quite decent and good to watch whereas Hegarty turned Forfar into a bunch of dirty, cheating cloggers. I've never liked the sod since.

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Yes Hegarty was a dreadful manager and that Forfar team was absolutely horrible to watch.

Worst Montrose manager- Tommy Campbell. A foul mouthed neanderthal 70s throwback. Leishman is not far behind, rarely has such an embarrassment come with such a big and totally unjustified reputation.

Dreadful, dreadful man, but still not quite as bad as Campbell.

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To be fair one of those finals was the challenge cup, something he only achieved by taking the competition seriously, a sackable offence on its own.

There might have been some good moments with kenny, the Scottish cup run particularly but they didn't outweigh the bad, the away defeat to Clyde still angers me, I've seen games where the team is not motivated, I've seen games where a couple players go beyond that and don't care at all, but that's the only game I can remember where the majority didn't care, not even for their own pride.

There will always be debate over who was at fault for what went on at the club, and the dreadful performances that resulted during the kenny rein, but no competent manager would have allowed that situation to occur, particularly when you consider he signed, or re-signed the majority of the squad.

I won't comment on hay given I was living in England at the time. So kenny is by far the worst I've seen, that first season in the 1st is the only time I've known for season ticket holders to regularly not turn up.

The bit I've put in bold is nonsense. I quite like The Challenge Cup.

I was at nearly all of the games under Hay, and all under Kenny when we were in the SPL. I luckily went to Aberdeen uni when Kenny bumbled us to 2nd bottom of the First and managed to miss most of the games under him in the First, including the aforementioned run of Hamilton, Stirling and Livingston.

Don't get me wrong, Kenny was a dreadful manager, but there were some fantastic games under him that are the kind you'll look back on be glad you were there. There were no such games under Hay and I think he was just a dreadful, dull uninspiring appointment. That we were on a high before he came in didn't help his cause either.

I can see why you'd say Kenny and not Hay. Kenny is definitely in with a shout, no question, but I kind of laugh when I look back at his reign whereas I fume when I look back at Hay's.

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We lost 1-2 and were papped out of the UEFA cup. I honestly think the club lost a lot of fans for good that night.

"We" did and I was one of them!!! I followed the Pars religiously under Leishman, Munrow, Scott, Paton, Campbell & Calderwood. I joined the navy during Calderwood's reign but would still make the 9 hour train journey up for games nearly every week but my short spell under Hay was enough to sicken me of football and my beloved DAFC.

I remember the leg before the one you mentioned DA and fans being stranded in Edinburgh, I was one of the lucky ones and was on the flight with the playing and coaching staff. Sure we were stranded but after a few hours we were fine, although in that time I got to know Hay & Kirkwood enough to put me off for life and it was also clear that night in the Icelandic national stadium that the players were never going to take to Hay and Calderwood's hardwork the precious years would be in vein. However, as thousands of Pars fans were stranded in Edinburgh I was fortunate to be at the Blue Lagoon, while chilling out there we bumped into Yorkston & Hay, at which point one of my mates said "what's going on with the fans in Edinburgh?" To which Hay replied "who cares?" And Yorkston sharply said "it's Jim's (Leishman) problem".

The whole Iceland experience really left a bad taste in my mouth and I got on the flight back to Scotland with not only concerns about the forth coming season but my club. For the reasons you mentioned when the final whistle sounded in the "home" leg and we made our way out of McDermitt (with food poisoning I may add) I decided that was it for me and I have never been back since.

Over 20 years of watching The Pars, being so fanatical about the club and everything else just didn't feel right anymore and not even Leishman's return or cup finals under Kenny or promotion under McIntyre could entice me back to East End Park.

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"We" did and I was one of them!!! I followed the Pars religiously under Leishman, Munrow, Scott, Paton, Campbell & Calderwood. I joined the navy during Calderwood's reign but would still make the 9 hour train journey up for games nearly every week but my short spell under Hay was enough to sicken me of football and my beloved DAFC.

I remember the leg before the one you mentioned DA and fans being stranded in Edinburgh, I was one of the lucky ones and was on the flight with the playing and coaching staff. Sure we were stranded but after a few hours we were fine, although in that time I got to know Hay & Kirkwood enough to put me off for life and it was also clear that night in the Icelandic national stadium that the players were never going to take to Hay and Calderwood's hardwork the precious years would be in vein. However, as thousands of Pars fans were stranded in Edinburgh I was fortunate to be at the Blue Lagoon, while chilling out there we bumped into Yorkston & Hay, at which point one of my mates said "what's going on with the fans in Edinburgh?" To which Hay replied "who cares?" And Yorkston sharply said "it's Jim's (Leishman) problem".

The whole Iceland experience really left a bad taste in my mouth and I got on the flight back to Scotland with not only concerns about the forth coming season but my club. For the reasons you mentioned when the final whistle sounded in the "home" leg and we made our way out of McDermitt (with food poisoning I may add) I decided that was it for me and I have never been back since.

Over 20 years of watching The Pars, being so fanatical about the club and everything else just didn't feel right anymore and not even Leishman's return or cup finals under Kenny or promotion under McIntyre could entice me back to East End Park.

The club treated the fans like crap for so long. At times it's like they wanted to drive us away. Me and a friend got barred from Legends (the same pub that was built without wheelchair access and had loads of unpopular tat that had nothing to do with the club) once for singing Pars songs after a game. Not only that, but the cowardly bouncers threatened to give us a beating as others (not us, but we were younger and smaller than others) made comments about it online.

The security room at East End used to have pictures of myself and many others who sat/sit in Section E as were seen as trouble makers because we dared to sing and shout at games.

I'm surprised that we still get numbers we do frankly. Those who don't go are the sensible ones I often feel. Luckily the club is moving in the right direction now and realises that the fans are the core of it and are treating us much better, but there is still a massive amount of work to do to try and undo the way fans were treated before.

I suspect that our club is not the only one to have treated it's fans so abysmally.

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Luckily the club is moving in the right direction now and realises that the fans are the core of it and are treating us much better, but there is still a massive amount of work to do to try and undo the way fans were treated before.

I know this is starting to go a little off topic but I an absolutely made up at reading that :)

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I know this is starting to go a little off topic but I an absolutely made up at reading that :)

Aye the club actually listen to the fans now. What a novel concept!

Couple of examples are that Legends got all the tat out and got Pars memoribilia in and even serve Pars lager. The Gallery is now used before matches (actually using a facilty! Groundbreaking!) and has been renamed 'Charlie D's' and has live music before games. Imagine that, actually trying to get people to come along! How novel!

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Difficult to choose between Jimmy Boyle and Gary MacKay. Boyle had less to work with, but they were clueless and lacking in professionalism. MacKay was a joke though- very close call.

Wee Jimmy was a legend as a player though and Gary MacKay running up the tunnel and lamping that p***k of a St Mirren manager was class! both of them left their mark...

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