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The Famous Aberdeen - Season 2022/23


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35 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

Regardless of what you think of Cormack’s way of trying to take getting fans back into stadiums, there was one point on which he took issue with what Jason Leitch said where he is undoubtedly correct. Cormack said that our test event against Killie went without a hitch, but in response to that Leitch said that there was no way that you could tell where someone caught Covid. Quite rightly Cormack came back to Leitch saying that you can be 100% certain that no one on the Pittodrie test event caught it, because you can follow up with all of the 300 attendees. Leitch just couldn’t bring himself to admit that the event was a success. Why not? Is that not the point in having test events? I take it that Leitch was devastated that it was a success.

Yeah Cormack was right in that particular argument, however that’s fairly minor in the grand scheme of things.

Every industry is justifiably arguing their case to trade more freely at the minute, and in isolation just about every single industry could make their case for being safe in some sort of way. 

The SG have to look at things in totality and to be honest I don’t have nearly enough insight to tell them what the right decisions are to take. Who to give more leeway to and who to shut down. Scottish football is trading through tv money and sponsorship, albeit at a much reduced level. Much of hospitality has closed completely.

I am comfortable, however, that the government are not pursuing a vandetta against football. I have a funeral next week that I have to watch via a webcast. It’s a fucking shite state of affairs but I don’t think that it’s being done on purpose by the government.

I am just uncomfortable with the very public two footed approach from Dave and the SPFL. 

Edited by Dons_1988
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37 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

Regardless of what you think of Cormack’s way of trying to take getting fans back into stadiums, there was one point on which he took issue with what Jason Leitch said where he is undoubtedly correct. Cormack said that our test event against Killie went without a hitch, but in response to that Leitch said that there was no way that you could tell where someone caught Covid. Quite rightly Cormack came back to Leitch saying that you can be 100% certain that no one on the Pittodrie test event caught it, because you can follow up with all of the 300 attendees. Leitch just couldn’t bring himself to admit that the event was a success. Why not? Is that not the point in having test events? I take it that Leitch was devastated that it was a success.

Leitch has said before, quite a few times, that all the test events went very well, including the Aberdeen one.

Cormack is correct in that it is very difficult to ascertain where people have caught the virus, but that means that football stadiums can't be ruled out either, although they are lower risk. It's the travelling to and from games and the mingling before and after games that are the main issues regarding transmission of the virus in relation to football games.

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I can't see that Dave is in the wrong here unless his approach is counterproductive. 

He has a legal responsibilty to try to get the best outcome for the club's employees, creditors and investors, as well as maybe even their paying customers. If he comes across as an arse doing that, well, he will just have to come across as an arse. 

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Taking Dave Cormack out of the equation for a moment, where is the explanation from Leitch, and the Scottish government, on why the 300 fan limit is still being applied in Tier 1 areas. Numerous test events held, with no issues as far as I know yet still the arbitrary limit of 300 is applied. In the Highlands, cases are still low, generally single figures daily but still no more than 300 at a match while supermarkets and shopping centres packed to the gunnels. 

Cynical answer would be that everything is being restricted to "protect" Christmas where the government knows a further spike in cases will follow but hey, that's better than allowing fans to watch a match, in a Tier 1 area, in any great numbers. 

As for Cormack, for me, he hit the nail on the head about Jason Leitch. He seems all too willing to appear with those other clowns on Off the Ball than seriously try to look at accommodating fans attending football matches. 

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Cormack did a bit on Sky Sports News way back at the start of the Covid drama and he came across pretty well. Talking up the community club stuff and the like.

He's coming across as quite the tiresome p***k here though.

The Twitter replies to that statement were quite something. 

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How many season tickets have Aberdeen sold for this season ???

Say 1000 or even 2000 fans are allowed in I take it they will all be season ticket holders by ways of a ballot for each game. 
Could end up messy you get a Hamilton game and your mate gets an old firm game. 
So with all the extra procedures that will have to be put in place and no paying customers how does the club make money ??

The big bucks are from hospitality and I’ve had hospitality at Aberdeen and there crammed in … this ain’t going t happen anytime soon ( hospitality I mean ) 

Genuine question how many paying customers do Aberdeen need through the gate before they make money from them 

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51 minutes ago, Huisdean50 said:

Taking Dave Cormack out of the equation for a moment, where is the explanation from Leitch, and the Scottish government, on why the 300 fan limit is still being applied in Tier 1 areas. Numerous test events held, with no issues as far as I know yet still the arbitrary limit of 300 is applied. In the Highlands, cases are still low, generally single figures daily but still no more than 300 at a match while supermarkets and shopping centres packed to the gunnels. 

Cynical answer would be that everything is being restricted to "protect" Christmas where the government knows a further spike in cases will follow but hey, that's better than allowing fans to watch a match, in a Tier 1 area, in any great numbers. 

As for Cormack, for me, he hit the nail on the head about Jason Leitch. He seems all too willing to appear with those other clowns on Off the Ball than seriously try to look at accommodating fans attending football matches. 

Regarding your first paragraph, if you don't know by this stage then you have to be wilfully ignoring the answers.

Also it isn't a binary choice between appearing for 30 minutes on a radio show every Saturday or doing a job as advisor to the government. Shockingly it is possible to do both.

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18 hours ago, Lobby Dossar said:

How many season tickets have Aberdeen sold for this season ???

Say 1000 or even 2000 fans are allowed in I take it they will all be season ticket holders by ways of a ballot for each game. 
Could end up messy you get a Hamilton game and your mate gets an old firm game. 
So with all the extra procedures that will have to be put in place and no paying customers how does the club make money ??

The big bucks are from hospitality and I’ve had hospitality at Aberdeen and there crammed in … this ain’t going t happen anytime soon ( hospitality I mean ) 

Genuine question how many paying customers do Aberdeen need through the gate before they make money from them 

Aberdeen aren't making any more money this season.

The plan was always that no one but season ticket holders would get in. They took that into account. They technically have the money they expected to use to let 1/3 capacity in for every game. 

However season tickets go on sale in March where they would be looking to take in millions to keep things running. With 10% of the city on unemployment benefits, a whole lot more damage to come, people having got to 0 games for their money and already down to 8000 holders this season, sales are in deep trouble. 

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20 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

It has been explained to him, many times, why his nonsense proposals were knocked back. That's one lie right away. 

The transmission rates change, which is why there can't be firm timescales. It's also why Aberdeen city is still at a higher tier as rates haven't been low enough for long enough. This is reviewed regularly though. You don't have to 'do' anything to Tier 1 other than the usual stuff, but an area is limited in what it can do, so often it's down to luck that folk don't do daft things that would increase transmissions.

No approach will change fans not being allowed in Tier 2. Cormack will simply have to accept that. Since no firm timescales can be put on when places move to different tiers and when things will change overall, what is the point in more meetings to hear Cormack bleat on about the same things? He and Aberdeen are ready to go when they are allowed. What will further meetings achieve?

I've explained already why and how Aberdeen won't get into tier 1 for as long as the tier system is in place.

It would have to drop to a sustained 7 cases or less a day to reach the rates that the Scottish government seem to want. Dumfries and Galloway just got there and their population density is 1/50 of Aberdeen. 

That's why Cormack is arguing for fans in tier 2, and the people saying you have to get in tier 1 and have to get the transmission rate down are fucking idiots detached from the population density and economic activity in Aberdeen City reality. 

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20 minutes ago, snafu10 said:

I've explained already why and how Aberdeen won't get into tier 1 for as long as the tier system is in place.

It would have to drop to a sustained 7 cases or less a day to reach the rates that the Scottish government seem to want. Dumfries and Galloway just got there and their population density is 1/50 of Aberdeen. 

That's why Cormack is arguing for fans in tier 2, and the people saying you have to get in tier 1 and have to get the transmission rate down are fucking idiots detached from the population density and economic activity in Aberdeen City reality. 

Then tough luck. No fans for Aberdeen.

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20 minutes ago, snafu10 said:


That's why Cormack is arguing for fans in tier 2, and the people saying you have to get in tier 1 and have to get the transmission rate down are fucking idiots detached from the population density and economic activity in Aberdeen City reality. 

You understand you've just explained perfectly why we're not getting fans? 

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