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Dundee United 2014/15 Season

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Not too bothered about the fee - we offered 100k, the sevco wanted 200k and we have to pay 170k. No doubt covered the cost of the 2014 Ibrox champagne Christmas karaoke sash bash, or Lee mcculloch's bonus.

Telfer will be the successor to Armstrong when he leaves - whether or not he moves for millions who knows but from what we have seen I would rather pay and have him here.

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As a dee I can see the somewhat humorous side to Utd getting ripped for cash again.

Unfortunately it is to the benefit of Sevco and I think it is an absolutely disgraceful figure in all honesty. At £200k that would surely place this 19 year old (who by all accounts is very promising but has made 1 senior substitute appearance prior to the move) near the top of the most expensive SPL players of the past 5 years or so?

Exclude sevco and Celtic and the other tribunal decision (sandaza/casalinuovo?) and probably the most expensive after that? I'll admit to not religiously following the top league during my teams sabbatical but that seems a huge sum of money for a Scottish premier league team to pay in the modern day?

In my opinion the beaks realised Utd had made a few bucks this summer and felt they could comfortably provide sevco with some much needed cash whilst making a bit of a statement about United trying to lord it over one of the establishment clubs.

I'm no fan of a lot of things at Utd but the way you're chairman has treated rangers following their fall from grace is to be applauded in my opinion.

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Someone at work today made this theoretical point about the Telfer situation (ironically he is a Rangers fan) -

Lets say someone like Charlie Telfer decides that his career will not progress at his current club, so he then leaves that club under freedom on contract. He decides that one thing he could do to try and kickstart his career is actually take a step back and join a club like Forfar. Would the SPFL/SFA then request that a club the size of Forfar pay Rangers 200k? The suggestion this Rangers supporter was making is that it might be the case that we are maybe being asked to pay that sum simply because we are in a position to do so rather than being decided upon for any genuine footballing reason.

Anyway I take no responsibly for that thought, but it did make me think about the point ST was making in his statement that young players (and there are many of them) who leave their clubs to try their luck elsewhere might now scare some teams off because of the potential transfer fee.

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I think the compo due is weighted to protect small clubs from such a scenario. Therefore it is because we are a 'bigger club' in the eyes of the panel that we have to pay more.

I'm sure SGMilne - the Arab football manager guy - posted something about the regs re development fees for tribunals at some stage.

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So a club could have an arrangement with Forfar where they pick up a youngster on the cheap, then the club buy him in the subsequent window. In effect, a 6 month loan agreement with a small profit going to Forfar.

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We've effectively paid for the development of more Rangers youngsters by giving them a quarter of Ally's salary in return for Telfer.

Yeah, I can imagine the next Deadco board meeting where the chairman(whoever he is by then) states in a serious voice "Now we can use this money to develop more young players". There would be a moment's silence before he and his fellow bandits all burst out laughing before having a discussion about how they're really going to squander it.

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We'll have to pay for him so no, not likely. Would be happy to have him at Tannadice though!

Will we really pick up a quality striker - one that can come in and be an immediate challenge to Ciftci - without paying? I would be very surprised.

And that's the sort of striker we need.

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Will we really pick up a quality striker - one that can come in and be an immediate challenge to Ciftci - without paying? I would be very surprised.

And that's the sort of striker we need.

Apart from doing nothing and sticking with Ciftci we have two options, pay for a striker or take a chance on an out of contract player/free.

What's actually going to happen is that we get someone in on loan haha.

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